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 Aug 2014 Olivia Greene
The flowers are yellow.
The down is white.
Their color is a yellow and white gingham check.
Butterflies fly and play with stones.
Small shoes step over the jagged leaves
And kick the down.
The squashed leaves smell sweet.
The yellow flowers’ bright eyes
Assure us happiness.
The white down dreams of
Far away
And waits for
The time when
It is ready to depart.
The grounds embrace
The two lovely sisters
And smile.
I broke them
Those foolish walls
Guarding your most
Prized possession,
An item nearly
Within my reach-
But for the wall.
Now, it has left
The guard is down
No more lock and key
Just an open stretch of land.
I can see the end,
But feel as though
This is only the beginning.
The wall was merely
The first obstacle.
Through the fog
I can see the next.
Indecision, tension,
A heart so burdened
With things it had
What lay beyond the wall
Was more than I had bargained
And more incredible
Than I could've ever fathomed
But it was all worth it,
All worth it for the one thing
I've wanted all along-
Your heart
 Aug 2014 Olivia Greene
my watch on my wrist
my watch on my wrist and ur hand on my waist
my waist next to ur waist laying on the grass
my back on the grass and ur hair on the grass and our thoughts out loud
my time of you in the time we have together
it's nice to be hugged sometimes
 Aug 2014 Olivia Greene
I kiss you because I'm on my side and I can't reach your face
I kiss you to make the sun go down
I kiss you and I look at you and I kiss you again
I kiss you and then constantly think that we are the only people kissing in the entire world
I kiss you because you are you
I kiss you and hold you for awhile
I kiss you because I can't say it without your lips on my lips
I kiss you and hold your head
I kiss you and hope that someday you'll be somewhere that's not as quiet and not as cold
I’ll miss the polka music echoing through your home.

your little chair, whittled down and faded through the daily routine.

Prayer cards scattered about your pills and telephone.

You’d roll your eyes at Grandpa’s jokes.

You always wore pink shirts with flower designs.

I’d catch you smiling at me in unexpected moments.

Everything I wore was pretty in your eyes.

You’d tell me to bundle up and call you often.

You never failed to be silly with me.

I went to your house Grandma, and your chair was there,

everything in place but it felt so wrong.

My beautiful guardian and Grandma, I’ll love you forever in all walks of my life.

Stay by my side, I’ll see you soon.

-Your Granddaughter
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