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 Jan 2019 Perri
Joseph Schneider
We fight day in and day out
Filling voids we fail to understand
Yet nothing changes
We remain a record on repeat
Like an echo
Nourishing every last emotional strand
Thoughts turn into dreams
Dreams turn into dust
We craft days into a delusion
A delusional repetition
For all the wrong reasons
Not knowing what we have done
We obey
Why do we have no guidance
Through ruins we make home
We become truly alone
An echo isn't as beautiful as it seems
An echo is a lie

-Joseph B Schneider
© Joseph B Schneider. All rights reserved
 Oct 2018 Perri
Michael Smit
I always overthink
Leaving permanent ink
One thought
Next another
Each and every other
The constant annoying utter
 Aug 2017 Perri
Bianca Reyes
You were born in the constellation of Orion
I thank the gods for the flesh i lie on
There are remnants of stars in your eyes
They align with my hopes in the skies
Worlds form at the touch of our lips
I feel the heat of suns near my hips
Our memories orbit the body of habit
Moons praise our newly born planet
Black holes have threatened us before
Yet our love like galaxies we uphold
Copyright under Bianca Reyes
All rights reserved
Blah blah blah
 Jun 2017 Perri
Wide Eyes
Come spring, she leaped across the grassy dune,
Beaming with sheer joy as she hummed a halcyon tune.
Her beauteous almond eyes- the biggest, the brightest.
A bonnie spotted doe in her warm, homely forest

Come summer, by her gushing little lake she played.
When upon a solitary, pensive buck her eyes she laid.
Eyes met across the smiling lake; too soon gazes parted.
While his eyes curiously lingered, hers wandered on ahead.

Come monsoon, he adored her eyes, her gilded coat, her bushy tail.
The passionate warmth in her eyes with affection made him frail.
Yet, she went on with her blissful life- devoid of any care.
Oblivious of the buck who always stopped to stare.

Come winter, by his side chattering happily she grazed.
Soon, his feelings faded; by almond eyes no longer crazed.
Like currents in the water, apart they drifted and drifted.
New lake. Nonchalant silence. No words were said.

Come fall, she found that he still leaped through her mind.
The emotion she once scoffed in her heart now enshrined.
Eyes met across the smiling lake; too soon gazes parted.
While her dull eyes wistfully lingered, his wandered on ahead.
 Jun 2017 Perri
Deana Luna
 Jun 2017 Perri
Deana Luna
And I just want to feel your breath
On my neck
And your *******
On my chest
And I just want to feel your lips
On my cheek
Telling me I’ll be okay
When I’m feeling awfully weak
And I just want to see your eyes
Meeting mine
Soft orbs of blue
Too mature for your time
And I just want to hear your voice
Whispering softly in my ear
Be here with me
Be near
I can’t handle this distance
Not only of miles, but of mind
I never could catch you
But god how long I tried.
 Jun 2017 Perri
Can you imagine
What I might look like
Have you any idea
Of who I might be
Filled in with pic's
From your minds eye
A poetic soul
Is vividly seen

I can find no need to hide
Behind the silence of the whisper
Blinded by a need to cast a spell
Upon the listeners
The flowing thoughts
That I must convey
I find that I need
To live this way
Traveler Tim
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