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 Jul 2015 cee
Some Days
 Jul 2015 cee
some days the bravest thing
that you can do is breathe
there will be days
that you will not feel like yourself
there will be days
that the demons inside you will prevail

some days the bravest thing
that you can do is get out of bed,
eat something, cry your eyes out,
scream at the top of your lungs,
bleed, bleed for you are alive
and struggling to be alive

some days the bravest thing
that you can do is live
 Jul 2015 cee
there are some kisses that I could have sworn
it would never end.
there are some hugs that I wish could stop time
if only I just squeeze the person tight enough.
there are some goodbyes I hope I'll never have to say,
there are eulogies that I don't want to hear
and there are songs that I don't ever want to end.

I'm agnostic but sometimes I pray
for the moon not to go down when I'm with you.
I beg for it to hold on for at least a few more hours
before dawn takes over but it never does.

if there's one thing I've learned it's:
no matter how much you beg, plead or promise
happiness is always fleeting from our fingertips.
happiness is never truly "yours",
it is simply just your turn to smile.

Ted made it rain for Robin,
but here I am trying to stop time for you.
 Jul 2015 cee
sanch kay
 Jul 2015 cee
sanch kay
no one really forgets
what hands look like
dripping in red.
 Jul 2015 cee
sanch kay
i like how
the corners of your lips twist upwards
when your eyes settle on my bare thighs
peeking through torn jeans.
one look
two smiles
three words;

i come undone.
finding joy in the smallest of things.
 Jul 2015 cee
sanch kay
so many kinds of writers;
some with stars in their eyes and
souls on their sleeves;
some, with stony stares
and a voice that thrives in silence.
a result of observations :)

— The End —