I lied, he actually meant everything to me.
I lied because I was afraid of what he'd do to me.
I lied and now my stomach is in knots,
my heart only beats.
I lied for the sake of safety, but this safety feels like hell.
I lied and now I can barely get out bed.
I lied and everything feels different.
I lied because it was easy.
I lied and now I can't even remember why I lied.
I lied and now my body is just bones.
I lied to spare myself, but I wish I hadn't.
I lied to myself, and now I'm numb.
I lied, uneasy and in love.
I lied, how foolish.
I lied, how dumb.
yo this is an old poem that I just found and thought i'd post... for the most part I am over what happened in this piece.