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 Apr 2015 NotMyRealName
 Apr 2015 NotMyRealName
"It's been a few hours," you said,
"I feel fine."
But the crash didn't take your life,
It took mine.
Well mine and some others,
A family of four.
As the bumpers collided,
The windshield became my door.
While I take my last breaths,
On this pavement death bed,
I watch you get out of the car,
Walking, crying, shaking your head.
Four bubbling drinks,
Took five important lives.
I can only hope the next time you take a sip,
Those bubbles stab at your memory like knives.
 Apr 2015 NotMyRealName
 Apr 2015 NotMyRealName
If your mind awakens
When you're still asleep
Do not leave your Body
or it's theirs to keep...
idk if it makes sense to u guys...
You're like a sliver of glass that gets jammed in my toe
I can't stand the pain, but I can't let you go
I can't cut you out, but I can't let you grow
I can't choose
I may

You're like a swarm of bees leaving my heart stung
I'm allergic to you, and you're making me numb
I can't feel my face, I've a swollen tongue
But these mistakes
get made

I'm like a pack of wolves who devour your flesh
I leave you feeling naked, pained and depressed
My love can't be tamed unless I'm impressed
and you've got
my heart
beating out
Crystals of white for a childs first kiss
***** is temporary bliss
Eyes like lace and teeth like coals
Coughing up bruises and spitting out souls
Breaking waves that bury the sea
Swallowing down all its debris
Fingertips shivering up your spine
Caskets of pills and velvet devine
A mother with shaking hands
Only a whispering brutality understands
Seven for the morning
All to make life slightly more adorning
Pale skin and sleepless nights
Veins covered in cloth while the frost bites
Hollow bones and painless cries
Blood vessels knawing at her thighs
Embroidered pleas
A religion to throw you to your knees
*Black lace and the codeine scene
Winter hit
The window panes turned cold
Bricks around the drains began to mold
Frost stuck to sidewalks
And the tip of your nose
Protected by gloves and cotton clothes
I watched your skin fade to grey
Like the trees outside my house
But not as beautiful
The church bells rang every Sunday
And the old man down the block sat in dismay

The veins in your neck turned blue every time it rained
I loved it till the veins in your arms did it too
I could see your heart pulsing through
But those were only the sirens for the tornadoes in your chest

Winter never felt as cold as it did that year
When you started praying to a needle and broken skin
And it tore you apart limb from limb
I'm not sure I even know how to rhyme anymore
But I'll give it my best shot
I'll just say all the words that I know and relearn all the ones I forgot

I'm not sure I'd know how to take a breath, even if you would let me
Cast me aside and lay me to rest, and just try to forget me

I'm not sure I even know how to rhyme anymore
But I'll try my very best
So I'll scream all the words that I know
And I'll learn how to say all the rest

I'm not sure I'd know how to take a breath, even if you would let me
Cast me aside and lay me to rest, and just try to forget me
If you don't get away soon, you'll wish you'd never met me
I just sing all the words that I know
And let them misrepresent me

I'm not sure I even know how to rhyme anymore
But I do everything I can...
Song lyrics.
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