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  Sep 2017 Gem
'you're such a good girl'
beep beep beep

unfamiliar breathing, followed by
silence. my naked body is
alone on my bed sheets.
loneliness breaks my own hand and
morals for a way to get
off but i don't. i sit there and
conjure up sweet whisperings
of how i want you. *******,
deep and hard and cold.

if i'm such a good girl, then
tell me. why do i wish my flesh
will melt away like the leaves?
masochistic idiosyncrasies
wrap my vanilla heart up in
a pretty little bow. your fingers
beg to scratch off my humanity;
they have to wait their turn.
This is dark and raw and real and no one will like it
  Sep 2017 Gem
my favorite time of the day is 4am,
or maybe it's my favorite time of the night.

whether I'm just waking up,
or just going to sleep,

the calm darkness and quiet reminds me
that right now it's only me and the moon.

I like to think that she listens.
I talk to her like company.

this is the most cozy time of night,
or maybe the easiest part of the day.

she is the only thing
that always comes back to me.
  Sep 2017 Gem
hyper awareness

fingertips crackle with

my spine
is a lightning rod

eagerly consuming
every stroke of your fingers

body thrumming
with electricity

mind power
shifting into
maximum overdrive
Gem Sep 2017
And now I realize
The deeper meaning to the words you speak
These are not words of encouragement
These are pleadings from a drowning man
To the only thing he has left
Gem Sep 2017
This book seems to be devoted to you
your mention graces almost every page
but it isn't
it's devoted to me
to my growth
and to my feelings
Gem Sep 2017
Though it will ******* me still
sooner or later I'll begin to know
what to give and what to leave to life
Gem Sep 2017
It's my fault in a way
I showed people
and expected them to see it the way I did
but no one has the same heart as me
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