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Gemma Jul 2017
Where do you go
When your face loses all of it's color
When your voice loses all of it's composure

Where does your energy go when the green leaks out of your eyes
When you turn from a bright summer day into a weary winter night

I know where you go
You waste so much energy
Trying to go back to how it was

You drown yourself in the same memories I use to keep me afloat

Father, you are the wiser one
But you are also jaded
These past few years
Have been termites
Slowly eating away at the vibrant light you used to be

The man you used to be comes out in occasion
I think even sometimes it shocks you
Your laugh makes the sun shine a little but brighter

For the longest time I thought that you were swimming just fine
That even though debt and regrets were always a regret
You had faith that you'd make it out

But now I understand
You are just a strong swimmer
You don't have faith that you'll get out of the water
You just won't give yourself another choice

You tell me that I should work hard to make life what I want it to be
You tell me that I have the potential to be in a better place
You teach me to be the opposite of you

And just now I realize
The deeper meaning to the words you speak
These are not words of encouragement
These are pleadings from a drowning man
To the only thing he has left
  Jul 2017 Gemma
Walking in jeans
stained with
Gemma Jul 2017
Like the wide open sky surrounding us
the day I brought you home
with the warm breeze feathering my flushed cheeks

with a hint of the deep quarry
that I grew up splashing in

And the clouds
that bring rain down to patter
on the plants in my garden
and wet the leg of my jeans
i wish i could read this to you
  Jul 2017 Gemma
Francis Rowell
Your mouth is full of endless butterflies
Your lungs are full of roses
Your eyes hide the city of Atlantis in their depths
Your hair is loosely woven silk
Your skin is unblemished porcelain

Or so I thought

Your mouth spews hornets, wasps, and bees
You cough up thorns and brambles
Your pupils are slits, irises bleeding red
Your hair is rope, tangled into nooses
Your broken porcelain cuts open my chest

You were so beautiful
You were so kind
Your whispers were magical chants into my ears
But then you tried to **** me with your words
Beauty is pain for the eye of the beholder
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