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Tear my heart out
As it still beats.
Take my heart from me
As it still beats...

The aching pain
Never ceases.
The unbearable trauma
Never ceases...

If I had a choice
I'd choose death.
If you asked me
I'd choose death...

No more pain,
No more ache,
No more trauma,
No more me,*
That's what I need...
 Feb 2017 Nicole Dawn
Lexi Vinton
She hated the world.
She hated the sunshine, she hated the moon.
She hated that flickering lamp in her dingy bedroom.
And most of all she hated the way that she hated herself.

At night she would try to run,
but her fears would take over.
She would climb out of her window
into the darkness.

She wandered the streets with her hands in her pockets
and her mind outside her head.
She stayed away from the beam of the streetlights,
afraid the world would see her.

She let her beat up black high tops lead the way
as she roamed the desolate streets.
The cool night air would ruffle her midnight black hair,
and the only thing heard was the shuffling of her feet on the pavement.

Her black high tops would turn on different streets every night,
but always end up at the same place-
the bridge overlooking the train tracks,
a place where it's noisy and peaceful all at once.

She would pull out a cheap plastic cigarette lighter
and burn her carefully written poems,
written on carefully folded paper.
She would watch as the glowing paper drifted down towards the tracks.

She would turn away,
once again following her high top sneakers.
She would look up at the sky, disgusted by the bright stars
but even more disgusted by herself- the midnight girl.
 Dec 2016 Nicole Dawn
Asim Javid
Holding her hand , walking on the streets.
Realizing the life in those skipped heartbeats.
Exuding the attar, she dulled my senses.
Tremulous tattered talks due to spooking menaces.
Then she talked in her asthenic voice.
And suddenly everything was just background noise.
All I could do was , stare in her eyes.
And I glimpsed into her soul beyond visible lies.
She was the configuration of pain and hope.
Inside, she was in a scrimmage and clinging with a mope.  
Zealously & tenacious , inside , she was a fighter.
I hankered to describe her beauty in my words, as a writer.
But to describe such aesthetical effigy I constellated nothing, not even a single word.
I was stupefyingly stuck , like a fallen wingless bird*.
 Dec 2016 Nicole Dawn
Asim Javid
You are a part angel and part teacher.

  You are my first school and first institution.

You taught me right and you made me aware of wrong.

You held me close and you taught me how to be strong.

I'm  forever indebted under your grace.

A mother like you is blessing to the human race.

You have been with me in the happy sunny days and in
the troublesome  weather.

I'm proud to be your son and call you my mother* .
 Dec 2016 Nicole Dawn
Asim Javid
Day after day you wipe humans away.
Don't you see in that crowd,  there is
a mother , a father,
a daughter and a son.
What do you want to prove with
your hand holding a gun.
Is is just ? Is it fair ?
You are not a human, not even near.
No matter what you call yourself,
  you belong to no religion.
You are not a father , not a brother,
not even mother's son.
You smear your religion ,
you smear humanity.
Your actions are no more than
a plaguey insanity.
Where are your morals, where is
your human code?
You betray the mother earth , which is your abode.
You inflict anguish,
You scourge families.
We detest you and have branded you
" a Terrorist ".
No matter how much you terrorize,
we humans will always find sheer
strength to resist.
     © asim.javid
 Dec 2016 Nicole Dawn
Asim Javid
She has annulled the ideas of lugubriousness and sorrow.

She is like a spirited rhapsody with no care for tomorrow.
She is effulgent like a shimmery ethereal.
I see her as an elysian effigy.
Wondering how real can she be ?
Is there nothing broken inside ? Is there nothing that aches ?
May be She is mystery,  not to be solved.
All I can see is that there are strange strings involved.
With her I am falling in these inscrutable ties.
And She is more than what meets my eyes....

                                                 © asim.javid
 Dec 2016 Nicole Dawn
Asim Javid
Patterns of the past follow you like fire blazed,
Ever wondered if they will still find your scars and be amazed?
Changing yourself wouldn't undo the mistakes,
For in this life you will get one time takes.
The soul is always hungry for something wild,
But because of the undenying deeds, the heart turns mellow and mild,
It is afraid of someone looking at her naked face,
Ashamed & embarrassed still holding up with the world's pace.
Maybe in the end we all have to find our kind of people,
Just as shady, wild, bound by the demons of a great keeper,
No matter how much you run, your feet is already set on fire,
Are you gonna choose between pure love or the well-aged desire.
No matter how much escape & how  much you run.
Everything settles,  even the shimmering sun.
Look at you & look around, you think suffering is just in you and you are the only one?
Pain & sorrows lies in every soul and that spared none.
The unsettling desires , the relentless pursuing of dreams.
All hide under the reality when it screams.
The despair and powerlessness take over the soul.
Plant your feet and fight for your goal.
Past is a demon , past is cruel and the past, it sure teaches.
The wild experience and inexplicable lessons it preaches.
It beholds immense complexities and innumerable lessons , for past is the creator of future and past is a dauntless teacher*.
Collaborated piece
 Dec 2016 Nicole Dawn
Asim Javid
Our withered souls are like
dying sunsets,
hoping to never die.
But only after death,
the sun rises again*

 Dec 2016 Nicole Dawn
Asim Javid
The definition of beauty is surrounded to one's perception.
Lose the perception, every flaw is a beauty.
Lose the definition, everything & everyone becomes beautiful*

# asim.javid
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