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 Jun 2016 ayb
Transparent Night
And as the sun sets,
All was at ease
Realization hit me
That nothing was in the dark
And that
We don't need the sun to light the day,
We only need stars

Because just like my soul
*It craves darkness and a little flicker for anchor
 Jun 2016 ayb
Red Bergan
As the Night is drawn,
In the spectacles of my mind.
I stand alone,
In the shadows of light.

My eyes turn to the moon,
Whose gaze is pallid and ghastly.
Now they shift,
Becoming Scarlet irsises.

I am a beast of the night,
The nocturnal moon is my call.
To summon from sleep,
And all.

Nocturnal forever.
A girl of the night.
I am the one in the shadows.
I fight for that right.
Rawr Night owl!!!
 May 2016 ayb
Kristian Wilson
i cannot explain the flames that lick your eyelashes,
bright eyes.
and i adore that you're not as passive as i am.
and that your heart isn't as big.
there's less space to break
and more room for the fresh air of the world to fill your lungs
besides, hearts are wild animals
and that's why we need ribcages
but you, you're a creature of kindle.
and i get the feeling you know how warm you are.
i do.
if a river like me ran all around the world, do you think i'd get golden slumber, or just bronze sleep?
would i be famous, or just used, with more and more boats put on me?
i wouldn't shiver in Siberia, with you
i would replenish the deserts, with you.
but without you, i have no reflection.
what is a river with no sunrise, but a river?
what is a sunrise, with no river?
still so beautiful.
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