I look into the mirror
and recoil in pure horror
A monster stares back at me
Hating everything I see
And see the scars you inspired
It was all about the love you required
I don't see what it was
I don't see what you saw
You lied to me
You said I made you happy
You said we would be together
It was going to be for forever
I fill with anger and hit the wall
I see it now, the reason to appall
My face, my acne, my twisted image
I look at all the baggage
I look into that reflection
I am suddenly filled with new conviction
I start to carve at,
I start to slice off the fat
I smile as I see the blood
I laugh at the piled flesh
I know that it ruins that twisted image
But you are gone, you have left
The twisted image
The pure idea
The love I felt
The pain I feel
There is no more me
That silly image
that made this *******
Only you ,who begged me to stay, can set me free