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Mothsome May 2019
This no one has now someone, who thinks he is the special one amongst everyone.
When she makes you feel special.
Mothsome Mar 2019
Tell me you feel the same,
Or let's finish the game.
No more , more than friends games.
Friendship or love , no more in between
Mothsome Feb 2019
She said our life doesn't matter.
Our happiness doesn't matter.
She found me inside me.
She told we will be ok.
Once she said we will find the one
She said we will gal up to see their smile.
I thought she is the one who understand me.
I thought she is my soul mate.
I thought we are brothers.
She shared her thoughts.
I shared mine.
She said she is going through the same.
She said she can understand.
She said she can relate.
Dear moon
Why she said that?
Why she said our life doesn't matter?
Why she said we will not gonna be happy?
Why she said we have to live as per society or leave the world?
Dear moon why she said that.
Why she said we will not get anything?
Why she said we have to Stop?
Why she said we are dragging people in the darkness?
Dear moon why she said that?
Once She said ending your life is not the end.
Now she said we have to choose.
Our family doesn't understand us .
No one will understand us.
Dear moon why she said that?
Why she said that?
Dear moon ask her...
Why she said that?
She is sad. I want her to be happy.
I am sad. I want to be happy.
I know she is awake.
Tell her I hate her.
Tell her we are not brothers anymore.
Just tell her..
Dear moon tell her I hate her.
Friends who shared darkness
Mothsome Feb 2019
Sun watches how I lie,
But moon knows why.
We know why we lie.
Mothsome Jan 2019
I was in love so wanted to be high
but she was high so wanted to be loved.
That's not love.
Mothsome Jan 2019
Darkness has a strong fragrance.
People who are already going through can sense it behind your smile.

~be careful~
You are not alone...
Mothsome Jan 2019
I am not a poet but the thoughts about you are poetry.

— The End —