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MonkeyZazu Dec 2015
a heart bleeding into rhyme
i'm not alone, these emotions are not just mine

some poets
express not for attention
but in hopes that someone will listen
relate and understand
maybe, possibly hold their hand
let them know that there's more to existence
than what they're feeling in this current instance
someone who realizes that these are not mere words
but an aching soul, crying out to be heard
MonkeyZazu Dec 2015
if you can't let go
tears will start to flow
no worries though
just let em go
they'll help clear your soul
of what you don't want to be feelin' no mo'
no need for a show
but sometimes it can't be helped, ya know
hurt, sad, feelin' low
sorry I can't be more happy and glow
guess I'll just tip toe
wait for someone to bring back the radio
Twenty One Pilots - Car Radio
MonkeyZazu Nov 2015
The goddess spoke.
Her mouth opening like
clouds letting sun through.
Her words, shimmering
blessed him
with warmth again.
TMN <3
MonkeyZazu Nov 2015
An empty hello
is worse than
an empty presence.

An empty presence leaves me wondering,
an empty hello
is a direction reflection
of how much you don't care.
MonkeyZazu Nov 2015
You left
to find yourself
of which you found

I'm thankful
your world's
a little less upside down

Got yourself together
your life
you rearranged

But now im not in it
and am left feeling
  Nov 2015 MonkeyZazu
Justin G
I do not identify myself as a black american
I do not identify myself as an activist
I do not identify myself
As anything other than what I am
Do not arbitrate my existence
It will only magnify your bigotry
Do not lecture me
It will not ratify your ministry
Do not objectify my identity
Do not marginalize my sincerity
I know your criticism
It will not dwindle me
I am defiantly deaf to it
It will not compute
Trust me
It will only intensify
What I occupy
Do not subject me to anomaly
Do not try and direct me
I will not comply
Do not concern yourself
with my essentiality
I am not lost
Do not concern yourself
With what defines me
Just ask
If I am willing and able.
MonkeyZazu Oct 2015
hours pass
don't know how much longer
my heart can last
it's bleeding leaks into being
sadness felt, uncertainty's within me
this is important, don't let me rot away
this is important, don't let me become
the afterthought I believe myself to be
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