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I got shampoo in my eye
I'm a liar
but it's better than telling them
that every time I close
my eyes, all
I can imagine
Is what would happen if you
How your golden hair would
mould, thick with blood
How your thin bones would hit
the tiles with a thud and
Mud would fill my mind
How I'd recall every time I was slightly unkind
and blame myself
For leading you to this

I'd remember every kiss
and all the one's I'd missed because
I'd chosen my life
I'd taken the risk
and lost

I'm imagining the frost of your
I'm imagining begging a God to be real
Just so he could take away your sins
Just so you could smile again

I tried so hard to help
Please, stop looking at me like your last
latch on life
Put down the knife
and start to help yourself as well

Because I can't tell what else I can do
I'm losing here
I need you to help too
I don't want to live in this world without you.
 Dec 2014 Monique Pereda
Wind was smooth,
And the kite, flying high.
And me, in full control of the kite,
I assume.

The kite above,
like a paint brush.
The  sky beneath it,
like a canvas.

The string pulled me,
towards the kite.
I was attracted,
I give in.

But the wind got gusty,
The string snapped.
The kite flew away,
Like She did.

The kite,
No longer with me.
But still pulls me,
Like She does.
 Dec 2014 Monique Pereda
 Dec 2014 Monique Pereda
It was beautiful
the way you hold my hand
say that everything's gonna be alright.
The way your devilishly handsome smile
makes my whole body shiver
and my cheeks blush.

It was memorable,
those unplanned visits
that made me feel
like i'm one of the people you
can't stand a day without seeing.
Those times when we're happy,
even in silence,
as long as we have each other
we're contented.

It's all too good to be true.
The moment when you said
those three words,
"I like you".
The feeling of being
cared by the person
you want to be with.
That was all to good to be true.


It was painful.
The day you said
we can't be together anymore.
It was like an avalanche
has come my way and
I can't do anything about it.

My lips started to
run out of words to say,
my eyes were like a river
that keeps on shedding tears.
My mind started to
reminisce the moments when
there were no fights nor hurt
just happiness and love.

And lastly,
my heart stopped,
like I don't have anything to
live for anymore.

That was when I was blinded by the fact
that I can't let go of you,
of the memories, and
the feelings.

But it's all over.
When we were six weeks old
We smiled and connected
For a lifetime.

For a lifetime
We forget
How easy it is
To make connections
With just a smile.
 Dec 2014 Monique Pereda
i am alive and i remember what you said

'it can be ok if you want it to be'.

so, with music loud and

smile wide,

i am alive , for once.

things are not perfect, and the pain still lingers,
but a tiny bit of hope is transforming my day.

it may just be today,
but for once,

i am alive,

i am happy,

i am alive.
 Dec 2014 Monique Pereda
and i believe you may **** me
with soft blue eyes.
you'll press your love into my
heart with a sword,
and kiss the blood off.
and i have a feeling i won't last long
if you keep telling me how much you care.
i know i will pass away if you keep
crying over my pain.
i don't know how to love you,
and i will get lost in the storm.
but i am ready to lose my life
to your love.
a poison has never been so gorgeous.
so merciful.
the title angel of death
doesn't fit,
you are more.
and yet, you are nothing
as i take my

l a s t

b r e a t h.
Knowledge is a tree,
The more you water it;
The more fruits it bears!
Notes (optional)
Your pain is growing feasting as fast as it can.
Your fear, crumbles you to death.
Your life seems still.

It seems as if you are the shadow.
And the darkness is engulfing you in.
Its like the world is racing.
But your breathes stand still.

Your soul seems deaf,
It has stoppped forever.
Tears disappeared.
You feel your death.

When you loose friends,its not a time to laugh or smile.
The wole world seems death .
A constructed jail where you are the prisoner dieing for hunger of a ray.

When the dusk falls and the light is gone
The picture seems unclear of an another day.
Of the future you dreamt of,
To be a star.
A  shinning star in the town of happiness.

Water is streaming down.
And it seems incessant.
Your head and shoulder bowed down,
Like a defeated warrior returing home
With tears of loss
And gloomy days follow.

The broken peices which still lingers,
The cracks which peirce through your heart.
Lingers the past.
Till the last.
She was a beautiful masterpiece

with the colors of emotions smeared effortlessly on the canvas

but soon the vibrant colors were dulled

watered down by the beads of pain falling from her bright eyes

the colors of crimson escaping her wrists had stained the painting

the beautiful masterpiece turned into a letter of pained words and blended hues
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