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Lena Sep 30
When I look at the pictures that I used to take
Of us sitting together,
saw your beaming face.
The beautiful poses that you used to do
Oh how I wish I could come back to you

Why do I tear up when memories are no more
The feelings worked over
You walked out the door
I no longer exist to you
Maybe its better
That you never see the poem
Enclosed in this letter.
I poem I wrote during a breakup, some of my better work with rhyme specifically.
Lena Sep 30
I find something quite enticing
About the human condition
It touches me beyond words
I hunger to capture it
Frame it
Make it mine.

She exhibits it
paints my pictures
clearer than my camera
I wish I could keep her

in my dark room.
Heavily inspired by Chapter 5: "Dark Room" from Life is Strange
Lena Sep 30
they pull
my strings
[not] my dance

how I wish
you would
let me
pull on
my own

though I
that they
may break
in my

so I
the pull
my [your]
Insignificance is a powerful feeling and in this poem it really overreaches each line.
Lena Sep 26
A dash of ketamine,
A helping of wine,
Is all the love potion
I need for you tonight.

Oh you say we just met?
Oh sorry, I forget.
After last night you
Came and slept
At my place.

You don’t remember?
Don't worry,
It was a dream after all, Right?

Care for another Love Potion?
Made with love for you, Darling.
Of course you reject the notion
That it could quiet your snarling.
I don't know why this spilled out of my mind, but it has a twin poem from the victims POV.
Lena Sep 26
Everything rots, doesn’t it?
Watch with me, dear reader
This petal falls from the rose
Your body starts to decompose

Another petal falls
Maggots burrow into your brain
A Panther tears open your chest
All of your organs are devoured hastily
Not to be put to waste

A third petal is blown by the wind
Your skin starts to peel
revealing marvelously white bone
a small sprout grows up through
the ribs and shows itself to the sun

The fifth and sixth petals fall together
The rain brings forth a flood
washing away the dirt and leaves
only your skeleton left behind

A curious dog takes your femur as
the seventh petal falls
You are rudely moved from
the forest floor to a dark room
They give you a name

The eighth petal falls
They put you in a box
The sun no longer shines on the sprout
and it too wilts
cries of people
surround you as you are then
dropped into your grave

The rose decomposes,
just like you.
The box doesn't last long
And your bones finally
are given a rest
As they crumble into dust

Dear reader, you see,
Everyone rots.
Heavily inspired by 'Amanda the Adventurer' and her monologue on how everything rots.
Lena Sep 26
It started out as just myself
I floated around in the dark
empty spaces you call
your mind.
So many places to go,
but no one to share them with.

Suddenly something shook you,
It shook me too, but I felt something, someone new

We floated around just they and I,
Worlds and Ideas sprouted from their fingertips
The empty spaces became full of wondrous
places and peoples I had never seen before.
It was perfect, but something always felt wrong
You never spoke

You opened your mouth to respond but,
You were gone.
All but a memory in the void.

Sometimes I still hear you. I still see your face
There have been others, of course. New people,
new places,
new things.
How I wish I could still explore them with you.
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