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 Nov 2024 Mathew Kohnen
my Jon
 Nov 2024 Mathew Kohnen
8 months   in a blink of an eye
8 months   of our life gone by

8 months   of love like no other
8 months   being here for one another

1 year         getting to know your heart
1 year         never wanting to be apart

8 months   me and you together
8 months   leading us to forever
you are my whole heart

 Nov 2024 Mathew Kohnen
River streams whisper,
Unconscious dreams cascading,
Infertile, fall fades.
Do the flowers mourn when one is picked?
I know that question is kinda morbid and sick.
But I’ve always wondered if they somehow know,
Like for weddings and birthdays that it’s their time to go?

Do they feel sorry for lovestruck dames,
That pull off petals whilst saying their crushes’ names,
That pulled the last petal on “He loves me not”?
Do they feel bad that she’s distraught?

Do they compete on who’s the prettiest?
Each person has an opinion of which flower is the best,
Of their looks are they actually aware,
Do flowers even care?
 Nov 2024 Mathew Kohnen
Ciel Noir
the cage that I am in
is made of fear

you turn your head away
I am still here

and in the night
I bet you hear me scream

I bet you feel my terror
when you dream

I am your shadow
I am here to stay

I am you
I will never go away


let me fly
let me be free

I will not rest
until I find the key
 Nov 2024 Mathew Kohnen
Varsha K
From here to you I say
Writing is your healing,
Never let it get away.
The community of lovers, hurts, addicts, wonderers & wanderers.
 Nov 2024 Mathew Kohnen
Why can't my
Heart be empty?
 Nov 2024 Mathew Kohnen
 Nov 2024 Mathew Kohnen
shatter your heart first
so it won’t be broken

trade your soul first
so it won’t get stolen

take your life first
so it won’t get ruined
Humans are weird.
 Nov 2024 Mathew Kohnen
the cold air
can be seen
every time
we take a breath

my tears sting
as they race
down my cheeks
to soak into my scarf

my hand has
gone numb
and no longer had
yours to hold

Christmas music plays
jingling merrily
as my heart
shatters to the beat.

the words
dancing off your lips
hanging in the air
as if they were mistletoe

”i’m sorry”
i watch as you turn your back
and walk away
for the last time.
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