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 Jan 2020 Meat Stevens
there are millions of us
like leaves on a branch
in a forest full of trees
what makes me so special
any more than these
trying to catch some sunlight
waiting for an autumn breeze
 Jan 2020 Meat Stevens
it seems that all these city lights
were meant to guide me home
but once they finally lose their life
i am sitting here all alone
Say something
You act like you don't care
Like it hasn't bothered you
Yet here I am shattered
You see my pain
You just stand there
You only say
I did nothing wrong
What the **** is that
I just lost my home
my relationship
So how dare you
Just stand there
You once loved me
So how can you
Just not care
That's what killing me
It's you
Just standing there
© Jennifer L DeLong 1/12/2020
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