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The black cloud burst the horizon
spilling a deluge of ominous hate
The evil of nations, of people
And organisations, and of arrogance.

It scraped and swamped the rivers
Cascading each venomous paw
As it moved the land to death
The destruction of life crunched.

And Wendy just sat on the sand
Wearing her hand knitted gloves,
Blue, made by a loving friend
Then she raised herself and flew.

Love Mary ***
 Nov 2018 a mcvicar
i beg for other people’s *** stories,
because i am broken and unloved...

and when boys snarl,
                             i feel alone, although
i know that they are just laughing...

i’ve found that womanhood is
half shame before everything else,

so i can only notice how
other girls wave their successes above my head,
as though being ****** is a prize and being loved is an end game,

that screams GAME OVER in bright red.

i will take my silence over your lifestyle any day,
despite the fact that i still cry when you leave.
women can’t exist without being analyzed, tested, and corrected. i wish girls wrote poems about being happy instead. Don’t @ me.
 Nov 2018 a mcvicar
Dennis Willis
I am laughing
at the inside of my head

it is thinking
of lines that are funny

only to it

Copyright@2018 Dennis Willis
 Nov 2018 a mcvicar
Dr Peter Lim
Love does not have
to wear any badge
it's not for public display
it only needs to self-engage
 Nov 2018 a mcvicar
It's been a sentimental month
filled with sweat, tears, and fake smiles
Impulsive actions
sleeping early in the morning
Sixteen years have gone by
She's getting sentimental again
this month has been a raging storm
much like the one in Jupiter

Sixteen years have passed
She's sentimental

City walks
under the street lights
quiet feelings

driving in the rain
waiting to get there


I know the world is inside a dark time
the moon lies silent
the sun isn't singing

There will come a time
We'll have a moment of peace

The earth will take a deep breath

The moon will start dancing
and the sun will sing its lullaby
 Nov 2018 a mcvicar
Always calling me out

I hurt you
I'm the one to blame

I carry the shame
You play the victim
it doesn't make sense

You're hurt
You're sad

It doesn't matter to me
as it did back
when we were tangled up

Our love felt like a knot
I've only tried to cut you out

Before you call me out

I'm hurting too
I wish I could go and see you
for a little while
Just a day

I carry the shame
I'm the one to blame

I'm guilty

I'm no saint

I carry this infinite darkness inside
I'll let it spill
just cut my head off
let me think silently
 Nov 2018 a mcvicar
Cutting my head off
I want my life to turn off

Off with his head
All I ever wished is for his silence
His silent death
 Nov 2018 a mcvicar
Suzy Young
Take a drag
Look up
Feel the void
Hear the silence
What are we?
What a silly word
Who decided what matters?
That ever present phrase
It matters it’s important
Because, because they said so
Ok no a night craving cigarettes
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