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Matthew Tatum Feb 2016
Light is always there,
From the sun during the day
And also from the Moon at night,

That mysterious thing we see every night
It may not have the brightest lights
But still it's always there

Comparing it to the sun
It's like comparing a flashlight to a streetlamp
But still it's always there

During the day
The sun is there
At night
It's gone

At night
The moon is there
During the day
It's still there

It may not be the brightest light in the world,
But it's always there
Matthew Tatum Jan 2016
he** woke up this morning
to a new day
hoping for her to notice him

she woke up this morning
to a new day
Hoping for me to smile at her

i woke up this morning
to a new day
hoping for the best

completely unaware
of the world around me

they wake up every morning
to a new day
and go through this cycle
destroying their hearts in the process
I dreamt of you again last night, I've felt
more of your kisses in my dreams than
in real life.
Does that make them any less real?
I've been dreaming him almost every night since I moved back
Matthew Tatum Jan 2016
that nightmare I had
turned out to be
Matthew Tatum Jan 2016
Have you ever noticed it?
Those days
When the sun shines in  way that is just perfect.

Have you ever noticed it?
Those days
When the warmth from the sun keeps you warm not only outside but inside too.

Have you ever noticed it?
Those days
When the only constant thing in your life is that light coming from the sky.

I've noticed it
  Jan 2016 Matthew Tatum
Bianca Reyes
They lied to me when they said that sticks and stones break bones but words don't hurt

I found that your words have branched and rooted within every splinter in my bones and the ache is nagging and constant

It's the guilt your words caused that weigh like boulders on my shoulders and every step causes a new fracture

Sticks and stones don't break bones but the weight of your words have crushed me
Written on January 16, 2016 and shared on Hello Poetry on January 18, 2016. Copywrite under Bianca Reyes and all rights reserved.
Matthew Tatum Jan 2016
They say that she has a curse
from her hair and what's inside
They say that she is cursed
But she calls it a gift
she says it's a gift
but she can't go out and tell them
for fear of the pain she'll endure
the sun burns her beautiful skin
but she calls it a gift
all the townspeople fear her
because she has no soul
but she still calls it a gift
because she has everything she's ever wanted
she has him, her love
he doesn't care of the curse
instead he sees her heart
and it's purity
and loves her for eternity
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