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old letters upon my desk
some are bittersweet.




         The Power

               To Change The

                    World With Words

 Sep 2014 Matloob Bokhari
The hazel centers draw me in
and the comfort of the pools of green
and blue keep me in, so soft and peaceful
wishing to be seen.

So I cannot deny it,
can not deny your eyes
their need to be seen
by mine.

Eyes closed, yes eyes
and what is wrong
there is always something
something is always wrong.

The center of your eyes draw me in
and the serene pools hold me close
but I pull back and push away because
no matter how you love, he still loves the most.
 Sep 2014 Matloob Bokhari
I'm quirky, I'm nerdy,
I'm short and I'm curvy,
I always feel a little chilly;
is that just me?

My voice always cracks,
my homework sometimes stacks,
I don't dot every i or cross every t;
is that just me?

I cry when I'm happy,
my clothes are a little shabby,
my bedroom isn't always clean;
is that just me?

My books are a bit battered,
my thoughts are scattered,
I sing off key;
is that just me?

I stutter when I talk,
there's always a limp in my walk,
I laugh so hard I can't breathe;
is that just me?

Sometimes I feel like I'm not enough,
but I have friends who show their love,
my life is like a happy dream;
is that just me?

I like to hold people's hands,
and cuddle in football stands,
sometimes I act a little silly;
is that just me?

We might be somewhat the same,
we may even share the same name,
but no one else, I guarantee,
can be anything just like me.
This is definitely all over the place, but I tried to be cute.
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