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A plotting mind linking line by jotted line in hopes to find some form of vitriol to sooth the untempered soul before the coal has been toiled and burned out.

No matter the highest heights or crashing lowest of lows.
This I know not if my hand-glide will sail smoothly

or will Tempest roar too soon before?
I come crash-landing to the floor.

!!Beam me up God-dy!!
~in blaze of blue-bellied rays~

or something akin to Eternal Light...
s o m e
a c h i n g
*E t e r n a l-l y
So many feelings comes surging
Breaking all the inhibitions
Every word cocooning those moments
Each of them a luminous sparkle of the soul
Flowing through the veins
Reminding you of the special moments
Waiting to be chronicled as a memoir
Taking up the pen
Connecting your soul with the paper
Every drop of ink carrying your inner world
Drawing a vivid sketch of your feelings
Wholeheartedly soaked in the ambiance
The white paper now colored with memories
Once staring at the blankness
You can see the words dancing to your tune
Pen moves like a magic wand
As you breathe life on the paper
With those precious feelings
Swathing it with your inner luminosity
Mathematics of love:

You divided me by zero love,
and it has become infinite......(love)
undo my memory
as the subtraction undoes addition....
He wants her to clutch his fingers when they are walking in the vernal jaunts,
He wants her to clung him in the thundering nights and let the heat of the body pass through their breaths...
and let the breaths breeze around the necks,
He wants her to snuggle his visage to her ***** when he is in low spirits,
He wants her to speak through osculation.
He wants her to listen to his copious conversations caricaturing his life..
He wants her to be in the spree silences to experience the existence.
He wants her to run after him in the rainy raptures and let the drops of the rain strew between them...
He wants her to plop her ear upon his chest so that the reverberations of his throbbing induce the dormant to her.
He wants her to know that she is the messenger of the seraphim,
Her existence is to acknowledge her creation and her beauty and her source..
He wants her to be the spur to his work..
He wants her to embody his life...
He wants her to be the afflatus of his life.
He wants her to know that his life is to her...
He wants her to attain the freedom from the cycles of life and death with him.
That's all he wants from her but for him it is vital..
It was showing on his blushing skin and shaking hands.
His insecurity was running through his veins.
His eyes started wandering when I caught him looking.

It was showing on my blushing skin and shaking hands.
My insecurity was running through my veins.
My eyes started wandering when he caught me looking.

It was showing on our blushing skin and shaking hands.
Our insecurities was running through our veins.
Our eyes started wandering we caught each other looking.
Written: September 27. -2014
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