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 Jun 2014 Marley Jane
Paula Lee
You've taken every Dream i've had
Laid waste to every plan
cruely taken all i've Loved.
Left me in this Godforsaken land,

When I called out in the night
while in hot writhing agony
with a troubled heart unconsoled
Why did you not answerer me?

When I begged you take this pain
from my aching breast
I felt the arrow through my heart
Blood pouring from my chest,

I Prayed to you a thousand times
and pled a million more
Why leave these fiery beasts
Banging,busting down my door?

You left me in the dark
with Demons and no control
I couldn't help but think at last
this my death bell toll.

You left my life to Satan
when I did but beg release
and like a fool I still Prayed
for my Soul--Abiding Peace

You left my prayers unanswered
night after night- No Reply
What did I ever do to you
That even my death you would deny,

As silent tears run down my cheeks
I will Pray to you No More!
I realize you have Forsaken me
and left Demons at my door.
Yes I Believe in God! Just a stage of Grief, not sure which one Take Your Pick!

Even at this point in my life, i still,
could never have my back to the door...
I always face the window
or the door itself...
When the opposite is inevitable,
there are no airs of safety,
or thoughts of peace.
What is it about doors, even windows?
They are supposed to be symbols
of new beginnings, new chances...
But why don't i trust them enough,
to have my back to them...
Like someone,  or something evil lurks,
waiting for me 'til i have relaxed my reflexes...

The door and window, i always seek,
always glad after I've gone out of each exit...

But then, behind you, no matter what,
there will always be another window,
another D O O R
                              O         O              
                   O         O    
                  R O O D...

I sometimes wonder:
is it the doors? it me?


Copyright 2014
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
***Some random thoughts that  came out of my mind after reading Gonzo's DOWN THE HALL. and while looking at the glass door.***
When I aim high

*hope's ashes with the winds fly!
When at roadside stands
I see a little mag of poetry
can't help mutter two words

lapis lazuli

Must have brought it a poet like him
lover of letters dealer of dreams
drunk in the elixir of emotion
added a drop more to the spilling ocean!

In the vastness grew in one nook
bearded youth with poetic look
his words tattered on the canvas a rag
bringing this world one little mag!

There wasn't a reader an eye to see
the poet's journal sold for free
he carried them bagful if could find
ears willing a discerning mind!

Then they shrunk the hopes high soared
wings broken the bard was floored
in the desert sands lay dried poetry
dying unprized lapis lazuli!

No question asked nor rose a frown
a wasted poet was the known verdict
he put his pen forever down
till breathed his last a drug addict!
he intended poems to decorate his life
little mag - little magazine
lapis lazuli - a decorative metamorphic rock
Some books I have never opened once
Within the wood can hear them sigh
If you had in mind not to give us a chance
Why at all us did you buy?

The books I read lying in the wooden case
Read once and that was enough
They too show quite a long face
Seem to say we’re forgotten stuff!

There are books behind the dusty glass
That found my head too hard to penetrate
The minds that wrote though of high class
Couldn’t reach me having spent all the sweat!

Some books came like love at first sight
I fell for them like a blind lover
When opened the first page found nothing right
Soon my romance with them was over!

Books are like women fast infatuate
Give the feel without them is no life
Yet they fade at too fast a rate
Only a few holding on like my wife.
Every time I unwrap a chocolate
I think of Shil Grandpa.

The thin and tall man forever in a long coat
Towered over the sandstone roads of the sleepiest town
Where only steam hoots broke the silence
And a lone tree on the ground of Ghost Bungalow
Still spewed smoke of the thunder that burned it!

His house was at the eeriest corner of the town
Too large for just one man to inhabit it
The hush on its tree lined walkway was deafening
And the garden uncared just grew like wild!

He would stop the moment he sighted a child
Dip his hand in the sweet mystery of his coat pocket
And by magic wand would appear a chocolate!

Sweet tooth child don’t ask for one more, he would say
There are more to give, all the children coming my way.

In the steams whistle his words would fly like a song
In the afternoon’s shadow an old man gone wild
Sweetening his void with the joy of a child
One more still many more before he was free
His day was done and pocket empty!

Whenever I unwrap a chocolate
Grandpa Shil comes back to say

*Stop before you put it in mouth
There’s a child coming your way.
When he felt horses were a passe
bought a pair of zebra from the zoo
got them hitched to his carriage
believe it or not it's true!

Soon he got a trainer on hire
to train them to pull his car
the news soon got into the press
he had put the zebras on harness!

The man given easily to caprice
never once felt the slightest remorse
for ruining those dumb animal's peace
the zebra could not be a striped horse!

One of the pair died shortly
the other was left to pull his car
he would be seen riding merrily
dressed in his royal attire!

To him a sport he was never ashamed
used to boast of his crudely callous fun
a zebra like a horse though can't be tamed
with his carriage had to make a fast run!
One zamindar of Calcutta rode in a brougham carriage that was drawn by Zebras instead of horses. He had many horses of high pedigrees in his stables but being an impulsive man in nature, he bought a pair of zebra from Zoological Gardens, Calcutta @ Rs. 6000/- in 1935. One of them died shortly. A photo was published in The Statesman in 1936 with the caption, “An Indian gentleman has trained his Zebra, to draw his carriage and is here seen in his strange Equipage, near the Eden Gardens, Calcutta."
 Apr 2014 Marley Jane
 Apr 2014 Marley Jane
Boarding on the towns of Lost and Forgotten,
my soul waits in a dusty bar.
The bleached bones of  the countless lay for miles,
the never-land of the desert,
the dry air burns the nostrils.

My heart never to be the same,
but the direction changes and moving on
to another town,
other people.

Using what I know
and knowing what is,
an adventure,
a life.

KT April 22, 2014
I miss you
please breathe
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