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Jun 2017 · 1.6k
Fall (Haiku)
Marian Jun 2017
Goldenrod in bloom
Bunny hopping through the woods
Acorns fall from oak

Sorry For The Long Absence, Everyone, But Me & My Family Have It Really Hard & A Lot Has Come Up Lately!!! I Will Try To Write More Often, But Then Again, I Can't Promise It!! :) Enjoy, Anyway!!! ~~~<3 By The Way, I Wrote This On September 18, 2016, Or Thereabouts, & I Would Like To Dedicate This To Matt Shaw & To My Family!!! ☺♥
Dec 2016 · 2.6k
Happy Birthday!
Marian Dec 2016
May ravens sing to you
May they brighten Winter's dreary walks
As fallen leaves crunch beneath your feet
And the sky grows a melancholy gray
May cheerfulness run forth to greet you
With happy, outstretched arms
May no rain or darkness sadden your day
May only beauty, wishes, and dreams
Dance inside your head
Happy Birthday, Dad!

Sorry for my long absence from HP!!
We (my parents and I) have had a LOT
Come up lately, so if I'm not always
On here reading and writing poetry, please understand!!
However today I knew I had to write something...
Today is my Dad, Timothy's birthday!!
Sorry if this doesn't sound like my usual style,
But it was quite randomly written!!!
Enjoy anyways!!!! :) <3
Aug 2016 · 8.3k
Flower Girl
Marian Aug 2016
In ancient meadow yonder
She frolics with butterflies
Wearing a halo of wildflowers
Written: August 25, 2016.
Dedicated to my three favorite poets:
My mom, Hilda, and my Dad, Timothy,
And also to my dear friend, Lena S!!! :) ~~~~~<3
After a long hiatus, I have returned!!!
Hopefully I can write more poetry soon!! :)
Oct 2015 · 2.0k
A Tribute To Trees
Marian Oct 2015
They have more courage than anyone I know
They constantly sacrifice their lives
So one can have wood, homes, floors, fences,
And so many more things
They never once cry or even scream
Though it hurts them, they keep their vows of silence
They give us oxygen freely
Everyday, every minute, every hour
Each day, each breath you take
It is thanks to them,
And yet they never blame you,
Nor say a harsh word
They never judge you or hold a grudge against you
Even though it's their life you have taken
Could you give up your life, so willingly?
Never cry, never utter a word, or hate anybody?
Could you give oxygen to everyone 24/7?
AND give up your life, even though
You're just as helpful living as you are dead?
If not, then those same trees that have laid down their lives
For the very chair you're sitting on, for the very home you live in
Are the best of God's creation amongst us
Let us always try to respect them

Wrote This Today!!! I Love Trees!!
Some Trees Even Give Us Fruit!!
Please Remember This Tribute
The Next Time You See A Tree!!! :) ~~~~<3
Sep 2015 · 4.7k
In A Dreamy Woodland
Marian Sep 2015
In a dreamy woodland
There's a cottage just for me
And it's waiting there now
Beside a peaceful stream
Where quiet maples grow
And deer are not afraid
Where mushrooms grow in sweet silence
And sunlight glistens amongst the leaves
There's an enchanted cottage
Hidden in those shady woods
Where running cedar
And lady ferns intertwine
Where tears never fall
From any eye
That is where my secret abode
Is found in shadowy canopy
Of sun-dappled trees
Where dewdrops passionately kiss
The demure bluebells
Where breezes whisper
Through tall, swaying pines
And rustle ancient autumn leaves
From many seasons ago
Where time stands still
And woodland fairies dance
Where willow harps are played
Echoing in dreamy breezes
Through the trees and dancing through the air
Waltzing with the butterflies
Touching the lemon citrus sun
With fingers of gold
And spring days bygone
That's where you'll find me
Dreaming riparian
Scent of petrichor
Healing my soul
In summer woodland yonder

Written: September 3, 2015, Around Midnight.
Hope You All Enjoy It!!! :)
Aug 2015 · 11.9k
Marian Aug 2015
Let us help do what we can for animals everywhere
The rest of the world can be animal abusive
But that doesn't mean we have to
We can help do as much as possible
To stop animal abuse
Or we can just go our way
And do nothing whatsoever
Stand up for what's right

Sorry if this steps on anyone's toes,
But I believe that we should do what we can
To help stop animal abuse...
And I am trying to think of what I can do to stop it...
Another thing I don't like is how you have to be rich nowadays
Just to ensure your pet can live longer...
And that is partly why so many animals have to be put to sleep
I know, because it's happened to me and my family
But I intend to do something about it
And I encourage you all to the same...
It doesn't even have to be something big...
Thanks for taking the time to read this...
And sorry if I sound rude here...
I certainly wasn't trying to be...
And thank you for your time!!
Apr 2015 · 14.7k
Spring Wishes
Marian Apr 2015
Down a peaceful, quiet lane
The two-story farmhouse awaits
Bathed in evening hues
Of rich lavenders, pinks,
And dusty apricot
The lilac scented breezes blow
Whispering stories of summer
Let me dance in pastures
Of buttercups and wild daisies
Where horses graze contentedly
And Virginia bluebells sway
Where time becomes stuck
And lets me live this golden moment
Just once more

Dedicated to a farmhouse I saw
For sale today online...I really liked it,
So I wrote this poem about it!! :)
It's been awhile, guys,
So I thought I would write something
Today and post it!! ~~~<3
Enjoy!! :)
Apr 2015 · 1.1k
Happy Easter (Cascade)
Marian Apr 2015
Thank You, God, for what You did that day
So I'll lift my humble praise on harp to Thee
For Thou, oh Lord hath set me free

My faith waivers like a blowing leaf
But I trust You'll show the way
Thank You, God for what You did that day

Thank You, God for watching over all
Tonight I feel Thy presence near to me
So I'll lift my humble praise on harp to Thee

Now I appreciate the essence of being alive
So thank Thee, Lord, for what Thou hast done for me
For Thou, oh Lord hath set me free

Happy Easter, Everyone!!! :)
And Remember What God Has Done For You!!! ~~~~<3
God Bless Y'all!!!
Mar 2015 · 635
Tomorrow Is The Day
Marian Mar 2015
Tomorrow is the day
When the flowers awaken
From their winter sleep
Tomorrow is when the birds
Will sing an anthem
Never do the bells more
Sweetly ring
Tomorrow is the day
When the sky turns orange
When the end of that day approaches
Tomorrow is the day
When my smile returns again
And I'm so excited!

My birthday is tomorrow!! :) ~~~~~<3
I am SOOO excited!!! ~~~~~<3
Just wanted to let y'all know!!!! :)
Mar 2015 · 1.1k
Two Girls
Marian Mar 2015
There once was a beautiful girl
Who had a habit of looking straight ahead
Whenever she was out on a walk
And she'd happen to miss whatever
Was at her feet
And there was also another girl
Who was considered ugly and plump
Who always looked down at her feet
Whenever she was walking
Due to depression
One day she saw something
At her feet that lifted her spirits:
A one million dollar bill
And so she went home happy

We can all learn something from this!!! ;) ~~~~~<3
This was inspired by a conversation with my dad...
He told me that my great-grandfather used to say:
"Don't always look straight ahead
Coz you might miss something at your feet"!!!
Just thought I needed to share this with y'all!!! :) ~~~~<3
Have a nice day, each of you who read this!!! ~~~~~<3
Mar 2015 · 1.9k
Spring Breeze
Marian Mar 2015
Spring breezes on a lazy day
Blows dreams across the air
Waiting for tomorrow
Hoping wishes do come true

Just a simple poem!! :) ~~~~<3
I was sitting here thinking about my birthday
Coming up on March 20 and that's what
Inspired this random poem!!! :) ~~~~<3
I'm wishing for something extra special this year!!! ~~~~~<3
Mar 2015 · 1.7k
Marian Mar 2015
As dawn approaches
She unfurls butterfly wings
Towards a distant sunrise
And soars beyond the clouds
To a place where morning glories grow
In silence, while her beauty
Sings a hymn of sunlight

For my Mom, Hilda!! ♥ I am sorry for our misunderstandings today!!! By the way, my Mom’s middle name is Mae!! :) ~~~~<3
Feb 2015 · 763
Could You Help Me?
Marian Feb 2015
I was wondering if y'all could help me
Identify this piece of piano music
It's one of my favorites but it's kinda
Upsetting that I don't know the title
Here's the link:
Then click on 'Sail the Earth'
Note: You must copy and paste this onto
An Internet Explorer tab or this will not work
The lucky poet who gives me the correct
Title for this piece of music will receive
One if not two poems written in their honor,
As I am very eager to know the title,
Coz I have hunted everywhere for it
Okay, thanks! :)
I appreciate you reading this
Peace, Marian
I wouldn't have asked you if I had known the title, honestly!!
I'm sorry to be a burden!!! :P
Jan 2015 · 1.4k
Every Word
Marian Jan 2015
Please, don't change one sentence
I adore every word

Written For My Mom!!!
She Was Gonna Change Something
About Her Heirloom Novels
Which Are Timeless, Old-Fashioned,
& Well, Just A GEM!!! ~~~~<3
So, This Is What I Wrote!!! ~~~<3
Enjoy!! :) ~~~~~<3
Jan 2015 · 1.1k
Marian Jan 2015
Born of sea
Starlight birthed in her eyes
In the ephemeral breath of time
She walks along the shore
With no trace of footprints to be seen

Wrote This Today!!! :) ~~~~~<3
Dedicated To Hilda My Mom!!! ~~~~~<3
Jan 2015 · 2.2k
You Know Who's Awesome?
Marian Jan 2015
Timothy (my dad), Hilda (my mom),
Weasel, & Sally A Bayan

Just A Little Something I Thought I'd Write For The "You Know Who's Awesome?" Challenge!! :) ~~~~<3
Enjoy!!! ~~~~~<3
Dec 2014 · 1.1k
For Your Day ♥
Marian Dec 2014
May clover brighten your path
And sunshine lighten your way
Down the path to your farmhouse
Where daisies dance and sway
Inside the home where love resides
In a comfy arm-chair is where you'll rest
After a hard day's work, you now relax
As the dying sun fades in the west
May some charming thought
Bring a smile unto your face
As from your covered porch you watch
Our handsome English Setters race
So, go ahead and make a wish
For brighter days in store
Where our home upon the hill awaits
Waiting evermore

Happy Birthday, Dad!!! :) ~~~~<3
I Hope You Have A BEAUTIFUL Day!!! ~~~<3
Here Is Your Fantasy Poem!!! ~~~<3
Enjoy!!! ~~~~<3
By The Way, This Is Dedicated To My Dad, Timothy
Who Is HP Also!!! :) ~~~~~<3
May This Be A Happy Day For Him!!! :D ~~~~<3
Dec 2014 · 1.2k
Marian Dec 2014
You were probably my very best friend
So far in all my life
We would cuddle together on the porch
There was no need for words
But if there was something I wanted to say
I would whisper it in your ears
You’re not here now
And summer days are spent reminiscing you

For the neighbor’s dog. (He was a Dalmatian.) I wrote this today! I really miss him since he was hit on the road. It didn’t really hurt me until years later. He really was my best friend. RIP, Dallas. <3
Dec 2014 · 896
Challenge No. 3
Marian Dec 2014
Alright! Sorry for not doing another challenge lately
A lot of things have been going on
In my current life right now.
Anyways, I thought I would get on today
And write another one.
Since I haven't done one every single day
As I would've liked and am nearly
Over the influenza entirely, I thought
I would make my third challenge a fun one.
Since I've been looking at SO many paintings
Of farms and country landscapes,
I thought why not make my challenge
About a farm? So, yeah.
That's the challenge.
Write something about a farm.
Of course, there's no deadline, like I've said
And you can feel free to write
Something for this challenge
Or my other ones anytime you like!
Take your time and ponder what I've said.

This is not a poem, this is my third challenge!! :) ~~~~~~<3
Nov 2014 · 1.6k
Influenza Apologies
Marian Nov 2014
(A List Of Apologies To My Parents)
I am sorry for throwing up in the sink today
I am sorry that I find it hard to talk
I am sorry for the chills that penetrate my body off and on
I am sorry for whimpering and rasping my complaints
I am sorry that I sniffle every minute
Or blow my nose with ****** tissues rapidly
I am so sorry for feeling hot and cold both
I am sorry that you can sense my misery
I am so sorry that I find it difficult to eat or drink
Due to a sore throat and even nausea at times
I am sorry for feeling ready to give up any second
I am so sorry for everything
That I have done wrong during
My miserable bout of influenza

Stupid, I know, but I had to write this down!!! ~~~~~<3
Nov 2014 · 494
Challenge No. 2
Marian Nov 2014
My cold has left me feeling even worse today
So I thought I'd go ahead and pop
Out my second challenge
And for those of you who haven't done
Challenge No. 1, feel free to write one for it
Today, I'd like to see a poem about a puppy
Or a dog, if that's okay
I love dogs, though I currently have none,
And reading poems about furry
Little canines would be awesome! :)
Please, when writing them include
What breed of pup you're writing about
Thank you for participating in advance,
Anyone is welcome to join our challenge
Well, that's about all,
Bye for now!

Sorry to bog you all so soon, but I feel worse today,
So I thought I'd go ahead and give you the second one!! :) ~~~~~<3
Like I've already said, those of you
Who haven't written anything for the first challenge,
Feel free to do so!!! :)
There's no rush, or deadline, so take your time!!! ~~~~<3
Thanks for listening, all!!! ~~~~~<3 :)
PS. To those of you who'd like to hear more
About challenge 1, here's the link:
Nov 2014 · 599
Challenge No. 1
Marian Nov 2014
Alrighty, attention, HP!!
Since I haven't been feeling well
At all today (just a cold), I was thinking
That I shall come up with my own
Poetry challenges
Anyone is welcome to participate
Okay, so my first challenge
Is to write something about a house

Not a poem, a challenge!! :) ~~~~<3
Hope you all will find it fun!!! ~~~~<3
Eager to see some poems for you all soon!!! ~~~~<3
Nov 2014 · 921
Marian Nov 2014
Lanterns swing lonely
In bitter howling wind
The howl of a distant wolf
Flames flicker in the night
And she is lost—lost
Never to be found again

It's Been Some Time Hasn't It?
This Was Written November 25, 2014
And I Decided I Wanted To Share It With You!!! :) ~~~~~~~<3
I Haven't Felt Very Well Today, As I Am Coming
Down With A Very Bad Cold...I Have Never
Had Such A Sore Throat Before In All My Life
As I Can Recall!!! :/
Still, I Hope You All Enjoy This!! ~~~~~~~<3
Oct 2014 · 2.1k
Smile (14w)
Marian Oct 2014
If there were more smiles in the world
There wouldn't be so many tears

Just A Random 14w!!! ~~~~~<3
Wrote This Today, October 20, 2014
At About 10:57 AM!!! ~~~~~<3
Enjoy, Please!!! :) ~~~~~<3
Oct 2014 · 3.2k
The Last Bouquet
Marian Oct 2014
I woke up extra early
To pick wildflowers from the meadow
I gathered goldenrods and roses
And picked some baby's breath
I watched the dewdrops scattered
Across the blades of grass
I watched the colors of gold
And lavender infuse the morning sky
I took a piece of baby blue ribbon
And tied it around my flowers
To hold your special bouquet in place
For this is your last bouquet here
And this is your special day

Sad day today....I feel sorry because
My mom is trying to help our sick cat, Fluffy
Who hasn't been feeling well for a while!!!! ~~~~~<3
We fear he may be slipping away (dying)....
I don't know, though...
So I wrote this for him and my mom...
Especially to comfort my mom!!! ~~~~~<3
I hope y'all enjoy this!!! ~~~~<3
Oct 2014 · 1.3k
Appalachian Song
Marian Oct 2014
Petrichor breezes mingled
With the scent of mountain laurel
Blew across the cool summer air
The taste of citrus on my tongue
I have a view of the valley below me
Everything looks so small
In hidden caves, I sing
And wade in mossy waterfalls
I watched the moon rise in the velvety sky
I'm falling slowly asleep
Upon a bed of lady's slipper
In the morning, I shall awake
To vibrant creamy pastel skies
And fragrant mists of dawn
I shall walk upon paths
Where no foot has ever trod
Paths bordered by rhododendrons
Where my heart can soar
With evergreens and white pines
Hidden safely with my mountain cove
A haven where I can dream
Nestled in amongst the Appalachian mountains
In a small, but comfortable log cabin
My heart keeps telling me "I am home!"

Haven't posted anything for quite some time,
So I don't know how this sounds!!! :P ~~~~~~<3
I will try to post more frequently, if I can,
Although I can make no promises!!! ~~~~~<3
Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoy it!!! :) ~~~~~~<3
Sep 2014 · 3.9k
Winter Is Coming!
Marian Sep 2014
Winter is coming!
With arctic winds
And bitter frost
Lining the cold ground
Frozen dewdrops glisten
In the meadow by light
Of morning sunshine
Winter is coming!
Can't you feel the stinging
Breezes nipping our faces?
When lacy snowflakes start
Pouring out of the grey clouds
Flowers lay dormant until next Spring
And animals go to sleep
Winter is coming!
Can't you feel it in the air?

Not at all like my usual writings!!
Just a little something that came to me
This morning!!! My hands are kinda cold
So, I guess that is why I chose to write
About this particular season, LOL!!! :) ~~~~~<3
Hope you enjoy reading it!!! ~~~~<3
Sep 2014 · 1.2k
Golden Days
Marian Sep 2014
I can imagine us walking together
'Neath creamy strawberry hued clouds
Ephemeral breezes whispering secrets
Inside our listening ears
Of vain wishes and frivolous thoughts
Our laughter shall echo through the valley
Golden days on the dreamy farm
Bubbling creeks and rippling springs
Autumn's bitter breezes
Bring apple picking memories
Strong breath of nostalgia
I long for those golden days
Walks in the woods
And barefoot girls riding gentle horses
But alas, my dreams have crumbled
In the palms of my hands
Only broken shards remain
Of those golden yesterdays
That never were

Wrote this today (September 22, 2014)!!! ~~~~~<3
Unfortunately, I don't know what time I started
Typing this one...I was in a hurry to get my thoughts
Written...Sorry for that!! ~~~~~<3 :)
Hope you enjoy this poem!!! :) ~~~~~~~<3
Sep 2014 · 7.7k
For You Both ♥
Marian Sep 2014
I sat down with you
In the coolness of the night air
Watching you sip Dr. Pepper
After a long day's work
I listened to the sounds of summer
Watched a few stars twinkling
In the jet colored sky
We were happily chit-chatting
About this and that
We were all together
Just us three
Oh, those summer evenings
Gone forever
Only shadows remain
Touching my heart

For my dad & mom, Timothy & Hilda!!! ~~~~~<3
I wish I could be a better daughter to you...
I am sure that there're over a million ways
I could be much better than I am!!! ~~~~<3
Hope you enjoy this poem!!! :) ~~~~~<3
Sep 2014 · 782
The Picture Of Home
Marian Sep 2014
The waves dancing on the shore
The seashells washing up on the sand
It all paints a picture of home
The boats far out to sea
Against a backdrop of citrus skies
It all paints a picture of my home
The seagulls crying out to each other
Beacons standing strong and tall
On rocky cliffs and reefs
It all paints a picture of my beautiful home
Holding hands on the cliffs
Overlooking the sunsets by the sea
This all paints a picture of my home
The pirates here of long ago
Searching for hidden treasure
Things forgotten under the sea
Sunken battleships, years of rot
It’s all a picture of home to me
The footprints in the sand
From where I take my morning walks
Barefoot, my skin against the gritty sand
This is all a painting of my home
The sandcastles of destroyed wishes
Hopes, dreams, and ambitions
Torn asunder by angry waves
It is still a painting of my home
Hibiscus crowns and lovers
Happy children dancing in the waves
Smiling, as they build their goals
Yes, this is a painting of my home
I’m lost across the endless water
Floating in a canvas of inky blue sky
Please, show me a picture of my home
Still mourning in the foam and froth
Praying for a new dawn tomorrow
Please, show me a painting of my home
I’m drowning in these waves
My ship is ready to be lost at sea
The waves are climbing higher
I look for one spark of light
To guide me—show me the way
Please, paint me a picture of home
But I cannot see in the wind and rain
The stinging of salt upon my face
No familiar light from the beacon
So I keep on praying faithfully
Please, paint me a picture of my home

Just a random poem... Don't have the time for this one,
But it was written around... 4:30? On September 10, 2014!!! ~~~~<3
I hope you enjoy reading it!! :) ~~~~~<3
Sep 2014 · 802
Old-Fashioned Girl (15w)
Marian Sep 2014
If being contemporary means up to date
I think I'd rather be out of date

Written today September 7, 2014 at 2:21 PM
This is inspired by Kevin's poem "6w up to date"!!! :) ~~~~<3
Hope this doesn't offend anyone,
I'm just merely stating that I'm very old-fashioned...
That's all!!! ~~~~<3
Hope you all enjoy this!!! ~~~~~<3
Sep 2014 · 1.1k
At Night
Marian Sep 2014
Cold, bitter breezes sting my face
The moon looks blankly from up above
The stars twinkle in the sky
Wolves howl from far away
In the unattainable distance
The lullaby of the nearby creek
Gives to me sweet riparian dreams
And hushed me to sleep
Covering me with darkness
And blanketing me with a veil of mist

Wrote this today September 7, 2014
At about maybe 12:31 or 12:32 PM!!! ~~~~<3
Hope you enjoy it!!! :) ~~~~<3
Sep 2014 · 1.2k
Each New Day (10w)
Marian Sep 2014
Please enjoy each today
So you can enjoy
Every tomorrow

Just A Random 10w I Had Written A Few Days Ago...
Hope You Enjoy It!!! :) ~~~~~~<3
Sep 2014 · 574
All I've Got
Marian Sep 2014
All I’ve got is love to give
Nothing more do I have
But I promise to always love you
And that I’ll try not to be bad

If you’ll only love me
And take me home with you
I’ll love you more than you’ll know
And do everything you want me to

Please take me in and love me, master
Unless you want me to die
Out on these dark and lonely streets
With no one to hear my cry

If only there was someone to love me
Someone who would take me home
I’d give the only thing I have
Until the day I’m gone

I was reading a whole lot of dog poems today
And this came to me out of nowhere!!! ~~~~~<3
I wrote this in first person as a stray dog...
I hope you enjoy this poem!!! ~~~~<3
Thank you for reading!!! :) ~~~~<3
Sep 2014 · 437
Leaving (15w)
Marian Sep 2014
I was just going
To post my poetry
When I decided I might
Leave forever

Sorry that it has come to this,
But I may delete my account today...
I don't know...we'll see!!! ~~~~~~<3
It all depends...!!!! ~~~~<3
I'm feeling very low and depressed right now!!! ~~~~~<3
Thank you for reading!!! ~~~~<3
Aug 2014 · 2.3k
The Fairy Of The Moon
Marian Aug 2014
The fairy of the midnight moon
She hides in those luminescent rays
Her wings are made of gossamer
Accented with beads and glitter
The fairy of the summer's moon
Wears honeysuckles in her hair
She dances upon the tops of trees
Smiling from her haven in the stars
Is it any wonder that she is bright
After all she lives hidden amongst
The same stars you see each night
For she's the fairy of the twilight moon

Just a little thank you poem to Cheryl love
Who most kindly wrote a poem for me today!! :) ~~~~<3
Thank you, Cheryl, and I hope you like this...
Here's my fairy poem for you!!! ~~~<3
Enjoy!!! ~~~<3
Aug 2014 · 622
Dreams (Quinzaine)
Marian Aug 2014
I love to dream at nighttime
Do you love to dream?
Do you dream?

I found this style of poetry and wrote
A few following the instructions!!! :) ~~~<3
I have a few more in my notebook
But I don't know whether I post them all here
In one day!!! ~~~~<3
Hope you enjoy reading this!!! ~~~~<3
Aug 2014 · 1.3k
Blue Eyes
Marian Aug 2014
There is so much pain
Hidden beneath those blue eyes
I wish I could take it all away
Yes, even your inner cries

I apologize for the bad day
I feel like I am to blame
Even though I know I'm not
And I know it will not be the same

Your blue eyes like the ocean's depth
Beckons my own blue ones
I can see the reflection of stars in them
One day the pain inside them will be gone

I would take your pain away if I could
Just to see you happy again
Mending those broken wings
With a gentle summer rain

Dedicated to my Dad, Timothy!!! ~~~~<3
He lost a few of his poems today
And seems somewhat despondent
So, I am making a special effort
To cheer him up!!! ~~~<3
I hope he likes this once he sees it!! ~~~<3
Enjoy!!! ~~~~<3
Aug 2014 · 996
It's Hard To Be A Daddy
Marian Aug 2014
It's hard to be a daddy
And mend children's broken toys
It's hard to be a daddy
When everyone looks up to you
Everyone's depending on you
Expecting you to be perfect
In everything you do
It's hard to be a daddy
You try to bottle up your emotions
Stop your tears, shed your fears
It can be so frustrating
It can try your patience
It's never easy to be a daddy
And set an example
For your child/children
It's so hard to be daddy
But daddies are kind and loving
With gentle hearts
Strong, loving hands
Teasing, happy eyes
Tight hugs and tender kisses
It's hard to be a daddy
And that's why daddies are special
That's why daddies are blessings
I love my daddy!

Written for my daddy, Timothy
And all daddies in the world!!! ~~~~<3
Please enjoy!!! ~~~<3 :)
Aug 2014 · 420
May 12 (16w)
Marian Aug 2014
I wish I was born on Mother's Day
That way I could have been your present

Just a thought...!!! :)
Sadly, I wasn't born on May 12...
I was born March 20...on the first day of Spring!!! :) ~~~~~<3
Enjoy!!! ~~~~~~~~<3
Aug 2014 · 623
Bad Day (12w)
Marian Aug 2014
I can feel the pain inside of me
A venom of poison

OUCH!!! :''( ~~~~~<3
I was stung by a bee today on my back...and I am in PAIN!!! ~~~~<3
Don't worry, I'm sure I'll feel better though...
It just hurts something terrible!!! :/ ~~~~<3
Please enjoy this 12w poem anyways!!
Aug 2014 · 969
A Wish For You
Marian Aug 2014
Yes, we shall walk amongst fallen leaves
And acorns scattered in the woods
We'll sip iced-tea on the porch
And Coca-Cola in the shade
We'll step over mushrooms
Of a creamy, ivory hue
We'll hold hands when we take walks
In the meadows of lush green
Everything will be happy
My dear one, have no fear
For this is our wish
For each other
Just to live in harmony
Maybe to sit and relax
On the old wooden porch swing
Or curl up on the hammock
Just for an afternoon nap
I'll pick some daffodils and irises
And even make you a daisy chain
And necklaces made of dandelions
That look like pure golden sunshine
We'll go to the creek
Hidden amongst thick, dense forest trees
We'll sit on the big, rocky boulders
Or wade in the cool water
In the evenings
Inside our old-fashioned dream home
We'll gather together in the parlor
Just all three of us
And write poetry by the fireside
Everything's quiet
Except for the ticking of clocks
And the crackle of flames
From our grand old fireplace
So, we'll keep on wishing, mother dear
Our wish for each other
Maybe some day soon--
Some happy day
Our wish will come true

Wrote this in my notebook and wanted to post it!! :) ~~~~<3
This is dedicated to my Mom, Hilda...
It is inspired by her poem "Dreams"
Which was a poem she dedicated to me
And also inspired by her other poem "My Dream For You"!!!
Hope you all enjoy this, especially my Mom!! :) ~~~~<3
Aug 2014 · 814
Waiting To Be Free
Marian Aug 2014
The little bird was trapped
Behind the gilded cage
The butterfly was trapped
Inside the mason jar
The firefly was caught
From his home
And they patiently wait
Hoping and praying...
And then one day
A girl with gentle hands
Opens the little bird's cage
And releases him
With her pretty smile
She says, "Be free, little one!"
A youthful boy that same day
Open's the butterfly's jar
And with one final look at her dazzling beauty
He softly whispers, "You're free at last."
Another girl that same day
Opens the jar the firefly lives in
Trapped inside the walls of glass
She opens the lid and says,
"Fly away, little firefly, fly away!
You are free at last."

For Joe Cole's Poem Challenge!! :) ~~~~<3
Hope You All Enjoy It!! :) ~~~<3
Aug 2014 · 575
A Little Leaf
Marian Aug 2014
I have danced through the mists
Drifted along many peaceful shores
I have sung in the drizzles and rain showers
I have fallen asleep to many different melodies
Through many seasons I have wandered aimlessly
Warm springs, hotter summers, golden autumns,
And perpetual winters
I have shivered in the cold
Hidden 'neath blankets of ice and snow
I have never withered, not even once
My skin is still fresh and green
I still have many more days to see
Many more seasons to welcome
And though I have become separated
From my beloved old tree
I still live
Though unnoticed by all

Another Poem About A Leaf...
Inspired By Entwined Roses & Joe Cole!! :) ~~~~<3
Thank You Both For The Inspiration!!! ~~~<3
I Hope You Enjoy This!!!
Aug 2014 · 1.3k
Our Dream Come True
Marian Aug 2014
Yes, we shall walk through ferns as tall as our waist
And step over the beige colored mushrooms
We'll sit down and dream beside the creek
And let the melody of a cello and harp duet
Refresh us and give us strength anew
We'll live inside that old-fashioned home
With lovely wallpaper in nearly every room
We'll sit down together on the comfortable window seat
Overlooking the dreamy farm with tall, tall grass
And rustic fences here and there in those verdant pastures
We can sip cold Dr. Pepper on the privacy of our verandah
Enjoying the silence together--me and you
We'll stroll through gardens full of iris blooms
Take walks down our flowering cherry tree lane
Walk inside the beautiful forest with wild honeysuckle vines
And periwinkles carpeting the forest floor
Yes, we'll wander aimlessly all day
Maybe walk a few dogs and ride some horses
This is our dream that may never come true
But we'll keep on wishing for it--me and you

Written for my Mom Hilda inspired by the poem she wrote for me
Titled 'My Dream For You'!!!
Enjoy!!! ~~~<3
Aug 2014 · 614
A New Beginning
Marian Aug 2014
I sat down in a meadow full
Of dancing irises
I watched the sunset fade into the west
I fell asleep in the cool forest
When I awoke in morning
Each flower and blade of grass
Was kissed by fresh drops of dew
The sun shone brightly
The promise of a new day
A new kaleidoscope painting
In the eastern sky
I found myself skipping along the path
Dancing to a melody inside my head
Singing a few lines of a familiar song
In my mezzo-soprano voice
I'm on my way back home
To start the day
With a happy beginning

Inspired by a conversation with Jordan Mahaffy!!! :) ~~~~<3
He said he was looking forward to reading
More of my writings, so here is one just for him!! :)
I hope you like it, Jordan!! :) ~~~~<3
Thanks for the inspiration!!! ~~~<3
Aug 2014 · 959
The Life Of A Leaf
Marian Aug 2014
I float out to sea like driftwood
Other times I find myself windswept
Higher and higher
In autumn gusts of wind
In summertime my beautiful green skin
Is a youthfully verdant hue
I cling to this told old tree
And provide a canopy
Until one day I find myself delicate
And easy to crumble in your hands
For I have withered
When winter comes
I will become invisible
And insignificant underneath
A blanket of sparkling white snow
My life goes unnoticed and I long to be loved
But no one loves a trivial leaf like me
Yet this is my life and I am content
With being who I am
Even though I am forgotten and alone

Written in first person as a leaf!! :) ~~~~<3
Thanks to Joe Cole for the inspiration...
As he has challenged many people to write
A poem about a leaf!!!!
Here's my poem, Joe....I hope you like it!! :)
Aug 2014 · 1.5k
A Poem For You
Marian Aug 2014
My smile is ever so slowly ephemeral
My iridescence is becoming opaque
I feel languid from day to day
My broken heart is imbued with pain
There is no elixir for the loss
The hurt is so great at times
My eloquence is laced with somber thoughts
I am efflorescent without my petals
I am demure and brood at night
I feel so woebegone
No one--nothing can take away my pain
I cry tremulous sobs in the corner of my room
By candlelight I pen my tales
My epiphany is heartbreak
Someday I will let go of my pain
But for now I will grieve
And regret the day when I said my last adieu

A Poem Written Especially With
My Mom Hilda & Dear Friend Maria In Mind!!! ~~~~<3
This Is Dedicated Especially For Them
But It Is Also For Anyone Who Has Experienced
The Loss Of A Loved One At Anyone Time In Their Life!!! ~~~<3
Sorry For The Big Words...But I Wanted To Include
Them Inside This Poem...!!!
Please Enjoy It!!! ~~~~<3 :)
God Bless All Of You, Dear People,
Who Have Been Through These Sorrowful Journeys...
It Is Never Easy To Loose A Loved One...
But Know There Is Someone Out There Who Cares
And Deeply Sympathizes With Your Grief...
(That Person Is Me)!!! ~~~<3
Thank Y'all For Reading This...
I Appreciate It!!! ~~~~<3
Aug 2014 · 1.6k
For The Old House
Marian Aug 2014
No more light through the window doth glow
No more wisteria vines to climb and grow
Grandparents long since dead
The home remained abandoned wondering what lied ahead.
***** never more to play
Piano keys crushed by cruel hands that day
Torn, broken, and abused
Deceived, tricked, and misused.
Farewell to the best home with rosy hue
Farewell to the light shining through
You were torn apart never to be mended
Life's joy inside your walls all to soon had ended.
We remember you with smiles through our tears
For we miss seeing the home we saw for many years
As long as I can remember and before
You were always there with old cherished door.
Though still gone, you're preserved inside our heart
The best keepsake box that will never break or fall apart
And while I miss you especially on days like today
Forever in my poetry you will safely stay!
Although I never once lived inside those priceless walls
My heart to you calls
And as fresh as the morning is new
Is my poetry and love for you.

Dedicated to my Mom, Hilda!!! ~~~~<3
I was recalling how her home was torn apart
Last summer by cruel bulldozers!!! ~~~~<3
Poor Mom had some lovely memories inside that home...
I feel so sorry for her...and even though it has been
Almost a year now, I still miss it and I am sure she does too!!!
So here's my poem of comfort for her
And what we used to call "The Old House"
Which Was Destroyed In 2013!!!
Please Enjoy My Poem And Forgive
My Inane Ramblings....I Apologize...
I'll Try To Do Better Next Time!!! :) ~~~~<3
Aug 2014 · 548
A Nighttime Lullaby
Marian Aug 2014
Just close your eyes and dream
You'll be safe and warm tonight
And I promise I'll be there for you
Rock you in my arms when the sun shines bright

Hush, my little one
Please don't you cry
I'll be there for you
And sing you another lullaby

Hush, my little one
Wipe those tears from your eyes
Mommy's here for you
So you can quiet those little cries

The moon is shining tonight
He'll watch you when I am asleep
We'll all be dreaming, little one
So close your eyes and do not peep

I'll stay here with you
Until you finally dream
Then I'll tiptoe out of the room
While the moon silently gleams

So shut those pretty eyes
Go to sleep and rest
Fall asleep to the song of chimes
Tinkling in the west
Until morning comes
And wakes you with sunshine's caress

Just A Random Lullaby/Poem!!! :) ~~~~~<3
I Hope You All Enjoy It!!! ~~~~<3
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