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 Jul 2014 Margaret
Anthony Perry
There is a woman, her name is anonymous, she's strong and has an understanding of the ominous. She lives in a house with an infinite view on top of mount Olympus where she grew up battling Ares and learned that life doesn't have to be so serious. Kissing a poem like her is why I'm wishful, to feel the silk underneath her clothes is what keeps my chest slow and blissful. As a poet I'll call her Athena, the one who's anger can devour the flesh of anyone who enters her arena, a goddess in her own right, she even has three golden apples from Eris, sitting atop a bowl of emeralds in her eye, its quite the sight, when I look into them I feel like I'm going to lose all control and fall to her every whim so I must fight, fight until she stays with me another night.
Could you be the one? My one? Never have I considered the line of your jaw to be anything special, nor your smile to be a wonder but today, that laugh, the way you looked at the floor, then looked up at me through your overgrown fringe made the earth fall away, just for a second, my equilibrium shifted and I was lost in your tide, awkwardly lighting a cigarette my shell shocked hands desperate to belie my cool disposition. You walked with me a while in silence, sharing drags, my lips, only too aware that they were following yours, prayed for more with a half smile, while your fingers pushed a wayward curl from my forehead, turning my heart into a supernova.... and all I could think was.... You? Really? Oh boy.
Attraction is a strange beast that pounces when you least expect it.
 Jul 2014 Margaret
Deneka Raquel
Love is..
Unsalvageable ..
Undeniably unbearable without you..
Fear of being rejected,
Doesn't allow me to have you.
It is like being,
Trapped in an eternal,
Thunderstorm of disdain.
Like drowning metal.
Bleeding liquid pain,
As I watch you,
Not see me
Not know me,
Never need me
And it kills me...

This depression,
Runs in my blood stream.
Blood curls,
And I scream.
Tears are the best sedative
And sleep the best liquor.
Because I can,
Only have you in my dreams.

Its seems
Every dying minute I spend awake,
The reality is much harder to take.
Your absence is absence.

It makes me so cold that,
Breathing threatens to,
Shatter my lungs.
So I hold my breath...
That someday,
You would finally see me.
Or else I would suffer for eternity,
Hemorrhaging internally.

Life is lonely.
Love is merciless.
And I am a victim
Of this ruthless,
Chaotic emotion.
I havent written a poem in a while.

This person is always on my mind.
 Jul 2014 Margaret
Jonny Angel
We came so close babe
& even if you lied,
told me I was the one,
I'd do anything
to hold you again.
 Jul 2014 Margaret
Joe Cole
Oh yes, I have seen birds in a herd and cows in flocks
And painted the picture just using a sock
Such art is I and not for lesser beings
I see fish, yes fish swimming through the sky
Oh swim fish swim
Such inspiring words from I BUT
words wasted
Oh but but
My brain is going to implode
Such a loss to the world of art
To many beans for breakfast
Oh the ****...The royal artistic ****
Oh oh why are I so misunderstood?
For artistic vision is food
My beret worn with such flair and grace
A halo yes for I am godly
Placed on this earth for your desire
To bring art to your godless souls
Oh you, you artless peasants

Bow your worthless heads in my presence
Inspirational yet again. Faultless art flows from my pen
neath the cradle of downy feathers
Princess Marie found the love poem
written by Prince Ricardo
 Jul 2014 Margaret
 Jul 2014 Margaret
fresh faced and laughing
clothes washed and ironed
sweet perfumed wrists
hands holding
such young love walking
down a summers eve roadway
a puppy running beside them
their freedom world roaming
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