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2.3k · Jul 2014
Marco Lacsamana Jul 2014
I'll never get used to seeing you
Every single time
It's a new you
a new me
1.6k · Jul 2014
Marco Lacsamana Jul 2014
Listen to your heart
and let it lead you
from the simplest
to the most complicated
of revolutions

and let your blood flow
to where it could nourish
the hidden child
to where it could drown
the most serious doubts

Love is love
when it is responsible
What is time
but a shared compassion
1.4k · Jul 2014
Marco Lacsamana Jul 2014
We both traced the constellations
those that were unknown
the stars danced to a different tune last night
Those we called our own
The astronomers stencilled each complicated line
With our bare hands we scratched each curve
We may have not  heard yet
We've built a universe of our own
It's just wrong to compare. Watch how we change history.
1.4k · Jul 2014
Marco Lacsamana Jul 2014
You are the quake that sent me tumbling into
the places I didn't want to go
and the jagged edge that cracked my cranium open
sending my head to spin around the thought

I have never been home
until I break down the walls
that blocked the sunlight from my view
You've painted my ceiling with tomorrow
You are the cracks that made it my own

You have always been the irony
the non-relational and everything
The adjective and the adverb that confused my very soul

You were inside my head for the shortest time
which made me call it home
You are my familiarity and my unknown
the comely tragedy that goes on and on

I can never blame you for the things you haven't done
as it was I who claim you did
You taught me that the most difficult emotion there is
is the emotion when you think
1.1k · Jul 2014
Marco Lacsamana Jul 2014
They say poets rely
on the convenience of words
but words were never convenient
as there are only stares in creation
and tears in destruction
Words only come in between
800 · Jul 2014
Marco Lacsamana Jul 2014
A little less conversation
is a little less of me
stolen piece by piece
by each word

but it's more of you
in the silence
and exchange of
pregnant glances

it's me walking towards
you and you
standing still
waiting for me

and me waiting for you
621 · Jul 2014
Marco Lacsamana Jul 2014
The tension of the opposites
Or the silence
That there will always be the mundane
And the ethereal
Tethered to the dirt
For you to fly
Someone has to take the fall.
612 · Jul 2014
Marco Lacsamana Jul 2014
3 hours of sleep
Is 3 hours of death
Lack of power
Pinned down by wishes
Pushed to its depths
Breathe me heavy breaths
Hell is consequences
495 · Jul 2014
Marco Lacsamana Jul 2014
My horizon
Your dream
Where I continue to walk
Where you continue to think
In my toil
In your sleep
We will never be on the same plane
We will never be we
411 · Jul 2014
Marco Lacsamana Jul 2014
I will gather the scattered
fragments of what I knew
was me
particularly of my brain
I'll wrap each one in words
carefully selected
to make them more palatable
more understandable
meaningful and significant

I will make my secrets known
only to you
I'll let them fly to you freely
when I do my seeming soliloquy
A slimy spray coming from my gut

I'll spit them all out
343 · Jul 2014
Marco Lacsamana Jul 2014
Choose the forces that would break
and twist you

treat each one like water

Choose well the words and memories
that would spark hope
and heal
and force
yourself to move on
336 · Jul 2014
Take In
Marco Lacsamana Jul 2014
I take it in
your affection
Laced with wit
and a  bit of desperation

You must be
under the influence
of either love or alcohol
neither made sense

Cyanide is overrated
and so is sadness
isn't it the default
condition of illness

I take in
words are easy
as are usual emotions
offered freely

Write them down
make them stick
show me truth
Take them in
317 · Sep 2014
Marco Lacsamana Sep 2014
I don't write
I sing
with notes I wish would pierce
your thoughts
and linger

as how it is
when the orchestra turns silent
and when the lights
turn off

you know the feeling

It requires no eyes
to see the stars
draw closer and hear how they
hum their lullabies

give in
not because of my words
but because you know the feeling
how something is

when something is about
to be created
293 · May 2015
Marco Lacsamana May 2015
you are the perfect mix of bitter and sour
taste in my mouth
that I lose from time to time
whenever brine flows from my eyes

— The End —