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I don't visit
any Temple or Church
or any other
place of worship,
My mother is alive
She stays at home.
Under her sacred feet
Floats heaven and reside my God.

Why to be an idiot?
Leaving palatial mansion in search for a far away shanty,
When seeds of eternal love & bliss
sprout here in plenty.
Meticulously dressed
in an
expensive, modish suit,
Swaggering opulence & lacerated talk,
Small-hearted, sagacious,
evil-minded and
having sinister design,
I am
pretty sure
He is
a zippy,
Educated and
Diplomatic URBANITE.

to be a rustic, uneducated fool,
in whose heart always
Simplicity, naivety and magnanimity rule.

Mukesh Kataria
Frequent meetings and seminars-So many,
Often the days stressful & hectic,
Bunkum & lengthy talks of higher authorities,
full of diplomacy & shallow at the core,
Job sometimes seemed a burden and
such a suffocating bore.

But, now I miss those days.
for I smelt the flowers of friendship, respect and unfathomed emotions,
Divine fragrances I hold close to my heart,
Even when we all are now miles apart.

I miss----
Old ***** chairs, tables and benches
But thronged by pretty & gorgeous wenches,
Their lovely, mesmerizing, broad smiles
with piercing, alluring & hypnotising glances.
I miss--
The wits and wisdom of all
wafting through the chilly air,
friendly souls & faithful buddies,
like a joint family-all did take care.

I miss--
for what a joy it was
learning, teaching, guiding & helping,
Listening to songs, making repartees and cracking some funny & clean jokes.
Where silence weighed more than the spoken words,
We all sailed through the same boat,
When someone's absence pinched but,
welcome presence meant a lot.
Alas: this golden time is over, forever
We can never embrace again.
But, it is entrenched in my memories -so sweet and full of mirth,
Sure these will stay with my soul
till atleast my next birth.
Sometimes with smile & sometimes with tears,
My memories will take roots & grow throughout the years.

The world can beguile and relations can turn fake,
But my memories are my true buddies
for these shall stay till I am alive and awake.
Oh Lord,
Let the brightness of sun to vanish
and the moon too lose its shine,
Even you can take away my breath---I won't mind much,
But till I am alive, please let my memories ripen and my true friends be in my touch.

Mukesh Kataria
After my recent transfer to Delhi, I miss lovely time spent at previous workplace in a small town.
Forced to act on the stage of life
so humble, feeble & half-clad.
Daily swapping of dreams for a few coins,
He is shunned, lonely, starving and sad.

No rhymes, no stories
No pen or pencils,
No book, no papers
No colours or stencils.
No playground, no park
No friends to talk,
No love, no kisses
Only a lonely walk.

Compelled to sell both body & soul,
Toiling hard, he does his best,
Story of hard work, wounds and pain,
No joy, no fun and no time to rest.
The present is all gloomy & dull,
lacking colours,  excitement and vim,
Shattered hopes with no dreams,
The future is touching, dreary & dim.

With deep anguish, I weep and yell
cuss myself for his ill-fate,
Losing all hope, I wish to revolt,
I need to speed up before it is too late.

Mukesh Kataria
Wafting in the air the resonant sound and words
Of hatred, cuss, jealousy & taunt.
Language of deep silence is esoteric, I love
Gibberish, arid & acerbic talks, everywhere haunt.

Loquacity is shallow, I loathe
Silence is deep and pure gold,
Words touch only eardrums & mind,
Silence bestow character a spiritual mould.

Silence has echoing & loud sound
I practise daily as life-goal,
Travelling through the heart it creeps slowly,
Deep and straight into the soul.

The words are hollow promises
and misaligned perception,
Silence is cosmic and real,
Physical world is just a hallucination.

Our words, images, screams & eulogies
All are superflous, futile & bovine,
Deep silence- a path to God
It nurtures nature and is purely divine.

I feel it everywhere in the air,
In swift winds and deadly storms,
In engulfing volcanos & devastating floods,
Feel it in my breath & blood flowing through the veins,
In wide highways and in narrow lanes.
It sinks in deep drenches and vast sea,
Hugs high plateaus & mammoth imposing mountains,
Mingles with rays of bright sun and coolness of flirting moon.

Words can be abrasive,
If misinterpreted, can be source of strife & division,
Deep silence abounds in love and peace,
Being holy & celestial, it leads to unison.
 Jul 2016 Manisha Uniyal
The words will come
when you're sound asleep
And you've lost it all
and have nothing to keep

When your mind is shallow
and your pain is deep
And your eyes resemble
the clouds that weep

The words will come...

I was tired enough to weep
He still looked me in the eye
My baby boy only got his sleep
From the music of the lullaby

Even after we said the prayers
Many minutes did pass by
But he was soon taken unawares
By the magic of the lullaby

Yes, he's had milk to drink
And the comfort of a good cry
Now, his eyes close in sync
To the melody of the lullaby

I bestow on him a loving kiss
I tiptoe out and tell him bye
I owe this sweet rest and peace
To the miracle of the lullaby
My baby boy is a tough one to soothe to sleep. I've had to try many methods. The lullaby once came through for me and kept him asleep for a good while! :-)
 May 2016 Manisha Uniyal
flower in her hair
her body she shares with you
hold her she blossoms
A secret is only a secret if you alone keep it.
In London zoo a lion escaped
They forgot to lock his cage
It disappeared into the night
Hungry, filled with rage

Poor old Brian had lost his job
His life had hit the skids
His wife moved in with his mate
She also took his kids

He hit the bottle pretty hard
He started to get ill
His grandma died, he got the call
Turns out she had a will

She had millions in the bank
And she left it all to Brian
But on his way to cash the cheque
He was eaten by a lion.....
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