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You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen.
And I know that.

But I can't rediscover it every ******* day.
I can't return to that epiphany
every time my alarm clock goes off.
It's unnatural.

But what I can do, and do quite naturally,
is become jaded and unimpressed by it.
I can see your beauty as normal,
as one of my life's many constants.

I can climb atop its shoulders and travel about,
rolling my eyes at sunsets and rainbows,
dismissing all the beauty of the world as
less than average.

And I complain to you about it.
And you can deduce your beauty from that.
On the third of June, at a minute past two,
where once was a person, a flower now grew.

Five daisies arranged on a large outdoor stage
in front of a ten-acre pasture of sage.

In a changing room, a lily poses.
At the DMV, rows of roses.

The world was much crueler an hour ago.
I'm glad someone decided to give flowers a go.
              she said, unwell.
"Well... surely...,"
              she continued, unwell, unsure.
"Listen," he said.
              But nothing.
              Just some rain tapping a window out of boredom.
 Dec 2015 Madame Eleanor
I am not so much mad.
it was my fault.
what was I to expect?
I'm not good enough.

I am not so much upset.
you still love her
oh god
love me instead.

I will not waste tears,
only ink.
look who's baaaaack!
 Sep 2015 Madame Eleanor
 Sep 2015 Madame Eleanor
Control freak
control freak
This will be a duel
Your hand
my hair
Using me as your tool

Youll tell me
What to do
Ill manipulate
The scene
Youll be
the cruel master
But youll never
Be mean

I can play
the kitten
Just wanting
to play
And then youll
Lose control
From the ***** things
I say
 Sep 2015 Madame Eleanor
It’s not of love once desired,
It’s not of love once special,
It is of ecstasy unimagined:
The love I have found in you
 Aug 2015 Madame Eleanor
i will walk
and watch you crash
and burn.
you are nothing with out me.
 Aug 2015 Madame Eleanor
like a vase i dropped her on the floor.

i'm not sure if i can put her back together.

she won't be the same but i have a feeling
she has been broken apart and put back together.

you can't trust a man who
operates a bulldozer to be a
good builder.

they say "things have to fall to
make way for better things";
i dare not say this to her, she might
think i did it on purpose.

i don't trust myself to not drop
her again after i've put her back

i've thought about handing her
over to someone else to piece back
together; i don't trust anyone will
know exactly where each piece
has to go.

you can easily replace a broken
vase, unlike people.
 Jun 2015 Madame Eleanor
maybe I am not
meant to fall in love with you
maybe nobody
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