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maddy Mar 2019
Feelings fall freely from me
As if I never meant to keep them in

Sadness pours out of me
Like I wanted it to well up in the first place

Sorrow encompasses me
As if I so wanted to encase myself

For some reason I keep soaking my pillow
regardless of the love that surrounds me

My brain can’t keep its balance
So I find myself weeping over nothing

Somehow my life feels like its breaking
Even though I have no hammer to shatter it

I'm not asking for these feelings
So please leave me alone, won’t you?
Whenever I *** I get so sad:)
maddy Jul 2018
how is it that months later I'm still stuck to you

no speaking, nothing, I'm stuck to you

I haven't seen your face yet im stuck to you

and my heart can't calm down because I'm stuck to you

I want nothing more than to be unstuck from you

but I can't let you go, I'm stuck to you
can you tell that i feel stuck?
maddy Oct 2018
a tickle in my cheeks forms,
as a smile drapes across my face.
light shimmers in my eyes ,
as i stare into the sun.
the sun is blonde and kind,
and smiles when i smile.
did you know the sun has eyes?
i did.
theyre quite beautiful actually.
the sun is soft,
you dont burn from its touch,
but it definitely lights a fire.
a fire that begins from the deepest inside
and spreads quickly to your surface.
that tickle in your cheeks?
it never goes away.
that smile sprawled across your face?
permanently singed onto you.
so you squint as you stare at the sun
because you never want to lose that feeling.
more love <3 <3
maddy Apr 2019
so succulent
is love as it leaves your mouth

but how bitter and rancid it may be
when it tries to force its way back in
maddy Apr 2018
How come overtime I feel like things are getting better,
It just goes back and
my ankle,
yanking me back down
into that deep black pit of pure

But why is this hole in my home?
and why is it in my bedroom?
at the foot of my bed.
What lies in it?
the monster?
the monster that grabs you when you try to cool?
is it hot lava you swore you wouldn't touch,
by jumping chair to chair?
Why is this hole that
brings you down,
living in the place you love most?

why does it keep you stuck in your bed
as it it slowly develops the floor around you,
so you can't get up?
and when it does finally find a way to just
pull you back in,
why is that the time you
that you've found a way to get out of it?
a way to get up and out of bed
and over the lava
and across that monster.
why is it strongest
when you are at your strongest?

and when you think you've risen above it
it grows two times your size,
and steps right on your back,
paralyzing you of any control or mobility
over the life you felt you could build.

when you've finally chosen to Stand up,
it stands up with you and gets right in your way.

stop thinking you've got it in your control,
when its clearly so far out o your hands
you can't even see it.
stop trying to take what is not even tangible.
you haven't got it.
its not yours and it never was.

if it takes you that much time to get up
and out of bed,
and across that hole and over that lava,
its really not worth trying.
it would come so much easier if it was meant to be,
it would come to you.

whats the point in continuously trying
when you fall right back into that same hole
time and time again?
except somehow each time you fall,
you go deeper than before.
stop trying.
if you stay there
how much deeper can the hole really get?

wallow in that hole,
as you watch the world around you move
right in front of your glossed eyes.
yet its all outside the pit.

you are meant to stay there.
in that pit.
in the hole.
stop trying to climb out
if you've already tried endless times.
If you haven't gotten out by now,
are you really supposed to?

What good are you if you just sit
and watch a world around you.
you can't move,
yet everyone else can pursue
achieve great things,
and all you do is watch.
and try to get out.
but mostly watch.

so stop watching and waiting,
its pointless.
it is time that you withered away,
slowly fading into nothing.
stop it all now.
I just noticed I go from talking about myself to talking to myself. its weird.sorry this is so sad, bad days do this kind of thing
maddy Sep 2018
honey dew

pew pew pew
shoot the water gun


on a petal

hot metal

bench, old man
reaches out his hand

spent all my money
french fries
maddy Apr 2019
foothills we’ve walked
and mountains we’ve climbed
over fire and hot coals
and through water and freezing ice
we made it to where we are
in a little happy place

ive come to love the rain
and come to love the shine
all weather with you
is weather that makes me smile
so no matter if its pouring
or blazing down hot sun
any weather i live through with you
is still filled with so much love
maddy Oct 2018
sweet cherries
pretty fairies
things that are good

torrential downpour
what am i here for?
things that are bad

beauty and kindness
down to earth soul
things that are you

love and sparks
both of our hearts
things that we have

us two
things that i have

things that you have

one another
things that we have
love love love!!
maddy Sep 2018
this is not what i want. this is not what i want. this is not what i want. this is not what i want. this is not what i want. this is not what i want.
i cant handle this right now, tonight is awful
maddy Dec 2018
your smile radiates love,
and your blue eyes show your soul.
by the awe Ive been struck with,
your filling up the part of my heart with a hole

I love you so
but you already know
but under that Gorillaz tshirt
your love, oh it glows

everything about you
for you I am smitten
inching me closer to falling
fell for you.....

was gonna be nice but my bad humor kicked in
maddy Feb 2019
sun is shining
beautiful day
not a single cloud
not a drop of grey

the sun beats down
with its strong rays
feelings of warmth
all in a haze

then the sun lowers
but it doesn't set
it comes to me
and it's warmth I still get

but the sun is a planet,
it can't travel.
well thats where you're wrong
because this sun walks on gravel

my sun is human
my sun is you
my sun is warm
and it never leaves me blue

Chris, you are my sun
and you keep me warm
you keep each day bright
and keep away any storm
I love you Chris... happy valentines day:)
maddy Apr 2019
hurting caused by you is the worst kind of pain
and I never thought you would break your promises
but when they broke they took my heart with them
so I sit here and suffer in silence
as I question what is best for me
I love you like no other, but hate you more than ever
nothing hurts like the feeling of losing you
but my brain reacts the same way when I think of life with you
the love of my life shouldn't be the pain of my existence
yet here I am
stuck between so many options
wishing things never changed in the first place

— The End —