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 Nov 2015 Dacy Maly
Bits and pieces
Words and phrases
A title or an end
A rhyme in the middle
A poem a prose a song maybe
Metaphors and sarcasm,
A flow in the tone
Colors, places
A warm thought or faces
A pen a paper
A quiet place to think
These are battles of thoughts
In the mind of a poet
I remember the innocence of my childhood

It was before bracelets were used
for more than just fashion…
before they were used to hide jagged cuts

The days when I only cried for my
scraped skin.

Now I cry for heartbreak and the loss
of more than just happiness.

The days where pills were only taken
to make “the hurt go away”.

Now they’re taken to make me go away.

The days where Root Beer was the only
“alcohol” I drank.

Now I drink shots of hopelessness
in small glasses of heartbreak

The days where the only kisses I asked for
were before I drifted off to sleep.

Now I beg for kisses in midnight hours
where the only love I receive is the kind
where the sheets are terrorized.

The days where candied cigarettes were my
way of being an adult.

Now cigarettes are the way of keeping
me sane.

“Look, mommy, look. I’ve grew
an inch!”

Now I’m growing without you.

Gone are the days where I felt your kisses
planted upon wet cheeks,
The days where I beg for your love, mommy.

I beg for love in the form of moaning,
bed springs creaking;
where sweat caked into my pores.

The days where my life meant something to

If I died now, who would cry for me?

The days where happiness grew on trees,
and you showed me how to grasp them with
dirt-covered palms.

Look, mommy. I’ve grew an inch.

An inch closer to the bullet
awaiting in it’s home.

 Nov 2015 Dacy Maly
 Nov 2015 Dacy Maly
Shh! Just listen,
Just let me tell you this;
A ray of sunshine piercing
through the blackened clouds;
The speed of light reveals
the color that lies
just past our eyelids.
The raindrops stop;
Precipitation stands still
and dissolves in
the growing ray of sunbeam.
A rose bush, dead and brown;
The light hits it at
just the right angle, and
A tiny bud appears,
growing and growing and
soon to bloom in a burst
of passionate red.
A kiss on a flower-petal cheek;
Frosted pink flares into
a pleased splash of pale red,
and a smile grows below.
A fresh, new bud of love;
It banishes the darkness,
dissloves the chilly downpour,
it wakes me up and opens my eyes.
Shh...are you still listening?
I want to make sure
the words fall from my lips
and land on your tongue
to meet each other's ears.
One, two, three words,
simple and still complicated.
A juxtaposition provokes us
to twine our fingers together
and say,
"I love you."
 Nov 2015 Dacy Maly
 Nov 2015 Dacy Maly
There is a place
where thoughts are left for dead
Unseen, unheard
Unwritten, and unsaid
A dark place deep
In the dismal abyss of the head
Where the cold bites sharply
And shadows scream
with voices so high
They cannot be heard
except for above,
only in the sky.
I have a castle there,
I built a palace out of words
And underneath,
below the dungeons filled with traitorous thoughts
Under the bellies of my demons
There is a place
where thoughts are left for dead
Unseen, unheard,
Unwritten, and unsaid.

— The End —