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Oct 2014 · 553
lil' lolita Oct 2014
I don't believe in the bible but I believe in us
i can just feel it in my body,
I can taste it on my tongue,
feel it dripping in my veins as i day dream away

                                                           ­  I don't believe in miracles,
                                                       ­      but if I get to call you mine,
                                                           ­  maybe I will start believing in something;

thats all i want with you
Sep 2014 · 954
i wish i were the sea
lil' lolita Sep 2014
Orange sky
blue lungs
acid under my tongue
lets touch the moon until our lives are done
waves crashing over me
i wish i were the sea
waves crashing over me like i'm sad
lets turn purple into blue
take my hand

bones are creaking like the hinges of the doors
the red roses on the counter aren't blooming anymore
you cut the feathers off my wings
grim reaper pushing you on the swings
wish i could make you out of clay
i'm afraid your image in my mind might go away
Sep 2014 · 6.9k
lil' lolita Sep 2014
the roses on her grave are dead,
so am i
the ground is frozen solid,
can you hear the deer wander
can you hear the flutter of the butterfly wings?
abandoned tea cup in the shed
now a spiders home
i'm alone
Sep 2014 · 629
thread days
lil' lolita Sep 2014
you pull me apart
                                                            unravel me like thread
you try and try to reconstruct me
                                                             try to make things go back to how they were
                                                         and    eventually you threw me away
                                                             with every inhale of your cigarettes
Aug 2014 · 974
its your fault
lil' lolita Aug 2014
the fabric of her dress didn't call your name,
her exposed skin didn't ask you to come over and buy her a drink,
yet you put your clammy palms on the fabric of her dress,
then over her mouth
that cold blade kissing her neck next
the word please don't escaping from her vocal chords increasing your *** drive,
she just wanted to look beautiful for her own self,
and she payed the price

for you're not allowed to show skin at all
watch your drink carefully, darling, it could have been rufeed
always have a friend, don't walk home alone,
if you do, make sure to wear a garbage bag,
if your girlfriend gets too drunk get her out of there
call a taxi, make sure its a real taxi not just some guy in a yellow car
keep your hand on the handle in case you need to jump out

because its your fault
it's not the lack of self control from a male, no.
Aug 2014 · 793
feeling nothing
lil' lolita Aug 2014
the way she hides behind her glass of wine,
that smile as bright as she makes the world seem.
she loves me,
i love her

but i was blinded by her play pretend,
getting lost with me under the sheets,
bumping knees, lips against freckled skin
getting lost in herself as she gets lost in me.
and i can't be the atlas to guide her.
With my own map, I cannot find her

tracing the skin between her knuckles,
the mole on her breast, her legs around me,
knocking over the glass of wine next to her unfinished sketches
I miss the way she made the world feel bigger than it is,
the world she wanted no part of
and like that, she was the ocean and I was the sand
and she drifted towards the moon

leaving on her own journey,
after hiding behind that glass of wine,
tears on her sketchbook,
replacing her sketches onto her veins.
As long as she's feeling nothing.

how great would it feel to feel nothing, too.

— The End —