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Poetry by MAN Nov 2015
This my ode to November the month I was born
From comfort of the womb I was torn
Clouds shed tears as if to mourn
Bring promise of life from every storm
Shades of brown fill the fall
Thanks we give to it all
Foot we play with a ball
Whispering winds I hear the call
Sun peeks out from skies of grey
Prelude to winter hard at play
Clocks fall back shorten the day
In warm beds we wish to stay
Fallen leaves tree's memories
Dance in wind to nature's melody
Thoughts spill out in soliloquy
Earth speaks back in poetry.
Poetry by M.A.N 11-18-15
Poetry by MAN Sep 2015
Kiss you low..Here I go
Communicate soul to soul
Touch is magic watch me grow
Lick for lick blow for blow
Open up to this kiss
Introduction to poetic bliss
I'm a G...I won't miss
Mark it off your bucket list
M.A.N not a boy
Ignorance I will destroy
Mastermind what's the ploy?
Sauce you up just like soy
Eat you up munch you down
Parade you pretty around town
Wicked doesn't need a crown
Whimper when I eat you bound
Rub you wet...Rub you a wish I'm gonna get
Oh so wet..Oh so it when you ready set
Enter thighs feel my rise
Stroke..Choke..steady and wise
Get that prize..Get that prize..No words needed can read your eyes
Hold it...ugh..hold it some more...on the bed then to the floor
Against the wall..through backdoor..on a sacred tantric tour
Feel me you ride..inside feel me slip and slide
Hit it wide..technique applied..what is needed I shall provide
Feel the quake..legs will shake..more than love we will make
What awakes? From pounding stake..squirting till no more can take
Still we go..beyond the soul..where no one ever goes
Yoni flower blooms like rose..Gyrate till your nectar flows
Taste is sweet..flavor unique..savor moment we reach our peak
What is complete? No need to speak..find what you sought to seek
Next level we begin to glow..Shine like stars put on a show
**** ****** this Scorpio...with poetry I Kiss You Low...
Poetry by M.A.N 9-3-15 I wrote this for my **** Scorpio blog ..****** seems to flow from me I specialize in sexetry...♏️
Poetry by MAN Sep 2015
You are a dream I long to touch
Blood pumps faster feel the rush
Twist my tongue make you blush
Strength I gain from the crush
Spilled energy creates a storm
Fetus mind..Word is born
Unbreakable this spirit form
An Angel born with Devil horns
Sharing lust builds our trust a must
Eat thigh pie slice of lust
Amaze you with the moves I bust
"Worship"next level of devotion
"Seduction" becomes our every motion
Leave no doubts or silly notions
Blow them up with this *Mind Explosion
Poetry by M.A.N 9-1-15 Its been awhile since I posted..doesn't mean I haven't been writing..I recently became unemployed so I have more time to write..I've been working on slam material and longer form for submissions.Thank you to all who support my poetry and blogs..♏️
Poetry by MAN Jun 2015
Sing a song fast or slow
Melody completes the flow
Strum guitar put on a show
Hit all notes high and low
***!!! You are dream
Voice of an Angel with a Devil's scream
***** mind you so clean
Oh so nice yet so mean
Tell me how you want this Dope?
Twisted how I slip the *****
Potent addictive most can't cope
Write you lyrics you can smoke
I am now a giving MAN
Hold my ego in my hand
Slips from grasp just like sand
Release me from the master plan
So I drift on my own
Carving out a heart from stone
Magic every day has grown
Flesh feels married to the bone
Adventure unravels mystery
Encounter different parts of me
Through eyes of wise begin to see
Means to elevate humanity
Truth on Earth we all are one..
Chilling on the block till Kingdom come
Radiate our talent like rays of Sun
We Sing a song far from done...
M.A.N 6-17-15 This was originally a freestyle flow..I did an edit and here it is..
Poetry by MAN Jun 2015
Your VIBE brings me to life
Here's my Heart take a slice
Wicked is my nice
Random like a roll of dice
I see your shining soul
Illuminating is your glow
Inside I start to grow
To love you is to know
Excuse me if I'm blunt
I've just returned from the hunt
Clean my fangs hear me grunt
Motion master every stunt
Fine flesh I must taste
Luscious lips I won't waste
Primal pleasure we embrace
Have you seeing outer space
Wolf spirits howl at the Moon
Ravaged in a hypnotic swoon
Bodies slap create tribal tune
Wrestle play sacred boom boom boom..Hollaaa!
Priceless like a Shaman Dollaaa!
Wear war paint instead of a collar
Genocide survivors of slaughtered sorrow
Faith our strength with it we build tomorrow...
M.A.N 6-10-15 I wrote this awhile back..I decided to do an edit here's the result..
Poetry by MAN Jun 2015
In silence I shall love
Heart beats peace become the dove
Push nah a gentle shove
So below..As above
Finding ones divinity
Swimming in  serenity
Claim I am an enemy
Scared to be friend to me
Communication is a handy tool
Glean experience to something new
Recognize false become the true
Many in society like to act the fool
Some words are read but never heard
Silence vibrates becomes a verb
Plant it..grow it..smoke the herb
Outlaw nature so absurd
Speak out of turn..Who are you hushing?
To right person these words may be touching
Hopes evolve to dreams..that money is crushing
Elevate those who turn nothing into something
Stories unfold in a world so cold
Children's innocence still bought and sold
Continue to fix mistakes of the old
Everybody has a story that should be told
A poet doesn't have to stand up and preach
Truth flows free you can feel my soul reach
Bring it together in one big speech
Raise Vibrations we need to teach
Attractive is intelligent
When triggered made relevant
Package now they're selling it
Brains bigger than an elephant
Flex good thoughts like a muscle
Practice everyday the spiritual hustle
Continue to write truth feathers will ruffle
My silence speaks loud no longer I can muffle...
M.A.N 6-4-15 I did an edit and finished this today..I really felt good writing it..
Poetry by MAN May 2015
Oh God I'm such a Devil
Next level I was born to be rebel
Bury me alive here's the shovel
Built I am from trouble's rubble
Curse worse in verse than any MAN
F*ck your plan on sacred beliefs I stand
Take my land slaughter my clan
Common sense you fail to understand
I am the blood watch me stain
Empires fall ideas remain..
Blood spills overseas Government playing war games
Power and money helps you live with your shame
Poetry key to unlock the cages
Master every level document the stages
I am a book living my pages
Every story I'm in so outrageous
So Devil I am why would I claim to be
Flow wicked spin spells to my destiny
Pull me over question me
Tell me officer what do you see?
A shade of color that isn't white
A souls so dark eats up all light
Shoot me down without a fight
Your own destruction you ignite
Streets on fire media fans the flames
Justice bleeds truth watch it drain
Anger plus death multiplies the pain
Our lives on the line Yo..This is no game..
Continue this dance to our doom
Apocalypse now hear the boom
Don't really believe..just assume
The Devil is the darkness in the room..
M.A.N 5-22-15 Original title was "Devil" either way I'm trying to take it to "Next level"..Future slam material hopefully I can memorize and nail it..
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