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Poetry by MAN Mar 2015
Exquisite..Unique become what you seek
What is complete? How deep is the deep?
Experience the moment..It's you..Own it!
Fractals..Vibrations I'm just one component
These words of love shoot from my soul
Penetrates..fills all hatreds holes
Power in my rhymes Shaman twisting time
Read you by sign put you in these lines
I can see all the mental smoke
Instigator here to stab and poke
Give my all till I'm broke
All my passion hits in one big stroke
My vibe comes alive in every word it survives
If we elevate each other we all will thrive
You there asleep come alive
Far too long we have all been denied
Vibrate till I turn to dust
Never taste the center eat my crust
In rhymes I full I bust
Flow so fluid I'll never rust
Now I can be flashy..tell a tale
Not a one hundred percent sometimes I fail
Pierce my heart with a rusty nail
Darkness takes over but love prevails
Imagination stretch..memorize every turn  
Set fire to your mind feel the burn
Knowledge from pain is how we learn
Balance will reward you with what you earn
Wisdom doesn't flow from all that speak
Truths are hidden which is why we seek
We all must climb to reach your peak
Creates who we are..Exquisite...Unique!!
M.A.N 3-18-15 I performed this in a slam competition on 3-14-15 in Visalia Cali..♏️
Poetry by MAN Mar 2015
Let me Love You Unique
From soles of your feet
Kiss you so deep
Juices so sweet
I can be true
Show you the new
Much we can do
Just me and you
Majestic you are
Burn like a star
Close when I'm far
On my skin like a scar
Lay by my side
Slip then I glide
Collisions inside
Create our own ride
We can be freaks
Be what you seek
Equation complete
When I Love You Unique...
M.A.N 3-11-15 I wrote this awhile back I did an edit on it today here's latest version..♏️
Poetry by MAN Mar 2015
Shake The Foundation* bring it to the ground
When it falls it won't make a sound
Mind blown open share third eye site
Words filled with wisdom spiritual dynamite
What does it take for people to learn?
Wallow in pain in jobs we earn
Truth is always clear as can be
Does it take a Zombie Apocalypse to save humanity?
Walking Dead at heaven’s gate
Slowly transform into what we hate
People want someone to tell them what to do
Take a chew
Minds not open only speaking what's spoken
Patterns get set..hmm they need to be broken
Text me all day conversation is never clear
I prefer to hear a voice in my ear
Relationships robotic bodies become toxic
Medication for profit who created this logic?
Revolution's rebel creates the next level
Wear a halo of an Angel with horns of a Devil
From ******* beginnings..born from sinning
Acquired spells to assimilate failure into winning
Illuminating eyes behind every one is a prize
Mind butterflies carried on the winds of wise
No energy does it take to spread the hate
When focused and applied can devastate
Watch me shake the foundation bring it to the ground
Drop bombs of love...Vibrate souls with my sound..
M.A.N 3-6-15 Some slam poetry competition material..♏️
Poetry by MAN Mar 2015
Scar Me* go ahead make me feel
Deep don't worry I will heal
Left behind something that's real
Holding back makes me ill
From many moments I came to be
Rich I've grown spiritually
Acquired an ability
To ride waves of reality
We are all runners in the human race
Everyone running at their own pace
Stumble fall scratch up your face
Creates a flavor you can taste
Tattoo art constellation of scars
Becomes bodies shining stars
Footprints left of what we are
From ****** skin my scars come far
Amazing the way we heal
Feeble is the attempt that doesn't ****
Scratch-sniff-crusty scab you peel
Heart ate out like a happy meal
Touch me claw make your attempt
Hello! I'm the "Scar Me" president
On my body live without rent
Unique like art the pain we spent...
M.A.N 3-4-15 Yes go ahead make your attempt I am the Scar Me president..^_*
Poetry by MAN Feb 2015
Yes I am familiar with the Nothing
It's the emptiness I fill with words
Paint a picture in minds put time in lines care into every curve
I'm also familiar with the All..
How the greatest of expectations fall..when it is love we call
Hearts broken down like cars that stall-MOVE YOUR PATHETIC *** OVER TO THE SIDE OF THE ROAD!-looking for it all..
M.A.N 2-13-15
Poetry by MAN Feb 2015
I'm a Pattern Breaker
Pass the soul shaker
Rather be a maker
Then meet the undertaker
Study if you want to
Patterns we all go through
Taught false is true
Truth is in what we do
We all have answers
Still we get cancers
Create ribbons and banners
Get upset lose our manners
Soldiers take tours die in religious wars
Truth main battle fought behind closed doors
Toxic hatred spreading mental spores
Pollution melting ice raising ocean shores
Continue the pattern to **** is to win
Method is this madness our greatest sin
Each loss there's a cost animosity begins
An explosion of souls losing their skin
Governments construction to help us function
Built in corruption seeds of self destruction
Laws punish choices creating junctions
Living Hells..Prison cells youth feel the suction
Hmm now what's a Pattern breaker?
Funky new thought creator
Already know the later
Break the pattern of the hater..♏
M.A.N 1-30-15 I initially posted this on Friday but website was acting buggy I did a few edits I've got a few political pieces I'm working on..♏
Poetry by MAN Jan 2015
In my thoughts everyday
Heart meant to beat not to sway
Emotions come will they stay?
Box them up put them away
I'm a M.A.N who needs no introduction
Closer I get..Feel the suction
Lips drip lust taste seduction
Discover your bodies every function
So sly is I behind devilish eyes
Tell me everything you want to try
Wings spread wide but yet to fly
Edge you till you say "OH MY!"
A sensuous kiss cannot be dismissed
Brings about bliss fulfills every wish
Waves of passion ride bodies ocean
Drunk from love off magic potion
Slam connect repeat the motion
Friction builds...Mutual explosion
Relax all tension with a rub
Flower bathe you in the tub
****** toys..Willing Sub
Scorpio Freaky rub a dub dub
G that's the spot..Connect hit the dot
Slam it..tease I wont stop
Slick..So wet..Bubbling hot
Coming together shot for shot
In our stare we feel the hook
A work out sure to leave you shook
Gave..give..take..we took  
A page of pleasure in my book
Read me study every chapter
Witness my eve share my rapture
In between what doesn't matter
Comes the moments we choose to capture..
M.A.N 1-22-15
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