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Dear Baby Of Mine,

I swear to God I would have loved you.

held you
fed you
cared for you

Why did you decide to take away
the sleepless nights
and cries.
Why did you take away
the wasted money
and baby wipes.
Why did you take away
the nagging voice,
and stripes
drawn across the wall.

I would have been angry when you did that.
But I would still love you!

You didn't come to life.
Yet I held you at night,
in love
You didn't come to life.

You died.
A small human.
You died.
barely old enough to hear.
You died.
With in me.
And nothing
could stop you.

Oh Baby Of Mine!

Where Are You
Where Are You
where are you
where are you

Oh Baby Of Mine
I swear to God I would have loved you.
Inspired by a dear aunt of mine who recently had a miscarriage.
To anyone who has experienced it, you're strong, I respect you.
Music sleeps.....
In my un strummed chords
I wait for the touch of skillful hands
To turn it into flowing melody
A lotus dreaming to see the sun!

How long can I remain silent?
Oh touch me, shake me
Wake me from my slumber
Make me into a throbbing rhapsody

Set free this prisoner
To birth soothing chimes
Note after note in tiny wavelets
Let my vibrations carve circles
Growing bigger and bigger
Oh, give me the timbre and tone
Let me sing once more!

Let the music drizzle down
In healing murmurs
Lifting troubled spirits into calm repose
Leading them to a quiet fold
Free of all fever and fret
Let my soft rhymes
Fill the empty cisterns of the night,
Wooing the hearts
Weaving mystical spells

Let it rise and sink
And finally fade into a soft breath
A hushed whisper
A faint vibration
Over a gliding stream!
On the canvas of the Sky,
As high as can see the eye,
Two figures hung : a cowbell
And a sailing boat as well.
On the canvas of the Sky,
As far as would reach the eye,
Bell on bell, boat on boat, high
They linger for a moment
Then they all wave good-bye

Like a choir of echoes.

(C) LazharBouazzi, June 20, 2017
As we hop over the boggy river
We leap like gazelles,
Trying not to get wet
But someone always falls in,
Our muddy hands and knees
Would remind us of our success,
Wet feet not so much.

We would throw rocks
Attempting to skim them on the surface,
Remembering the disappointment
Of only hopping two or three times,
But carrying on for hours until
You finally got that golden throw
That raises trophies.

Sap and moss would cling
To your soft skin,
Making it rough like the bark
That you had been climbing,
But our innocence was as pure
As the nature I grew to love
And continue to love.
 Jun 2017 Laura Slaathaug
I think about him often
and on Father's Day, I dwell...
upon the things he gave to me
and taught me oh, so well.

I go back to those early years
when on my father's knee...
he'd give to me a special hug
and then he'd say to me:

" is what you make.
Don't look for special breaks.
Keep your chin up
when the world seems doomed,
for goodness sakes.

Always keep love in your heart.
on that you'll always count.
And when you do...well..
there's no obstacle you can't surmount.

You can be, all that you want
for you have that kind of power.
You're not as fragile, as it seems
though, I see you as a flower.

Do not be afraid to love
freely, with all your heart
I will protect you always
but you must also...
those times when we're apart

That day will come along
when my body falls apart.
And then, I must be moving on
but I'll remain forever...
within your heart!"

He left me in 2013
to go and be with God.
I knew he would someday
of course…
yet still, I find it odd...

that I can still recall his voice
from all those years ago.
And I'd just like to say that...
I listened, and I love him so!
Happy Father's Day!
 Jun 2017 Laura Slaathaug
The thought of letting go
Is a new life as the words
leave my lips
Excited as the atlas on my wall
paints seven continents under my eyelids
It leaves  4,416 cities left to explore
And the rest of my life
to do so
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