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Lorraine Colon Aug 2024
Our winter sun has set ---
The days grow shorter now;
The love that we share brings not one regret,
And so I make this vow:

I shall remember you
When through that dark abyss
I journey alone, as we all must do,
When doomed by Death's vile kiss

And when you've reached Death's shore,
Marooned by Life's fierce tide,
I'll search for you, and mournfully implore
Quick passage to your side

My cries will resonate
Throughout Eternity,
And if there be a Divine Magistrate,
I'll beg on bended knee

And as I seek your hand
In realms extraordinaire,
What joy will be mine in that foreign land
To find you waiting there

Death's mandates may be stern
But Love need not obey,
For Love defies Death, showing no concern
For Life's sad yesterday

And we'll not flinch at chance,
Nor will despair dictate;
In this realm of eternal circumstance
Love has no fear of Fate

And how we shall rejoice
When our souls reunite
To bear witness to and vow with one voice
The Love that Death could not smite!
Lorraine Colon Jul 2024
Somehow you wandered into my world ---
I don't know how you found your way!
The path was unmarked and overgrown,
No welcome signs were on display

I kept my door locked, and curtains drawn,
No light streamed from the window pane;
And yet, you dared to knock at my door
And enter my dreary domain

But now that you're here I realize
How wretched loneliness can be;
And I give thanks to the Star of Love
That guided your footsteps to me

Ponderous stones of distrust and fear
Weighed on my heart many a day;
Somehow you trampled those stones to dust,
And Love gently blew them away

Winds of despair extinguished Love's fire,
But somehow you relit the flame;
Now I find myself reaching for dreams
I never thought I could reclaim

Yes, dark clouds still gather overhead ---
Life must pander to misery;
But since you wandered into my world . . .
Somehow, it doesn't matter to me
Lorraine Colon Jun 2024
When Life's darkest clouds gather over me,
I seek shelter from impending storms;
Curtains are drawn closed, all the doors secured ---
And soon Life's grotesque profile transforms

Darkness spreads its arms like a faithful friend,
Offering comfort and asylum here;
(I'd rather not see what lurks in the light --
What we can't see we tend not to fear)

In my solitude, peace and harmony
Join to banish thoughts of bitterness;
Soon yesterday's pains fade and slip away ---
Precious gift of sweet Forgetfulness!

And should the anguish prove unbearable
My beleaguered soul succumbs to prayer;
Please, don't pity me . . . I've been here before . . .
Misery always seeks its darkest lair

But I find that Time, with its healing hands
Soothes and calms the tempests of the mind,
And from my shelter I emerge, renewed,
Leaving Life's most loathsome hours behind
Lorraine Colon Jun 2024
Soon I'll set sail for an unknown shore,
So I've rigged the mast as best I could,
My destination's a mystery . . .
And I fear -- maybe more than I should

If turbulent waves capsize my boat
That would be the least of my fears,
For I've survived the vagaries of Love --
More than once I've drowned in my own tears

At times I've tripped on Love's tangled vines,  
So I'm not concerned I might fall;
Life's storms battered me relentlessly,
But I stood fast and weathered them all

Death may inflict nights as black as coal,
Freezing winds that could turn flames to ice;
But Life's fickle ways have tempered me
For just such reckless rolls of the dice

But who's to say what perils may lurk
In the darkness of Death's corridor;
Will peace prevail, or some unknown dread
When my eyes close and I breathe no more?

Knowing I must break my bond with Earth,
Just the notion shakes me to the core . . .
Taken from this world against my will,
Exiled from my home  . . . forevermore!
Lorraine Colon May 2024
Nighttime grants imagination its wings
To soar far above the day's common things,
And as my lids gently veil weary eyes,
A voice in my head whispers lovely lies:

"Come, dear, make haste! This day's in retreat,
The hour of enchantment now lies at your feet;
Let your dreams run wild -- command what you will,
Sing passion's song!  .  .  .  though Love's own voice be still"

Whispered desires summon gentle hands
To caress and embrace, as love demands;
A warm breath turns into a searing kiss --
A seductive touch,  a moment of bliss

Each fantasy I conceive becomes real,
(These are the moments that Fate cannot steal;
Though flaunting its might, it has not the power
To slay these thoughts or vandalize this hour)

And so with golden threads of make-believe,
Romantic overtures are mine to weave;
Such love is mine till night opens the door
To the sun's first rays . . . . .  then love is no more
Lorraine Colon May 2024
Few are the times Love knocked at my door,
     but they've all escaped my memory;
No enchanting poems stirred in my core --
No grand tributes to Love's mystery

But when despair extinguishes hope's flame,
     what salient words drip from my pen;
It's then that my heart, wounded and lame,
     unveils its poetic acumen

Is this why misery commands free rein ---
     just to appease Fate's poetic lust?
The tyranny of anguish and pain
     gives hesitant verse that final ******

Try to visualize agony pent
     in the depths of a desolate heart;
Now sketch the face of that vile torment . . .
Soon the pain becomes a work of art

Too often deceitful hearts will lure
     trusting hearts, blinding them with false love;
Great is the anguish they must endure . . .
     but it's the poems that I'm thinking of!

Passion-filled verses mix and combine
     like the paints in a grand masterpiece
     when the shattered heart tries to confine
     rage and bitterness seeking release
And yet, Love that survives Fate's brutal shove ---
The fortress that refuses to fall ---
Those words that proclaim undying love
     become the grandest poems of all!
Lorraine Colon Apr 2024
As twilight's deep shadows were falling,
A spirit voice whispered in my ear
A message that I found most enthralling,
Which I'll now repeat for all to hear:

"Love is a treasure we must cherish
Above all else, lest it soon be lost
Among baubles and gemstones most garish,
And fool's gold that was not worth the cost

Unlike diamonds, Love does not glisten,
Yet what radiance beams from tear-filled eyes
As desolate hearts eagerly listen
To Love's gentle whisperings and sighs

Love is a divine commodity ---
Inexplicable is its power,
As baffling as an ancient mystery,
Bringing joy to each waking hour

Cling tightly to this treasure called Love ---
Unequaled is the bliss that it brings,
For its value is rated well above
All the gaudy wealth of queens and kings

If bejeweled fingers fill your glove,
Cast aside these trifling, worthless themes;
Set your sights on the riches forged from Love . . .
You'll know wealth beyond your wildest dreams"
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