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  Apr 2014 Lord Reyna
Haley Rezac
Lover I am yours and you are mine
and I will love you 'til the end of time
but I can no longer deny (I can't deny)
I'm diseased, I was conceived
under the blood of night.

This balcony is cold so can we please go inside?
Love, I'm not a fan of this game of seek and hide
I see you in the shadows hunting for a soul to sell
but Lover, are you not aware that we're already in Hell?

I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm screaming out your name
I warned you that this balcony was only cold and grey
It's got secrets I wish I could scream etched beneath its skin
it was the final surface of a jumper, crazed as hell by all his sins.

Lover I am yours and you are mine
and I will love you 'til the end of time
but I'm afraid my time is all used up
so with that, my love, I wish you the best of luck.
  Apr 2014 Lord Reyna
MaryJane Doe
I ****
And blow
Real slow
Nothing though
And you know
As you smile for awhile
Void of denial
I'm lit enough
For the both of us
As you offer a match
Lord Reyna Apr 2014
There that lives, is a land,
so vast, so big, so wonderfully grand.
Cloaked in fantasy,
in a blaze of illusion,
only minds with eyes may see this fusion.

All that may come to be,
starts with a gland of artistry.
There it dwells,
deep inside,
awaiting to inspire the awakening
of the third eye.

Harbored within,
are worlds with no ends,
and all around matter fails to exist.

Wide minded,
visions of potential beauty,
drain from my lungs
and spew into my eternity.
I am nothing more than
a spec of informational energy.

As my essence retreats
from my body,
I am embraced with the
warmth love of infinity.
Pleasant and soft,
I snuggle up,
just a bit,
enjoying thee evermore bliss,
or whats left of it...

As I come down
from my cloud,
I slip, and loose grip.

Dimensions are fading,
communications are disconnecting,
my ears ring and
sound returns to me,
all that's left of this trip is
water filled eye's and
a better understanding of what
LOVE really is...

Why can't the world be like this???
my experience with dmt
Lord Reyna Apr 2014
Is it possible to day dream
Every moment?
Can it be that my life is
With wrong purpose, with
Wrong care...
How do I live with pure

May I say, just today
I looked up to search if you
Were there...
Then, my heart sank,
Only clear skies filled the

My eye's scan the room,
Far and wide,
Just the thought of you gives
Me butterflies inside...

Flying around, dizzy from your
I stumble upon a look from you,
Striking back at me,
It gave me quiet an alarm...

Back in my chair, slumped I
Go... smiling alone, how
Did you know???

I hope I caught your eye,
If you haven't noticed sweetie,
you caught mine...

— The End —