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7.1k · Mar 2012
Single Mamma Swag...
Tilly Mar 2012
Deadbeat dad,
you can't compete with the patter of tiny feet.

Shall I strive to be Mum & Dad in spite of thee.

You had your chance and made your choice
(..."and missed so much" in the saddest voice).

So distant, both in words and deeds,
both empty since you sowed the seed.

He was made with love, only mine.
So listen now...
We'll be just fine!
Tilly Sep 2013
Angel torches
filter sunlight 
across a vast   
         of sea foam                    
 topaz  touches         
                          through the              
             deepest dark      
                  blues - no body            
             can exist within            
      jewelled sapidity.    

Not an 'I' in sight :)
Gauntlet challenge completed, Mr Lipstadt ...
Tilly Nov 2013
coloured flames and fireflies dance mischievously around our heads

to the tiny trumpetsong of bees Joyous songs of love lulling all in revery yet silent to

mere mortals as We only hear the hush of whispered sighs stood beneath the dappled canopy of  

ancient fair oak spread As sweet twilight greets us again swathing our Ianthe in milky moonlight

as she rests upon a dew jewelled knoll still dreaming of fae Unaware of the cold (or the warmth

you hold in your heart for her) She smiles as you cover her shoulders with a elven~made

blanket of gossamer wisp whilst estivating toads blink wide in the coolness of hidden
mossy beds                         Gently,
sweep the                 droplet
                         of Au            from her eye, Deva,
  as we cough etheric      dust from our lungs,
sparkles    floating
in the paper-
            lantern light              
scattering across
the midnight sky,
illuminating fates,
as those fire-flies hearts
twinkle like falling stars unseen
When the veil thins, and jack o'lanterns protect,listen
to the wise ones with Samhain blessings.
Happy Autumn x
3.7k · Aug 2012
What's your Superpower?
Tilly Aug 2012
Holding a torch to single motherhood with one hand
~ I push the pram of invisibility with the other!

Perhaps I should get a curve hugging costume,
a (wipe-clean) comic strip silhouette of a kickass mother.

**"I'll be doing it all because I can!"
Just some fun ... x
Tilly Oct 2012
Saddle up

It's time
to hit the trail,

as quietly & gently
I spank the pony-


it's how
I love you, baby..

You'll see me riding like the wind,

spurred on by our time & trials ~ that no-one got to win.

We were always mining Fools Gold & giggle indulging every sin!

stayed empty
the music's...

long since died.

Your sweet songs done,
gone & left me


tumbleweed rolls by

we prospected forever
in this inky ol' ghost town
marking spots with X's before
a WANTED sign was found

One Moonshine
ain't big en'f 'f both of us
to get our quills thirst drowned



"Look West,
and to the horizon,

see the stage at the edge of town?"

My last performance, PRIVATE, snigger to all the wide-eyed boys around
Ace-high, on a barebacked filly, play gallerying all my skills
I'll slap my thigh
Yee-haw !
riding for them there hills

~Saddled up in the softest leather

Chin up!Deep Breath!Chest out!

& brimming,

encased in
perfume scented lace

~Bat my eyelids for the masses~

I'll find another place.

then you can  

cut a swell down Main Street,

(remember the brothels to your right)

keep your low slung loaded though, for it's no place to start a fight

cos just outside that swing (ing) door,

the coffin maker winks at such a cheerful sight,

stood grimacing in his top hat,
grasping 13 nails

I'm sure
you'll measure up

blowing rubied kisses

I bid
mine own
true-love's heart

*HiHO Silver,
"Bartender...  line me up that **one last shot**, of golden oh-be-joyful...
it's as hot as a ***** house on nickel night in here!"
Tilly Dec 2012
●^●                                                              ­                                                          
Mistle­toe with berries red, chestnuts roasting, kids in bed.                    
        Glass of eggnog,cheeky kiss, how I live for times like this!                          
     Wrapping done, and stockings filled, brandy warmed                        
and champagne chilled. Baking done, put up our                
feet, and sip the drips from lips so sweet x       
Turkey thawed, ready to roast. Cards      
all sent by last nights post. Treats
left out for old St Nick,
but maybe add a carrot,
quick! Snowman built,
and robins fed. So now
hush my love, it's time
for bed. Midnight
bells, and wicked
grin, as one last
glass of port and gin.
   Maybe, dear, before they rise
        you could unwrap just one surprise?
                       If you can't find it 'neath the tree, then maybe,
                                  baby, your gift's ME! So Merry Christmas, all
                                                 my friends, as with a bang
                                                   this poem now
To Mr D.Embers, for the mantlepiece of you & yours ***

Merry Christmas, dear friend :)
may all your wishes come true x

I thought your poem would look good this way,
I hope you like it ..
2.5k · Dec 2012
Suffragettes, of now (10w)
Tilly Dec 2012
Stand up.
look us in the eye;
Equal us,
Tilly Jun 2012

Many doleful,

fluttering, sips; Living.

together in moonbeams.


Aha ...
another poem cinquaining about the Moon
but this one doesn't star love
~ only life ~

There is one species of moth that survives only on cow (bovine) tears.
Tilly Apr 2022
From cherry blossom pink to vivid greens,
a season turns;  This, is not the first          
confetti covered path
we've trodden

With all our senses [not just the five] look towards those brighter,
clear blue skies, my love.
Watch & wait.
When all other words fall short...
There is always poetry x
Tilly Nov 2012


little doors

of pure temptation

she'll hide sweet treats, of

fascinations. hooked by stockings

  on needle bare trees, she's an angel on top

who knows how to please... twenty five smiles

rapt in love, with
sparkles for free!
Inspired by, and for,
the many miserable men
I've seen out Xmas shopping!
Tilly Dec 2012
Don't ever teach her...
the games of flesh; Sweeter,

She learnt ~
you'll be played with, cracked up, eaten, BURNT!
Old Chestnuts = same Old stories
Old story that has been told repeatedly before,
a 'venerable' joke.
Hence, the same story, in extended use, anything trite,
stale, or too oft' repeated.
Tilly Dec 2012
By paper-lantern light

flames colour a snow crystals dance, beautifully enchanting, to

the distant sound of singing; Joyous songs of celebration, lulling all in revelry. Each note heard

in silent reverence, beneath the skeletal canopy of majestic oak spread. Where from amongst the

damp branches, wise old saucer eyes calls "Ubi? Ubi?", heralding a cacophony of wide-eyed whispers

This afternoon, sweet twilight guides our paths as we search on ever onward journeys unknown; Our

arms collecting firewood, to fill the empty hearths of others. Unaware of the cold hands, we are, when

there's such warmth in our hearts. We toil within the stillness, snow falling softly, and covering the
crisp ground. From deep beneath the dazzling pure white, tiny hibernating animists
blink wide from the                               warmth of hidden
woodland beds.                        Gently,         
   sweep the                   12 droplets
                             of ice from                 all our eyes, Sol,                   
                             as we cough        darkness                                
                     from our      lungs,                       
                       watching the sparkles     of no                                              
                      matter,  floating                  
in the  paper-
            lantern light            
       to scatter across    
this   Solstice   sky,
illuminating our fates,
as cold  snowflake hearts
twinkle like falling stars, unseen,
turning, embracing the return of the Light
Tilly Feb 2019
So many                      

       which bleed           unpausing;

  Pronouns punctuated;
    P a u s e, 
I love a zero pronoun ;)
Tilly Sep 2012
                 Carving me
          new     heart . Mine,
           that   won't be  
         & bleeding              knowing
you. Fragility,       reworked     into  a               pyroxene  dragon
       of ancient. Gemstone             of hard, changes
                to beauty over                       time.
Watching the Singapore Grand Prix, to inspire the theme! ;)
Tilly Dec 2012

●^●                                                             ­         
  *Wishes waiting for fulfilment                  
of commercial, Family, or      
Shining Light. May it 
    bring Joy, Comfort,
    & Peace to each,
  You & Yours  
this night.
 by the warmth   
  of "Love to all"
          beneath a mistletoe
                              moon, sharing
                                                  a candlemas 

­                                                          x
Day 23,
of the Advent
for Yule-Tired Man
Tilly Apr 2014
March hares light Her way through putti dawn*
~fecundity spreading beneath bare feet~
  as grey paschal masses embrace
Eostre, Anglo-Saxon goddess of Spring (Bede)
Tilly Apr 2013
THE SIGN* arrived, with masking tape,
stuck upon the door.
                                    TRASH BAG WARNING
it yelled
(with smiley face)
                                  ~I cannot see the floor!~

A sigh was heard
- by all the house -
the sign read ALOUD, once more.

                                                soon followed it, as my Batgirl
                                                >slammed< her door!

And maybe,
there was a curse or two;
Beneath her breath   repeated.
life went on,
with nothing wrong &
the pile of stuff depleted!

it took the loudest hour,
'til Batgirl opened her door.
Trash bag tied   with masking tape
& 'the amended sign' re-applied

                                             Holy tidy rooms,
                                             Batgirls' done it!                          
                                             DONE & DUSTED

                ­  Whilst         the P.S. made us both smile...                                                         ­        
                         ­             (Obviously not literally dusted, Mum, 
                                        but even you, The Joker, can get the gist!)"

*For-given the prior scene of teenage devastation... Batgirls' reply had been superhero swift!
True Story...

QUESTION: What to do with One teenage daughter + too much stuff & too much revision
< No time to tidy! =  :'( when we can't find anything?
SOLUTION: Give 24hrs warning of Mum donning full chemical suit & going in to tidy.
(Rule being that anything on the floor goes in the bag)

Remember to add some humour :D

Batgirl also added an illustration, of a duster over a vat of ACID with a cheeky explanation...

"Can our caped crusaders, defeat the devilish deeds of Mummy Linda, and escape in this episode:"

Um, no, sweet child of mine... Mummy has a duster and she knows how to use it... Mwahahahaha x
1.9k · Sep 2012
Inside Dormancy...(poem art)
Tilly Sep 2012
Salt   water
mixed   with fire
from my core   ,this molten
center; Where   viscosity erupts into
the cavernous third   chamber, sufussive.
Hands. Feel across the   valleyed surface, touching
the unhealed; A perfectly   clean circle sitting upon solar plexus;
Cupid’s sharpest hit. Unseen.    The fissure runs deep into a chamber
nestling betwixt red pulsing atrium.    Only I sense the tremors here.No beats sing
out in this vast ethereal emptiness. Silent.        Vaulted edifices shining bright with colourful
minerals. Molten. Lovers leaving stains upon          the walls, as pure deposits cool. Crystallizing
in the aftermath of each eruption, my volcanic            heartrock shines like a diamond in the rough.
Inspired by BBC2 Volcano Live ~  þríhnúkagígur, Iceland ~
Tilly Nov 2013
Curtains up

  you're the King
   of the whole
    **** stage  


  just another

acting out
for those
cheap seats
you survey

Where else

get to see
such a
-free play?"


"Best you
throw some sweets.

Indulge them

I'd say!
...I'd say!"

The Evil Queen 
a knife glints in her hand


Behind You?
(or... does she need a real man?)


    you see...

& she knows
where to find you..

(evil laughter)


just as well
you're in costume  remember
your lines

"Don't props (& illusions) make a jolly good night!"

and baby, *WOW!

you look
Oh! Soooo cute
in those tights!

                                  *and with a sweep of the stage, the smirking Queen exits >               right

This stage
is all yours now

So Buttons...    take a bow
(us Brits love an underdog in a fight)

... Make your bow deep
~with a flourish of resplendence~
that captures their hearts

try more than That wiggle
-and a lot more-
than one dance!

                       To do it well...                                                          ­              
get a catchphrase

(which we'll ALL lurvey darlink from the start)

Believe me,
is good


the one
    you've used in  
   rehearsals with the
- all dragged up-
       V      U
          E            G
               L       L      
                                                 Y              (like their mother)

 ­                                   cough                       ­ 
                                **** it..
                               Everyone chokes
                               on the dry ice that swirls!

                     The audience ponders....

WHO's the boys ?

THAT's... a... girl ?!  

            they'll see      
    Cinders singing
of loves' sweet melody,
  those s l o w shoe shuffles    
        softly sliding across their        
                                 ­                        a
                                                               ­ p
                                                              ­                             door hearts  
Laughing & crying along through
each emotion of the tattered  
sweet princess, who     
         simply hasn't had        
                     a Prince in her...                
  Act II ends

a Flash!
a Bang!

They all lived  
ever after...
Cinders' happy?

Enjoying the merry-men-t of Pant-Oh!
Pantomine...Traditionally performed from Christmas ' til mid January, with family audiences.

A popular form of British theatre, incorporating song, dance, buffoonery, slapstick, cross-dressing, in-jokes, topical references, audience participation, and mild ****** innuendo.

           HIS crown &    
            shashy's away    
             with a

(written, as part of the Yule-tired man series in December 2012)
Tilly Jun 2012

Pandas   s   t   r   e   t   c   h   to eat it all

(not just shoots and leaves)
An ailuropoda melanoleuca  or  B & W melancholic haiku in B & W
1.8k · May 2014
lucid (10w)
Tilly May 2014
upon growing

Tilly Apr 2013
Little feet
on mounds of earth
Lots of stamping
childrens' mirth
Jumping mole hills
wellies high

How fast these precious times go by

Little voice from mum (disguised)
wonderment shines in widening eyes
believing the poor jangled mole had said

**"Stop Stamping On My Head!"
True story.
What is it about kids, and molehills?? lol.
Aged 16 & almost 2,
they are the best mole deterrents I know of !
Tilly May 2012
With toes in yellow,
I dance across the carpet,
'til they close at dusk.
Haha... now you weren't expecting that today, were you?

I can see the buttercup meadow from my window and wanted to share the smile it gives me.
(just in case you need it)
Tilly Dec 2012
Heralding new, in skeletal chariot;
she chases fodder across Solstice night.
Bright ribbons, on garlands made of *******.
Beiwe feasts.
For Karl Johan, with a pat :)
My neighbour, mad Swedish friend, and awesome story teller.
I found him, putting butter around my front door, so Beiwe can eat it on her way onwards...hence the title!

The Saami, indigenous people of Finland, Sweden, and Norway worship Beiwe, the sun-goddess of fertility...
& sanity.
Tilly Jan 2014
Bravery ne'er dwells within a clever mind;
Unable to match the faster propelled.

[When faith fails]  one outcome's
already known.

Wishing you all adventures in 2014 :)
</3 times keep me away... x
Tilly Dec 2013
By paper-lantern light

flames colour a snow crystals dance, beautifully enchanting, to

the distant sound of singing; Joyous songs of celebration, lulling all in revelry. Each note heard

in silent reverence, beneath the skeletal canopy of majestic oak spread. Where from amongst the

damp branches,wise old saucer eyes calls "Ubi? Ubi?", heralding a cacophony of wide-eyed

whispers. This afternoon, sweet twilight guides our paths as we search on ever onward journeys

unknown; Our arms collecting firewood, to fill the empty hearths of others. Unaware of the cold

hands, we are, when there's such warmth in our hearts. We toil within the stillness,  

snow falling softly,and covering the crisp ground.         From deep beneath
         the dazzling pure white,                                     tiny hibernating animists   

blink wide from the                            warmth of hidden

 woodland beds.                        Gently,         
   sweep the                   12 droplets
                             of ice from                 all our eyes, Sol,                   
                             as we cough        darkness                                
                     from our      lungs,                       
                       watching the sparkles     of no                                              
                      matter,  floating                  
in the  paper-
            lantern light            
       to scatter across    
this   Solstice   sky,
illuminating our fates,
as cold  snowflake hearts
twinkle like falling stars, unseen,
turning, embracing the return of the Light
a seasonal  repost....
no snow in the UK yet, but hoping for a ***** frost on the Solstice :)

Peace & Love this Yuletide
and to all,
returning light...
L  ***
Tilly Nov 2012

I know you, like no other;
"Does it hurt... the truth?"
Searching lips, forge answers;*
Tasting, solidifying, our known proof.
Tilly Apr 2013
Oats, stay dry for fecunditys harvest, as Eostres' hares
bring pittu; Falling earthbound, in abundance.
Spring madness dawns;
Love, persists. 

Once willowed, under Winter skies, shed all
we've done before.

Bringing warmth (sown a lifetime ago) to embrace
this thaw.

Watching our steps, across moss green floors; We dance
lingering in the sweetest meadows.Together,  
under budding branches;
It's time...

Blossom, reflected upon dappled millpond;
- Dark glassed surface, gently rippling with undertone -
Can you hear the water paddles roar?

Will Springs' spirit guide you; With carnal lust abound,
trusting Her to save your oats from being;
Taken...turned out...

with spare oats, heap
to powdered dust; Sifted, then refined...
Molded something beautiful, wholesome, yet devine!
I hope to catch up with... reading, very soon
Looks like I've missed much!
W x
1.6k · Jun 2012
Tangled (Sensual)
Tilly Jun 2012
Curious lovers venture within, to the very darkest strands of the spiders ties.
Willingly they are seduced there; wrapped, by the temptations of Bliss.
Gossamer perfections of silk enchant them to search deeply inside.
Beholden eyes lustily devouring Her bejewelled fragile abyss.
Revelling in such perfect beauty, they sigh.
Weaving amongst silken pleasures, tender touches spin their sense modality.
Held in perfect lofty abandonment, they sway entwined, with lips open in whispers calling.
Cocooned unison becomes entangled as the softest breeze sends them falling;
  Earthbound, ignoring the deadly poison of their reality.
Dedicated to all things woven
A rework of my first poem on HP. Tangled.
Tilly Dec 2012

                                    bangs of pop
              pop poppin', corn snacks
            made for tiny stockings
      Tree are decked
  (with needles
dropping) as
snow outside
shows no signs
of stopping Tasty
moustaches from hot  
choccy mugs, smiles warm          
   Home, all snug. My Christmas                           
                             always filled with                                                                                       
  ­                  love                                                             ­                                        
      X                                                                         ­              
actually it's raining... we're just wishing for snow!
1.5k · May 2021
Heartbreak's like... (10w)
Tilly May 2021
walking through, the burning embers of fires you started;
1.5k · Sep 2013
Tilly Sep 2013
of   this,
full to burst

~ until known (and shared)~
is felt;

                     ­            without.
(one stroke)

Armin van Buuren - this is what it feels like
Tilly Nov 2012

of unique
in effulgence
  piezos &  
    stales of a
To my guiding light... x
Tilly May 2013

                                                     copse & bluebell          
                                                 bower, hot scents of        
                                        wild garlic give way to a
                                             mist of forget me nots. Let      
                                              those sweet fragrances mix,      
                                       as cooled air glistens on soft
                                       green; Breathe deep, the
                                               earth, as it's wiped           
                                                        ­        from your                           
                                                    back        ­            
                                                          ­    ghosts                                    
                           for release
"Do you feel it?"
where the bud grows free*~
listening to guillemots, made up love song #43
Tilly Oct 2012
you left
Inventing reasons?
Chalk marking every crime?
Double checking messages

1 to 99

Did you miss the signals?
Have you missed the signs?
Tackling the scenarios

1 to 99

arrives the answer

(they had a wooden leg)


a bullet
to your head.

The answer was there all along.

"You were happily mislead."

~ You know, you never really listened to all the words that went ... unsaid ~

You left your chest wide open, so they tore that heart to shreds

& that's how all those loving beats
finished so ******* up
sooo misread
                                                      ­                    ....^
                                       ­                                                         ..... ^... 99

                                                             ­                    let
                                                             ­            all
                                                             ­    those
   ­                      slowly
in your
               ­          & get dreary
each teary


that caterpillar
"1 to 99"
the silence
will start to sooth you
as cocoons spin all around
  ~ you've become a beautiful changeling  ~
& yourself is surely found...
Spread out those brightly coloured wings
Such beauty is bound to sing
in loving all you're
sure to find
better things

"Good Luck
is all
I'm Wishing"

~ whispers the one, with pretty wings~

Just to make a friend laugh today...
He loves stand up, although he's only short & the old ones (jokes) are the best!
What noise does a caterpillar with a wooden leg make?
Tilly Aug 2013
Metanoia begs the muse   believe...              
"Accept the current, do not fight the flow."      

True, and known,
these aching limbs must
rest within the deepest ebb
- as the ocean swells
with each new

Drifting far
when floating; Sinking
deeply into crystal nothingness
- unless held by a sturdy rock,
tethered taut.
Promises sung, in rounds, stay...
Swirled upon a blushed summers breeze; Heard,
liberated, in flight's of birdsong
across sunset skies.
       Connected distant energies may still   
but for always, will burn brightly in each
& every shining light seen by
her sextant soul

on the

"Surrender the past  & tomorrow  comes... 
never unbound."
~ ♥ ~
From me to all that is now, known, & yet to Be...

Metanoia (n);
the journey of changing ones mind, heart, self, or way of life
Tilly May 2012
Playtime confetti;
Blossom floats on warm spring breeze,
a little girls dream.
Memories of collecting 'confetti' with my friends for imaginary weddings to some quite horrified boys in the playground at school.

I smile ...
We were 5
Didn't we all do that once?

And yes, Paul, I'm crying!
Tilly Nov 2012
"           "
              * Squizzel
                wa       s       my
                    first      word,    
                                                            sat upon my mothers                                        knee.

          ­                                                 Two little maple syrup eyes                   blinked, smiled,
                                                            look­ed up at me from under a         wild mop of Autumn 
                                             coloured hair; A tiny little hand      curling around                                                  my finger.  Such love. I feel.
     **She'll be sipping 
                                          a Gingerbread Latte along-side me today,
                                               when, just two, walk through the park      
                  feeding squirrels,
(That's 4015 nights, of watching starlit dancing)

The title - were my mums words to me
(& my words to my little ginger toddler)

Her soundtrack, for my life...
Fairground Attraction, Whispers.
Tilly Nov 2012
Nothing in life's e'er guaranteed
Borne of ink, on thin paper reeds,
Spades may shatter Diamond skies; So
in red or black, no tell, we'll show
Playing hard, as this life proceeds.

Marked cards, Bad & Good, defined; Deeds
shuffled, we love, we fight, we bleed.
"Roll the die" Jokers laugh, "Let's owe
nothing to Life!"

Dealing dirt hands, with want, not needs
Flushed; Their greediness supersedes
So let's choose our cards, best we know,
stay true in Hearts; Letting go,
where false relativity breeds
nothing in life
A follow on, to my dearly departed Saloon girl.
Hold'em Tight & Keep 'em Close
(the original title)
changed for something that rhymed with rondeau!
Tilly Dec 2012
as New Year arrives, darling,
                                                                ­                                    consider where your lips are.
You've got to love those old family favourite games of Christmas's past...
1.3k · Feb 2013
Unhook Yourself (4:20)
Tilly Feb 2013
Why? In Oceans' seven ~
with companies of angel fish aplenty; Do we swim,
to kiss the soup of shark...
"Collective nouns... are delicious, but sometimes deadly," said the shivering pescetarian.
Tilly Jun 2012
But no
merchant of the seas is he,
plundering wide & wandering free.
harboured portside sweetly he's *******
with fingers so deft, a bountiful plucking
pink diamond hearts locked in heaving chests;
emeralds and sapphires
~to all~ he attests!
wrecking the ships, he doesn't keep,
taking their precious
secrets deep.
Don't worry, I already walked the plank...


Tilly Jun 2013

. even' .
closer    let me
   feel you,      whole,
  as      our darkness
brims full     again
with pearlised
. light .

Super Moon June 23rd
Conversely the tiniest thing I've ever written, so, a big noise to go with the Silence fits too

as healing energies abound,
our change is constant
1.2k · Jun 2013
... a shovel, please (Adult)
Tilly Jun 2013

layers of        
of timely geology

carve me well...  


such cannons

   an age of  

- floored-

            mouths of    




Tilly Jun 2013

let us walk thro'
salve & orange diamonds,
to the place where sea meets sky.
             wild fires will surround us both, in             
          1000 jars of sighs.   Do we dare set            
compass, to where others fear to
tread & find our sacred centre
in the gold orb o'erhead*  
Happy Solstice,
may it be your longest day,
of Peace & Love x

... feel the Elements connecting distance, with light <3
Tilly Apr 2013

smooth skeletal
hands turned
long before
our lips dried

Tilly Aug 2012
I lift my chin,
jugular exposed.
There'll be no fear,
this storm becomes me.
Facing ****** memories,
your essence beads upon dead skin
& cobwebs tangle inside a broken soul;
Seeping out from buried deep within, you return,
with neediness that hunts my flesh & steals nights away.
Our dramas of yesteryears playing out to a shadowed audience.
As howls resound under a blue moon; Let the bite be quick, my death
... River, a little darkness for you ***
There are 2 full moons this month, one is blue (just saying!)
Tilly Dec 2012
One berry                                    
alone  ­                    
          ­                                   a
                            ­                    wilting
 ­                                                 of
             ­                               just
       ­                 g      

                             hold one            
                         shining berry,
                            (yes, dear)            
                          ­            do
                   ­                       with

                                                       One berry                                  
                         ­                                         hangs                   ­                     
                                           ­                         where all
                                                                ­        other orbs
                                                            ­                     f e l l,  
                                                                ­       squashed      
                                                  ­  between amused
   /    \  

                                         berry hangs                                                                        ­                                                      on  ever green
:) Day 22, The Advent of Yule-Tired Man
A holiday kiss, from an old fashioned girl.

inspired by an Old Custom...
For each kiss beneath the mistletoe,
you should discard one of the berries.

Sweet, eh x
Tilly Jan 2013
Punctuated sighs, where paused commas seek sweet breath, to rest.
1.2k · Oct 2012
Soaked (Tanka)
Tilly Oct 2012
Your gaze sparkles with
an intention, mirroring
such a strength of hold;
Embracing my surrender  
underneath the waterfall
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