I am here
I was there
when you died
a handful of yards
from where I stood
on the most perfect of days
I now stand
on a seaside boardwalk
reciting your names
reading thumbnail bios
you liked the sun,
sea, surf and shore
you deeply loved
your family and
carried this place
within you as a
sacred sanctuary
But for that awful day
I would not know you
The day that bowed
Trinity’s holy spires
the clattering commotion
the destructive noise
tumbling, collapsing, splintering
our civic civility
consuming you
dashing many
seashore dreams
Yet your love
was not consumed
in the flames of acrimony
Your names
forged in bronze
etched on boards
written in sand
in wounded hearts
of those you loved
and blithely spoken
by a lifting chorus
of ever present waves
Righteous Brothers,
Ebb Tide
(double click image to read the names)
Holy Saturday 2017
municipal memorial for 9/11 victims