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He's thinking about other women
You're not the ocean he's swimming
But you're brimming
With perfection for me
I want to move like the tides
For you in the pitch black
Just stay on your back
And let the insecurities wash ashore
Let peace as I touch be your main focus
It's never been about my desires
But oh lord how do you sleep at night letting yourself be deprived of such a great feeling?
You'd give me that tight
Instense feeling
And I want to release it
On you and nobody else
He's browsing through the app to see what he can find
I just want to be the person who can get behind
You and make you feel at home
I want to dream and live it
Not just dream
We're apart of the same team
So let me give you effort to win a dynasty
Your highnessty
I only take a swing
At the ball that's worth hitting
I'm not going to go for each one, who am I kidding?
It's like a phychlogical bidding
It may not work out in the end
It may not suffice at all
Hence why I stay reticent and stall
But I push myself a little more now
I get castigated for taking a shot
It gets lonely at the top
So what if I flop
I have a million dollar shine
No more staring at the vines
Just pure courage
It may not happen
But I don't care
I could end up winning for life
By taking that chance
I want my words to make her dance
And to see verification in my stance
We have a sense of belonging
I am always longing
For much more beyond the human comprehension
Something always grabs my attention
Dispersing me from what's important
But I'm a loose ***** on the course of what is important and isn't
Even the words on the paper don't always convince me
Sometimes I get a square one hunch
And just want to feed myself a lunch
That will nurture me in a way that will benefit me.
I searched
the deepest depths
of the vastest oceans,
I searched way up high,
past the clouds,
in the bluest of blue skies,

I searched
deep in the hearts
of nature's greenest forests...
It turns out,
that I was carrying it within me
all along - only now, do I realise.

By Lady R.F ©2016
Such a lovely surprise to receive the daily
for my first poem upon returning to HP.
Two dailys in total in my time here...I'm blown away! Thank you all soooooo much!
Such an honor and a privilege

I'm so glad to be back home, here at HP!
I missed this site and everyone soooo much!
I'm sorry I left unexpectedly,
I really missed you guys!
Rosalie ***
 Jul 2016 Lily
Loves tapestry unites us in
Interconnectedness and
Interdependence of souls
 Jul 2016 Lily
 Jul 2016 Lily
When we really care about someone
Their mistakes can never change our
Feelings because it is the mind that gets
Angry but the heart still loves and cares
Our dignity may be cruelly mocked but
It can never be taken away without permission
We can't change what has gone only what is now
Stand beautiful strong and forever proud
That's when we are at our most inspiring
 Jul 2016 Lily
There is infatuation and reality
Infatuation is knowing he loves you more than anything
Maybe baseball or his mom but you, you know his love is strong
Infatuation is a short lived love that exists while they are still perfect to you, that exists while you think that he has no flaws
And you love the little ones that you see
Infatuation is flying, soaring through clouds, feeling them brush the back of your hands, kissing your body with empathy
And then there is reality
Reality is realizing that he is like the rest
Never holding him to a standard to be different
Because he is only a boy
And boys will do what boys will do
They will look and flirt and crave and push
He is only a boy
You have to realize that he is not perfect
He has more flaws than the pimple on his chin or his crazy ex-girlfriend
Think about him
Realize that reality is knowing who he is
Not who you want him to be
Your mind is creative with love and this will be hard for you
But realize, please realize, that he is not different
He is only a boy
But that does not mean he cannot love you
He can love you with everything he has
Love you with all of his whiskey breath and cologne sprayed for any pretty girl that is drawn to it from across the party
He can love you like plants love fresh air
His love can grow, spread like roots digging themselves deeper
Reaching for a place to call home
He may love you, but love is not perfect
Love has its faults and failures
It is sometimes messy and will leave empty promises in the palms of your hands, do not hold on to them
You will want to grip them tight, squeeze until the broken pieces mend back together crooked
Reality is realizing you cannot fly unless you are in an airplane
There is no such thing as superman
This is reality
This is not your fantasy
And I know that is hard to hear
But know that even though love is strong, lust will sometimes win
It is not an even playing field
It never was
 Jul 2016 Lily
JK Cabresos
is when you find somebody
who is absolutely perfect.
Infatuation says,
"I love you because I need you."

is when you realize
that they aren't
and it doesn’t matter.
Love says,
"I need you because I love you."
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