I'll try walking tonight
In the forest
Without A flashlight
Without any fire
Let the soft moonlight,
The sound of the wind,
The wave of the trees
Be My guide
Let me hear the hoot
Of the owls
The dance of cicadas
See the fireflies
In all its purity
That I may find
Another way
Of being
In the darkness
My body devoured
Without the glory
It had in daylight
The skills useful
During the day
Found useless
Taking the risk
Of a lifetime
To feel a truth
A truth to be
Found only
In the night
I want to be
Found by God
Like a child
Outside the house
For the first time
I shall be
A philosopher who
Rejects reason
But loves unknowing
I shall be the poet
Who revels
In the dark of metaphor
Without interpretation
Or like a saint
Without trust
In the senses
There is a chance
I may get lost
In the forest
Or meet
A fatal injury
Like those who live
In the slopes of volcanoes
I will take the chance
For the sake
Of understanding
For the sake
Of my...