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1.4k · Jan 2015
Leo Pais Jan 2015
summer day
It was just a summer day I remember,
I never had meet you but we talked,
I never seen you but I knew who you were
Seemed to be all a dream
But I can't seem to forget it
We walked
We talked
we even smiled at each other.
But it never ended my way,
It always ended with you choosing him anyways.
I tried,
but I failed,
even if today you long for me
I'm past your long,
because it was always my fail.
1.0k · Jan 2015
Leo Pais Jan 2015
Its not over,
It really only just started
I was weak before
This time I'm stronger

Don't under estimate
what you never understood
But you can say I'm crazy
but you opened up my eyes

It took me time
to see through your eyes
only because my love made me weak
but now I see your love

Fallow me I'll be your guide
trust in me
and I'll never leave you behind
Even if you made me loose my mind
697 · Jan 2015
Shoes to fill
Leo Pais Jan 2015
Haunted by a shadow
pressure that fills your body
Scared of Failure
Hunger for success

Long days with short nights
fear of the imperfection
Clustered in the gaps
of the arranged plans

What if they don't fit?
Will they accept me?
They're to big
I'm to small
Just want to be me.
625 · Jan 2015
Leo Pais Jan 2015
There are son many things I offer
Why can't  you see that?
Now you say I'm selfcentered?
I never crossed my mind it was always you
You hate what I've become
Just had to do something for me
Now you choose black instead of white?
Just everything with white seems to slow me down
Don't you steal my heart!
Trust me, wouldn't even try, full of mines of lies surrounding it.
You say I never loved you?
When I have you my heart, was that not love?
Just don't want to loose you.
Its been lost for a while now
573 · Jan 2015
Leo Pais Jan 2015
Young girl, brown eyes
***** blond hair,
A smile that lights up my eyes
Seems to be shy and grey
I Only see beauty
When she acts like a beast
She is such a cutie
***** she thinks i have cuddies
But the only thing i have
Is a gente heart and it longs for you
543 · Jan 2015
elements of life
Leo Pais Jan 2015
Thump thump foot steps roar
Thump thump till it hits sold core

Wush wush sings the wind
Wush wush goes my hym

Drip drip dances the rain
Drip drip abel blood in hands of Cain

Zzz zzz I sing today
Zzz zzz just wishing and dreaming of another day
420 · Jan 2015
last goodbye
Leo Pais Jan 2015
When you said your last goodbye
Now who will take my side?
You took my soul and swept  it clean
I never thought you would be so mean
When you said your last goodbye

All I needed you took
You just lifted the rod and left the hook
Took my heart and left the pain
Only left cloudy days of rain
When you saidyour last goodbye

I crave your return
Only scared of what you torn
Forget the mess and come fly
Your the only preditor of my eagle eye
When you said your last goodbye
356 · Jan 2015
Leo Pais Jan 2015
Pains ment to be felt
Grasped and taken a hold of
It you don't,
It just grows until its unbarable
354 · Jan 2015
Loved me?
Leo Pais Jan 2015
You are all that I needed
When I was damaged
you fixed me

When its was my turn
Why did you leave me?
You took my Body
My soul and left me
338 · Jan 2015
everything is posible
Leo Pais Jan 2015
Who am I?
No one, but yourself knows.
Sometimes we loose the thought of who we are.
That doesn't mean we are lost completly
Sometimes it just gets cloudy
Like if no one understands or sees you as you
Well this makes you fell ashamed, fake.
Gives you a felling of utter hopelessness
That sinks, and burns.
The only way to know who you really are is by being yourself
Sometimes you might get put down, but not always.
Look in the bright side there are so many people someone is bound to be for you
323 · Jan 2015
Leo Pais Jan 2015
What does forgive mean?
well in my definition of forgive,
It isn't to stop blaming someone
, its to be able to live knowing
someone did something to you
even if it means blocking it out.
In my case it isn't like that,
The more I block someone,
the more shame I bring to myself.
Not only for acepting,
but for letting someone go of a judgmental thought or action
It just all seems to incriminate myself.
321 · Jan 2015
Leo Pais Jan 2015
Why do we hide crying?
Are we ashamed of our sentimental value?
Tears are ment to run down our cheeks
Fill our eyes, and relieve us from the strain
No one can be strong without ever being weak.
310 · Jan 2015
Leo Pais Jan 2015
Why do they mean so much?
One simple no,yes,hate or even love
Can turn an awful day into a great memory.
Words have their sick and strange way to make the world spin around, what would we do without them?
We wouldn't be able to feel.
Words are simplely our way to show or speak what we have been thinking or thought
305 · Jan 2015
Leo Pais Jan 2015
Where there is hope there is life
Never loose that light
Even if its fading
Take hold of it and let it carey you
305 · Jan 2015
Leo Pais Jan 2015
Slow and cold
dark and gloomy
Days become nights
water becomes ice

worn and torn
cuts like a knife
never touching skin
but burns to the bone

shivers down your spine
blinded by water
and loneliness
the thought of you only breaks loose
304 · Jan 2015
Leo Pais Jan 2015
You said I did what?
Trust me when I say I didn't tap that
She told you ?
Well babe she is taking you for a fool.
Why would you ever do that?
Why would I change you for someone flat?
You were the best thing I had.
You make me feel like im so bad
Roumer has it,
You been around ****
***** for me
Just gonna have to refil the new clip
293 · Jan 2015
Leo Pais Jan 2015
Why do we paint the world with colors?
If we are only living in black and white?
278 · Jan 2015
Leo Pais Jan 2015
Never seem to say no
Maybe its a bad thing
Do you care to know?
If I wanted my belongings

I still remember your retreit
I still haven't even slept in weeks
I rather stay and admit defeat
Even if I haven't slept in weeks

You broke my heart with each word
You used to say
That we would Travel the world
Im left alone every step of the way

Hoping to see your return
Just not my style to cry
But seeing you only burn
Haunting me to that lie
Where you left me broken
And left me to die
273 · Jan 2015
Leo Pais Jan 2015
He was a nice guy
He saw and gave what he could
He lived for the service
Even if there was nothing in return

She was a stranger
hazel eyes and brown hair
Only knew one thing
To give love even if she was scared

He craved for someone just like him
To love and care without return
To love and protect him,
and what's left of his heart

She only wanted someone to honor her
where she could love and protect
to rob him of his sadness
Even if she was in the abyss of darkness

One day in the pub drinking his sorrows
sits by him an innocent girl made of glass
whom he could see even her deepest value
And that moment he knew

Lost in nightmare, she stumbles in a pub
lost in thought, sits by a stranger
Something felt off about everything,
For the first time she felt safe, protected.

Moments later, they look eyes.
They both felt their sorrows, and warmth

The man thought, only those eyes make me happy
The women closed her eyes and smiled
The man said my buy a drink?
The girl, women, stranger just nodded

Lost In thought I found love she said
the man responds the most beautiful surprise
comes always when you least  expect it
256 · Jan 2015
Leo Pais Jan 2015
The distance between you and I
Forms a great gap,
We really can't see it or touch it
but it's there.
It feeds from us, nurturing off our agony
Day by day getting bigger, and deeper,
till one day, when there is so much agony,
that we become numb of life, and welcome death,
but just before we give in to all the darkness, comes a ray
a ray of pure goodness, a ray of courage to keep holding.
just a little push to climb that gap or even take away the distance.

— The End —