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Jane of the Jungle (she’s all good)
charmed our world as Darwin’s daughter.
Anglican primates notwithstood,
her leaky theories held some water.

Streams of ngombe, sacred cows
were celebrated. What were these
to which the simian cosmos bows?
Irrelevant hypotheses.

Selecting great apes (naturally)
Miss Misanthrope researched, with love;
her theories, stated factually,
were hailed as truth from God above.

Hoping for reason, shadowing Man
the graybeards came for tempting fruit
unaware of their part in the plan:
to be used, like tools (but more hirsute).

Termites on a slender stalk
delighted hungry primate souls.
Her ripe bananas were the talk
of primatological controls.

peeling off; mzungu starkness
starred the Tanzanian night.
Chimping out, she lit the darkness
claiming scientific right.

Sweating out the Tarzan fever,
naming names while hugging apes
let us, laughing, love and leave her
to her anthropoid escapes.
NaPoWriMo #8

King Kong was to film
as bananas are to fruit:
not yet deemed racist.
 Apr 2017 Lawrence Hall
Of course we always do learn,
while attending any schools.
That should then have us concern,
how we must comprehend rules!

Do you know what “you’re” means?
It is both “you are” combined!
Those two words'd make teams:
can't you keep them in mind?!

Teachers'd teach us for sure,
having us properly study a lot.
When I see “your” for “you’re”,
my mind steams up, pretty hot!

Gosh, it's really, being so weird:
lots of folks just don't understand.
People'd need their heads cleared,
considering grammar's command!

Sheesh, guys, please of now upon you: how we need APOSTROPHES with "re"!
This poem is about my annoyance at how some folks can't understand "you're" and is in ABAB form (except for that sad, necessary last stanza/rule).
It has 100 words, as my other works do too.
A futile pen, mortally wounded
By the razor hands of a leering clock
Lies bleeding;
Staining irrevcocably
The snow-white side-ruled shroud
That once was hunger's meal;
Casting low, long shadows
Over unborn, nonexistent lines.
                     << >>
This is the copyrighted title for the book I will eventually publish - if I have to handwrite it myself.  But this piece may not be in it. Not real satisfied with it.
☭ ♡ ☭ ♡ ☭

You posed yourselves (in radical English)
with fellow-travelers on the barricades.
recalling bygone barrio fusillades
though you speak only red diaper Spanish…
Beholding the party cooperative
where ****** tourists are shown Cuban truth,
you cherished the lies of your leftist youth,
half-informed, predictably progressive.
Stuffed full of radicalized rice and beans,
flatulent, dreaming of ignoble Che
you charmed the sultry proletarian queens.
In your new Guayabera, bonafide,
you hailed the revolutionary day;
pale thorn in the suffering People’s side…
Sandalistas really exist !

NaPoWriMo #4
The unstated part of the One-Party State:
non-compliant masses to liquidate.
Religions and tribes unwelcome to stay,
undesirable dissidents in the way;
when humans are resources—nothing more
selective reduction must even the score.
It’s a soft dictatorship: One-Party Lite
while global nimrods suppress the right
to our freedom of thought, word, deed, and speech;
our freedom to overthrow and impeach.
Stay late as you please. The party goes on
in the United Nations of Babylon.
NaPoWriMo #3

Globalist technoids:
data-drive yourselves to death.
Alex Jones still king.
Lucifer, **** of our pornified planet,
gun-running seraph, whose reign is unraveling
tries yet again to consolidate, babbling.
Heaven will **** it.

Paradigms shifting, his queendom implodes.
His cave-dwelling subjects discover true sight—
then they storm the projection-room: new light.
Dawn, delayed, forebodes.

No more denial, no more to defend
dictatorial oversight, global sedation.
The pharmacological indoctrination
has now reached its end.
NaPoWriMo #2

Take the easy way:
call it poetry. End it
like a samurai

Ἀπόλλων μουσηγέτης

Ye NaPoWriMoids, hear my prayer
let's mix our metaphors and dare
as fragrant smoke ascends the sky,
offend some readers by and by.

Apollo—grant me rocket fuel
to launch into your stratosphere.
Athena—by your wisdom, rule
and whisper in my waiting ear.

Receive this bright poetic spark
And let the Nine, as one, inspire
transform this puddle, stagnant, dark,
from sludge to pure Promethean fire.

Thou Father of Olympus, bless
our paltry April offering:
a dubious cybernetic mess
composed of poets' suffering.

I'll sing of waters fair (and foul),
uncork my potions for your ears
while Dionysus' Maenads howl
banishing winter's remnant fears.

A radiant poetic flush
beams forth from every laureled face.
The springs of Babel: let them gush
and bathe our souls in lyric grace.

A product line in low demand,
the blogosphere: our public forum;
quorum one man short of ******
where verses vie with vague decorum.

Consult your muse—then let it flow;
a rain of primaveral dreams
whose rivulets descend below
and swell the tributary streams

to flooding verses, transcendental
irrigating, bringing life
(though some are merely excremental.
Foaming sewage...  ask my wife).
I am participating in National Poetry Writing Month 2017.
(with apologies to Elizabeth Barret Browning)

­Book Soldier
Con Artist
         ­                               Evil
Jumped Up
Nit Picky
Peck Sniff
                                        Self Important
                                   ­     Vile
       ­                                 Zealot
Obviously I have encountered someone who has wronged me egregiously and created the need for this tsumani of hatred to spew from my mind to this page and enable me to function as a caring, loving person again.
I also see the site won't let me list the words in a straight row.  Don't know why some are popped out of line when I hit the save button.  DANG!  Maybe the muse of poetry is trying to tell me something.
⚓    ⚓    ⚓

Name that metaphor (half-assed boating)

Polish the brass on your life preserver

Wring out some meaning for dockside observer

Moorings are tenuous; life is floating.
inspired by National Poetry Writing Month 2017

a.k.a: NaPoWriMo
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