In the cold, dark of January, I remembered you the most. As the chill snapped bones like branches, as the afternoons bathed themselves in gray, as the birds and the backs shook, so did my lips around your name. I'm so happy January is almost over now.
For we did sometime wake In the half lit day Half dressed, Half a-smile, half asleep Deep in languor where we lay With wooly eyelids To be kissed gently. So helping ourselves to each other Until we both were empty. And the light halved in soft refrain; Became a painting desiring a worthy frame.
I would let my demons consume me If it meant that you would be better. I would let you eat my heart If it took away your loneliness. And I would set myself on fire every single day If it meant that I could hold you o n e. l a s t. t i m e.
Why am I always the one to apologise? Even though you hurt me first... Said you'd be there, Then chuck me aside. So when is it I retaliate, Push you away so I won't get hurt, Do you say I'm the one who's hurting you, But not acknowledge what you did first?