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 Feb 2016 N Paul
Star Gazer
Two hearts formed in stone,
Sorry that I couldn't split them apart,
Never roamed alone,
The love these hearts shown,
Is what kept two hearts becoming a heart.

Two paths branch out in a lively crowded park,
In hopes that I could travel both, I could not,
one path encased in nothing but dark,
the other path padded in soft bark,
And I chose the path where things went to rot.

These two paths shown me life changing affirmations,
In a way they showed me the world,
The paths showed me that everything is built on foundations,
A common bond that can't branch off without relations,
It showed me how two hearts remain strong despite things hurled.
 Feb 2016 N Paul
Seth Milliman
Chocolate surprise,
Hidden in your eyes.
Wouldn't dare dream of taking that away,
What dream is this?
Sparkly sweetness of tomorrow,
Maybe sorrow.
Can't one stay?
To have fun and play,
Is it just a dream?
I don't know,
Only that of tomorrow.
This life is crazy,
But I'm not gonna laze back.
Gotta find my way through the haziness,
Of what I lack.
So be a part of or don't,
You choose your end.
Am I worth the recognition?
Or a forgotten friend?
 Feb 2016 N Paul
John michalski
Sometimes I feel the gentle
caress of your weeping palms sweep over my skin,
Where romance dances so spontaneously within her touch.
If love was the foam floating in
calm oceans,
I'd ride the majestic waves to her beating heart.
I would endlessly drift among her soul watching her shapeless thoughts smile,
As I wave goodbye.
A million passing years inside,
I would love her always and a day.
I have loved many,
But there is always one that is never forgotten.
I struggle to remain entwined with her crisp fingers,
Where the splinters still sting.
Imperfection is but a delicate flower,
Woe is me.
Silence is but the loudest scream never heard,
And the moon had shined like it has never before.
This eternal serene travels through the sound of her voice,
That imprints on angels.
I must devout my love,
Forever true.
Within her existence I find peace,
Where I am never alone.
 Feb 2016 N Paul
Cecil Miller
Look at me with wide open eyes.
Know that I am not as I appear.
I never did mind the darkness,
Even though it frightens me so.

Sometimes, I fool even myself
Into thinking that I search for answers.           
The truth is something more
Than I ever will display.


And I awaken.

I speak for him,
I speak though him.

It does not matter the reason.

Never, never will I leave.

There was a crystal chalice
From which I used to drink.
There was a set of pricipals
On which I used to think.

And once the door is opened
The words begin to flow.
I am his brother, partner, lover.

I am the summate of his fears.

I am the solvant of his tears.

Sometimes all you have is yourself.

Sometimes all he has is me.

I make the decisions,
And take the actions
That are too difficult for him.

There are times I haved saved his life,
But I should never be mistaken for what I am not.

My venom is toxic.
The following previously untitled bit is just a little homage to my dark half...hope you like it.
(writen feb 12fth, 2012)
 Feb 2016 N Paul
Star Gazer
 Feb 2016 N Paul
Star Gazer
Where the corpses lay,
No signs of life, just death,
Stealing a life, biggest theft,
Bodies and limbs in vast array,
Drawing on their last breath.

Where the lead had been cast,
Nothing but rotting flesh,
Some of it quite fresh,
Now their life; a thing of the past,
Where blood and bullets mesh.

War is a tragic hell,
Death, decay and injuries everywhere,
And for some all that is left is hair,
But who can really tell?
For war is not fought with care.
 Jan 2016 N Paul
Little Bear
I lay in my bed and for the first time this week,
I have not woken to the alarm.
It's Monday and it's my day off.
And the house is quiet.
And a little thought comes to me and says
"hey, you know nobody's home right?"

Now, there is nothing that will get me out of bed quicker
than knowing nobody's home.
And with a big smile and a medium sized skip,
I go to the kitchen,
sleep disheveled and mostly naked.
I put on the kettle and let Ellie out for a ***.
And I make coffee and I run a bath and I feed the pets.
All while I am mostly naked,
Ha! nobody's home.

And I have a bath,
with the door wide open
and I sing and play with the bubbles,
blowing  them on the floor,
no body's home...
Such luxury.

You see,
my house is usually full of teenagers,
it's full of noise and cooking and computer games
and woofing and laughter
and music and...
boy smells...
So now,
I can make the house smell of my bubble bath
and my perfume
and make it smell clean.
Ahhh...Such decadence!

After my bath I dry myself and dance to music and sing,
I put on only my underwear,
but I don't care,
nobody's home
and this is all too much fun.

because nobody is home,
I turn up the music and dance with the dog,
singing so badly.
She is glad no body is home too.

there is a little space under the table,
just big enough for a hidy hole,
a perfect place to put some warm blankets
and make a me sized snuggery.
And so I do,
laying a blanket over the table and covering my nest,
I am content to just be.
I take some books and a drink and some biscuits...
for later you see...
or if I have visitors,
you must always be polite if you have visitors
and you should offer them biscuits.

But then a little voice reminds me
"you know there is some double chocolate cake in the fridge right?"
so, I take a big slice,
I mean,
it would be rude not to,
and I sit,
in my underwear,
eating cake
in my blanket fort.
No one will know and Elie won't woof me out.
Oh.. such utter indulgence!

And after a while of my misbehaving,
because I know I am,  
I think I might need to try a cigarette.
So I find the secret stash,
which is not so secret any more,
and I lay in my little blanket nook and light up.
After the first two puffs and plenty of coughing...
because I don't actually smoke,
I get the hang of it.

And I lay
quietly contemplating my life
and the world and the universe...
and how there managed to be a sweet
stuck to the underside of the table.

And during my musings it slowly dawns on me
that today is actually Tuesday...
and I am now late for work...
which means that every body is,
in fact
 Jan 2016 N Paul
Little Bear
 Jan 2016 N Paul
Little Bear
My thoughts tick
in a different kind of way.

Slightly twisted,
with a little 'kink'

Wanting what you give,
giving what you want.

My mind and my body is yours,
to do with as you will.

Dominate my sweet love for you
and I will surrender.

Giving myself over to your pleasure.

My obedience is infinite.

Tie me to the bed
with the pink ribbons from my hair.

Make your fingers dance over my skin
feeling, stroking,
penetrating me
over and..

Take what you will.

Hard and with passion.

Fill my mind,
my thoughts,
my body,
with your essence.

Whisper softly in my ear.

'You are MINE!'

There is nothing I want more.

So delicious
So divine.
Edited :o)
 Jan 2016 N Paul
Little Bear
i am much too fluffy
i am completely very smol
my heart is made of stuffin'
but it loves you best of all.
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