who Phyll really is;- Am P.L.O. In initials. common names Phyle.Phylo most used *PHYLL* Male by birth.Last born in a family of three;Hillary,Mitsh & Phyll.
Introvert|Lifelong savvy internet guru|Student|Friend of animals everywhere|Unapologetic travel scholar|avid realist|a nihilist with pen|Astute writer| Freelance Writer|Political Analyst|Humanitarianism Volunteer| ¶I would just record this mind... she …
24/M/South Africa
Writer | This is ancestral, past-life reading; this is meditation & prayer; this is future telling. always becoming. The undying soul in a decaying case. …
Imagination is a gifted curse. It allows me to create an ocean of wonderful thoughts. In which, often occurs a brain-storm and hurricanes of stories. …
Read my poems and you will be educated on the enigma that is I. Teacher, husband, father, cyclist, reader, writer, hiker, unemployed model......(not necessarily in …
All writing material are the intellectual property and copyright of myself, David Ehrgott. contact me for permission to use or print/reprint. Like me on Facebook …
I live in my imagination
Originally from Lake Oswego, Oregon. Studied Journalism at U of O. Moved to L.A. and then worked as a Production Coordinator for remote television/sporting events …