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Keyana Brown Mar 2020
You got me feeling
in a sort of way,
the way you look at me
feels good everyday.

You got me feeling
in a sort of way,
when you smile at me
it shows that I'll be ok.

I don't know what to do,
or know what to say,
it's your precious love
that is getting in the way.

Dear God, please control
my wandering emotions,
his love is like a rollercoaster
moving me in rapid motions.

You are the best thing in my life,
for you love me as you may
because all I know is that,
you got feeling in a sort of way.
Keyana Brown May 2018
As I saw the rain
I said to myself...
No more guilt
No more misery
Or how bad I felt
And no more feeling
Sorry for myself.
It is time to let go.

I stepped outside
and I feel alive
I told myself
I don't want
to hide.

God has showered me
From the goodness of
his grace and I'll never
turn away.

I'm dancing, dancing,
dancing in the rain
and there is nothing
standing in my way
People might say
I have gone insane
But it doesn't matter
Because my blessing
Is on its way.

I will give it my all
just like David,
As he dance around
in public bare naked
to declare victory in God
My heart beats rapidly
as I begin to shout:

Because he is a mighty God
As I rain dance against
all the odds.
This is a true story and I never felt free.
Keyana Brown Apr 2018
We have a lot in common
we love to serve God
and we try hard to fight
to fight our sins,
but only this time...
I gave in.

My sin became so strong
that my feelings for you
began to be weak and thin
Don't ask me how,
it just happened!

I honestly don't despise you
if you never wanted to see me again
my future for us has come to an end
because my future for my addiction
had just began.

Please don't take this personal
I still love you so,
but do me a favor for your sake
to just...go.
Instead of looking for the right person for you, the first step is to be the right person.
Keyana Brown Feb 2018
My emotions are attacking again
and this time I won't let them win
It's clear to God that the enemy
is waiting for me to sin.

is the enemy's thrill for desire,
it's the enemy's greatest obsession,
is the music to the enemy's ears,
is what brought up the enemy's gain.

I was ready to fight
but God refused
he grasped my hand so tight
that I couldn't move.

He grabbed my other arm
as he pulled me close to him
he told me to stop, yet
I wanted to hit the enemy
with every whim!

The Lord held me back
like an imate in a straitjacket
forbidding me to attack
or allowing me to get the first hit

He dragged me so far away
that the enemy sighed in a bore,
God whispered to me in my ear
he said: "Ignore!"

I kicked, screamed, plead
away from God to fight the enemy,
but it's no use after many attempts
he still won't let me leave.

he said as I began to cry
in a fearful dread
it's no use, so I gave up
and alow the enemy to
beat me up until I'm dead.

Few minutes later...
the enemy looked at me
very disgusted and confused
he screamed: "Get sad! Be angry!"


The enemy was fuming,
fire bursting out of his nose,
sweating through his forehead,
at this rate he was about to explode!

The enemy's heart gave out
he screamed again:
"Be upset! Do it now!"


His arms are disintegrating
His legs are inflated like a balloon
His mouth were turning to ash
He was doomed.

The enemy retreats
as I called him weak
it was funny to think
that I was like him,
because my silence
was surprisingly meek.

I have now learned
and understand that
it's better to say nothing
or lay a hand
on the enemy.

We should all ignore
for what the enemy
has in store because it
makes all the difference.

Therefore I will no longer
be his slave... no more.
Emotions are dangerous, yet again.
Keyana Brown Dec 2017
Never have I ever heard
anyone say they hated music
I asked her again and she said
'I hate music!'

She hated music
because it reminded her
of her tragic past after
every lyric in her head
it drowned her thoughts
that filled her with dread.

She hated music
because it reminded her
of love because she
feels that her love
isn't good enough...
for anyone.

She hated music
because it reminded her
of unhappiness
when she tried to listen
to an instrumental tune
she would be gloom
as the beat mimics
the sound of her
fathers beating heart
before he passed away
until then she fell apart
and felt her life was
going to be doomed.

She hated music
because it reminded her
of the good old days
where she was young
and nothing was
stepping in her way
although there were
songs that would say
in life things will change
and you don't always
have it your way.

She hated music
because it reminded her
how people created it
and she said that some artists
don't make songs for
great motivation,
but sadly it's more like
great desperation
she said it must be easy
for them to do all of that
just to get famous
although it doesn't do
everybody any good to
improve their daily

She hated music so much
that it made her jump into
conclusion which made her
so ticked as she look back
at it now it got her sick.
she asked me
why do people listen to music
when all we can do is ignore it?

She listens to every genre
of music from
many different artists
and she still isn't
as she clutch
her hand into a fist.

She realized now
that she is free from the lyrics that weighed her down
and the rhythm that drags her back around
she believes that without music she would feel
safe and sound.
Keyana Brown Sep 2017
I am soo afraid
of getting hurt by
the people I trust
which can be the worst.

I am soo afraid
of being lured into the culture
as it eats and strips away every
part of me like a vulture.

I am soo afraid
of being...
and used.

But these fears are not
compared to what I have
in God.

I fear God
because of his power
I fear God
because he's a mighty tower
I fear God
because I give him respect
I fear God
because he saved me
from the depths of
the flesh
I fear God
because I owe him
my love for
he is the best!
In life, we can't be afraid of rough situations that drag us down or be afraid of trusting God. When it comes to fearing God it's time to surrender all our fears unto him and let trust in God begin to grow.
Keyana Brown Jun 2017
God, I rather not sleep tonight
because I'm going out of my mind
I pray that you will let me stay up all night
it may be dark outside, but these feelings...
they crawl inside my thoughts all the time
and the last thing on my mind is...
that these feelings must die.

I want to put in the fire,
it's my only desire!
I want to shove it in the dirt,
it feels so good that it won't even hurt!
I want to rip it apart,
so I can love God with all of my heart!
I want to shoot it with a bullet,
so I can live my life through the fullest!

Through aggression, depression, obsession, and frustration
my mind keeps making the same equation
on how to prevent my feelings that leads me to temptation.
I just keep trying to keep my feelings inside...

*but still I want them to just...die
If your mind is bottled up with emotions its better to pray to God than to spend all night trying fight these emotions alone.
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