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VC Jul 2018
A short poem of things said to me lately:
You look sad and tired
You're too young to not have energy
Why aren't you married?
Do you have kids?
What kind of men do you like? <lists races>
Don't wait for a good person, you'll be waiting forever
You're too pretty to be alone
Aren't you afraid?
You're so brave
Wait for the right one; don't settle
Thank you for your dedication
I hope your life gets better
It takes time
You're doing a great job, Victoria
Hang in there
VC Jul 2018
Managed to **** a Scorpio with authority issues off during Mars retrograde
I am transforming into a boss *** *****
My fuse has been lit
There are mortars going off
It sounds like war all around me
How symbolic
How volatile
I worked a 13 hour day today to escape the battle going on in my head
I celebrate my own independence
I fought for the right to live my truth
I will not act small ever again
I will not dull myself so others may shine
I am a firework
I shoot for the stars
and burst and bloom into color and light
VC Jul 2018
Landed on this lone star

Stranded in limbo among fellow lost souls

The sinners, rejects, and fallen angels

We are all in oblivion together

Here in this holding cell

Waiting for something

Don't know what it is or when

But it'll be better than this

Hoping salvation will come

Making the best out of the worst

We are glitches in time

Ghosts of future, brighter selves

Soon enough this will all be forgotten

We are just visiting
VC Mar 2017
He wanted change

A catalyst

The empress to his emperor

Something to last through all of the seasons,

as reliable as mother nature

And then he met her

Pluto incarnate

The phoenix herself

In one karmic burst of light

she burned his life to ashes

& from this divine alchemy,

they birthed their own universe together
VC May 2016
Love me for my melancholy

just as much as for my mind, my body

Love my reality just as much as the idea of me

Love me for all of the things I hide away

that no one else can see

Love me by just letting me be
VC May 2016


Not given a choice

Sold a lie

****** in

Constant upward climb

Falling back down

No escape; in too deep

Yearning for freedom

To roam, to express, to create

Suppressing what feels natural

Such a pity

when child-like free-bird souls are caged

This is the real depression
VC May 2016
Peel back the layers of my soul

One by one - slowly, tenderly

You will cry

Keep going - I promise it's worth it

The core is the most nourishing part
I was cutting up an onion and thought of this
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