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I just want to

Doll up,
Smell nice,
Dress up,
Look cute,
Heads up,
Sound sweet.

I just want to

Meet up,
Smile wide,
Hook up,
Hug tight,
Break up,
Kiss hard.

I just want to
I once knew a boy, who fell in love with a girl,
Who smiled the thought of her name.
I once knew a girl, who fell in love with a boy,
Who felt the very same.

But it became a struggle, and timing was wrong,
And love decide they didn't belong.
Oh my, what a terrible fate!
To bid goodbye and walk away.

After many years they meet again
He knows their love is worth the climb,
But the poor little girl is afraid of heights,
And leave the boy hanging behind.
 Feb 2015 Kayden T Widmer
He was a forest
and I was the
that enabled him to
He burned
in his path, leaving
untouched by his
I blamed
for all the destruction he
even though he scorched
worse than anything.*

Time is merely a souvenir
of closed caskets and love stories.
The Devil is at work here.*

Working her hands through my head,
Feeding upon my dreams,
Drawing out my nightmares.

An angelic touch
Coupled with the demon's mind;
Your rotten core was my solace.
Your evil gave me comfort.

Even when it ends,
You'd bait me in,
Chew me,
Leave me to rot and die.

The very thoughts that haunt me
Gave me hope, to the times
Before the clipping of your wings.
Before your fall into oblivion.

I'd curse your every being,
But I crave that touch.
No other could manifest
A feeling so warm, so lovely.

I'd stay in your Circle of Hell,
To bathe in your chaos,
To be yours to destroy.

I'd sin for you all over again.
P** owerful
O nslaught of
E motions with a (rhyming)
M eter
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