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 Nov 2015 Kaleidoscope Prhyme
I can be awkward,
shy, introverted,
nervous, and my voice is weird
but my smile is beautiful.

I can be obnoxious,
dramatic, crazy,
needy, confusing,
but aren't my jokes amusing?

Truth is, I'm a hot mess everyday.
I smoke like a chimney
and drink away my kidneys
poor pretty girl with a ugly bladder,

If you don't fall for me,
I hope you at least fall in love with my laughter.
 Nov 2015 Kaleidoscope Prhyme
He loves me more than I care to admit,
He thinks I'm gold,
but sometimes I swear I'm a piece of sh*t.

He compliments, even when I'm undeserving,
he will not let up,
until my mouth begins curving.

He's opened my heart, soul, and mind
to what love once again can be,
he kills my sorrow and this makes me happy.
We all have become so exceptionally good at faking our happiness…We no longer know when we are actually happy or when the smile is only for the world to see and not to be felt.
#fakingit #depression
 Nov 2015 Kaleidoscope Prhyme
Love told me,
"I never did like you"

Embarrassed and heartbroken,

I yelled,
"Well, I'm starting to
hate your *** too!"
maybe love is to watch a thousand winters pass, and still stand by his side because you know he's made of spring
“Introverts, man. We’re weird sometimes. Like, “I love you, but I need to go over here by myself right now.”
I'm such an introvert. #introvert #weird #solitude #bymyself
 Nov 2015 Kaleidoscope Prhyme
body sweeter than chocolate
I grew tired,
but I could not stop it.

body softer than butter
I've had many,
but you're a special kind of lover.

moist and hot
working your way to the middle,
to taste the spot.
 Nov 2015 Kaleidoscope Prhyme
like a dog chasing her tale,
since I've known you,
you've been under my spell.

like a child,
time did tell,
I grew to know you very well.

Then one day,
I grew clumsy and fell into your thrill
and you left me codependent and unable to feel.
...Because paper has more patience than people.
#paper #patience #people
“I wrote my suicide notes days , no weeks, no months, no over a year ago today
But still
I stand here breathing
And there is a ghost standing over me from my past that I can’t seem to shake
So even tonight
I lay in bed
And wonder
Will I never want to take the bottle full of pills”
#suicide #depression #pills
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