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  Feb 2016 Kaela Warner
I find it scary how there is no escape,
There is no escape from ignorance,
There is no escape from arrogance,
There is no escape from being judged,
There is no escape from racism,
There is no escape from sexism,
There is no escape from homophobia,
There is no escape from cruelty,
There is no escape from heartbreaks,
There is no escape from disappointment,
There is no escape from failure,
There is no escape from fear,
There is no escape from hatred,
There is no escape from war,
There is no escape from reality,
              NO ESCAPE FROM LIFE.
  Feb 2016 Kaela Warner

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•let my secrets be buried unknown•
never to resurface, never again shown•one
mistake was all it took...•invested my heart
in an unassumin-                g crook•that was
enough to set m-                   y world on fire•
fuel for wagging to-       ngues' desires•days
only elapsed with l-        eers from disgusted
eyes and whispere-          d mocks•time was
inconsequential o-              n faceless clocks•
a hard lesson lea-                 rnt, painful price
to pay•now i have my secrets heavily pad-
locked... and the key thrown away•

  Feb 2016 Kaela Warner
she lives among the stars
a galaxy in her own being
drawing in each person passing by
making them fall in love,
with her eyes
and the stories they tell
with her body
and the magic it creates
with her soul
and the music it sings.
she is unknown to them all
but they still fall
harder and faster than ever before.
because she is a galaxy in her own being
a beautifully intricate mystery,
that they will never solve.
Kaela Warner Feb 2016
My secret?
I hide in the shadow hidden by the light of my smile.
Its the best sanctuary for no one cand find it. It disappears when light is shined on. Yet it engulfs me when night falls. But darkness hides everything. No one sees the pain, so therefore it dose not exist. Out of sight, out of mind.
My secret?
My sole is being shredded on the inside. Knives scratching away at my innards. I hold my shattered peaches together just long enough to drop them in my bed.
My secret?
It's all a lie. Every smile, every laugh, every drop of love is poisoned by a faceless enemy. The agony becoming to much to bear.
My secret?
I was about to destroy it all. And then he saved me.
My secret?
He saved my sole and he dosnt even know. He peaced me back together one stitch at a time. He never turned away or walked out the door. When the night came he became the light. Shinning every corner of every second. Leaving no place for the night to invade.
My secret?
I love him. And alway will.
Kaela Warner Feb 2016
Dear love,
Bear with me. My soul has been to hell and back. My brain is clouded by the sting of the pain. I want to love and feel. But all that I am is hate. My soul is broken but I attempt to light a candle and build a sun anyways. Yet the chill of the wind whisks it away. I can not tell you what's worse, I am either drowning in the ocean or starving in the desert. There is no in between. I am fighting a loosing battle and can not see the end of the tunnel.
Dear love, bear with me.
Kaela Warner Feb 2016
I fall into him
Letting it all go
Escaping the world into his arms
Listening to the beat of his heart
in rhythm with mine
Intoxicated by his sent
I don't want this moment to end
Letting it all go
Our soles intertwine together
As we become part of the stars
I fall into him
Letting it all go
  Dec 2015 Kaela Warner
together, we have the fury to set this world on fire.
but alone, you have the passion to rearrange the stars,
make the sun freeze,
and fill the moon with life.

i can create tornado’s and wind storms,
small glimpses of silver breath whistling through
the wheat fields, over the tops of trees.

i could never match your ability
to make the sunset paint all of the sky instead of just one half of it.
the universe turns it’s head whenever you work your magic.
in the thick of things, i am a grenade exploding
but you are the big bang that started it all.
more line break...this was a paragraph. sorry if it looks a little awkward :/
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