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Kaela Warner Dec 2015
worthless and weak
I strive for perfection, pulling it off flawlessly.
Yet there's always something missing.
The glass can never be full.
They see the light I give them
never revealing the shadow behind
Once the the last star is stolen
The darkness swallows me whole
and now lies the proof
help once more I wispier
I look back, seeing nothing
I become an abyss
Falling down waiting for the crash
When he takes my hand
Weak and worthless
He gives me light to treasure and hold
a peace of him to long and behold
to stitch back together a broken little girl
Restoring the stars in her eyes
I dance away smiling
Strong and beautiful
  Dec 2015 Kaela Warner
Joe Adomavicia
I have spent my days
gazing into the clouds
hoping they take form of your face—
And even with an imaginative mind
I still have not found what I am looking for.

I have spent my nights
gazing into a vast sea of stars
wishing upon those bright as Sirius
to guide me in your direction—
But still my will is lost among the galaxies.

I have spent my days
venturing the streets I was raised upon
and have expanded onto others—
Yet, have found my eyes are set—
meant for you,
and when all I see is the smile of all the other roses
Echoed are my thoughts,
a wayward symphony composes.

I have spent my nights
sitting at my desk under lampshade
waiting as if inspiration will course through my fingertips—
yet, I am only left to find myself
writing in the name of the love in which I have dreamt of,
but could never call my own.
Joseph R. Adomavicia
Kaela Warner Dec 2015
Dose he know I'm crash landing?
Dose he know my mind races with thoughts of him?
Dose he know I see the way he looks at me?
Dose he know that I'm not lying?
Dose he know how much I idolize him?
Dose he know I find his eyes to be the most gorgeous in the world?
Dose he know sometimes I count the stars to keep my mind off him?
Dose he know of all the little things I do for him?
Dose he know how much pain I'm in?
Dose he know my favorite place is in his arms?
Dose he know that he's healing all my wounds?
Dose he know I would do anything for him?
Dose he know I love him?
Kaela Warner Dec 2015
I long for his lips on mine
yet when our soles intertwine
I go numb
My heart screams out
yet all that's left is an echo of what once was
a shadow
darkness filled with knives
scraping away form the inside out
Kaela Warner Dec 2015
tired, broken, weak, frustrated, angry, sad, anxiety, self loathing, hopelessness, isolation, guilt, darkness
I am but a shadow
What he sees?
energetic, strong, intelligent, happy, beautiful, helpful, outgoing, curious, adventitious, light
I am of the stars
Kaela Warner Dec 2015
Some scars are hidden some in plain view.
His hands are so beautifully broken and warn
His eyes of a strong bear but as friendly as a dogs
I look at him with such intensity
wondering how and why
He pulls me in as a laugh and peck his cheek
Once parted reality settles back in
I feel myself drowning as the darkness consumes me
He tries to reach out but closing the door seems so much easier
As the sun rises I pounce on him like a kitten playing with a dog
He compliments the light but continues to ignore the shadows
I seek out his daemons determined to conquer them
But behind the lock and key he hides them
Shining the light though the cracks hoping to see just one
as the clock approaches I return to the comforting prison
drowning once again I hide the bleeding scars
His body covered in stories of excitement and adventure
His emotion hidden behind that lock and key
The key I hope to become for only then could he be my moon.
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