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 Apr 2019 Kimya
Debra in Silence
It's all going to be okay
Hold on
Are not alone
 Apr 2019 Kimya
"You should smile more,"
said the man.
"You'd be prettier that way."
 Apr 2019 Kimya
I step up to the edge, the breeze blowing my hair.
I close my eyes and I can see it.
My feet leave the ground as my wings catch the wind.
I’m flying.
But, when I open my eyes, I’m not soaring
and my feet are still on solid ground.
What if I fall?
I can’t risk it, that pain.
I look around and see others fearlessly facing the plunge,
but I remain frozen in place.
All I can think is, “What if I fall? What if I fall?”
It’s then, in the midst of my frantic thoughts,
That I hear a still, small voice say,
“Yes, but what if you fly?”
 Apr 2019 Kimya
Werdkraft Fenrite
A crow pecks
On its reflection
In a metal plate
Thinking that
It is an outsider

A man smiles with
The mirror
Thinking that
The image is himself
 Apr 2019 Kimya
 Apr 2019 Kimya
7 billion people
and I found you
 Apr 2019 Kimya
Werdkraft Fenrite
Why are you
In so disgust

Is it the *****
of the lights
On you

If so,
Go to the village

The lake bund is
Still so beautiful
 Apr 2019 Kimya
Werdkraft Fenrite
Just by drawing
A few pencil-lines
I can fool human eye
To make them see
A water-drop,
The painter boasted

Just by mixing
A few vibrations
I can fool human ear
To make them hear
Beautiful music
The musician gloated

Just by crafting
A few words together
I can fool human mind
To make them feel
Deep meanings,
The poet joined in

You, plagiarisers,
Stole my non-copyrighted
Tricks of illusions,
Reality groaned
With a nod of approval
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